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.. . .. . � � . � . . . . . � . ` . � i�fY�dD <br />' � . . . . r_ � � , . �. <br /> MORTGAGE—Savings and Loan Form—(Dl�ect Credtt Plm) 255�2 (Special) � <br /> �..,._...7� �n�3 N�i{1 MORTGAGE � <br /> ��xo <br /> rTHIS INDENTU2IE,made thl I 4th ,�QY o� J U I y .19 76 by and botweea � � . . . <br /> DOROTHY M. MOMMENS, a single person <br /> 3 � <br /> .�4 �' ��_ Ha I I County,Nebtmka,as c+ortqagor—,aad Homo Federal Savluga and Loan Aeaoclatlon ol Grand I�tand, <br /> l; a oorporatlon organi:ed and e:ietlnq under tbe lawe al Nebweka wit6 Ita prindpal offtco and ptaco ot busincee at Grand id�d,Nebm�ka, <br /> y� � m mortgagee; ; �:' <br /> �; WITNESSETN: That eald mortgagor� !or and In conafderatlon of t6e eum of_ � <br /> : lYJENTY-THREE THOUSAND UNE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ------------------' no��are (S 23�100.00 � <br /> the recoipt ot w6ich le hereby acknowledgad, do eS 6y thone preeon�e mortgaqe aad wmrant unto eaid mortgageo, ite eucceeaon and � � <br /> aselgna, loiover,all the tollowing described zeal eatate, Nluated tn tho county of__ Ha I I _ � � <br /> and Slate o!Nobraelca,tawlc � <br /> ; �LOT NINE (9) IN BLOCK FIFTEEN (15) IN SCHif•1M11ER'S ADD�TION TO TNE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br /> NEBRASKA <br /> ,( � <br /> . -.; <br /> j <br /> f' t� <br /> (S{t t <br /> >I <br /> 7ogether wilh all hoating, llghting, and plambinq equlpment and flxturea,including atokere and bumere.ecreona,awninge,etormwindowe <br /> �: and doors,and window ehadea or bl{nda,ueed on or ln toanection wilh said propacly,whelher tho eame aro now locoted on oaid property � <br /> �� on c�reatter placed thoreon. j . � <br /> t + <br /> Sy$ TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD'IfiE SAbSE,together with all and einqular the tenomen�a,hereditamenta and appurtanances thureunto belong- . � <br /> i >� ing,or in anywiae appertaining,forever,aud warrant tho qtte to thn eame. Said mortgagor—hereby covenan�wilh said mortgaqoe S$ � <br /> S � <br /> � �ha�5�o— �5 at the dolivery hcroot.Ihe lawtul owner—al!he premiaea above mnveyod and dencribed,and I 5 <br /> �� seized of a qood and indefoasiblo eslata ol inharitance therein, ltee and clear ol all encumbrancee,and that 5 bo_wilt w¢rtanf and <br /> ; � defend�ho title them�o lorever agains�tho claima and demanda of all persor.e whomsocvor. <br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thia lnstrument la execuled and dalivered to socum lhe payment of Iho eum o! � <br /> ' TWEhdTY-THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ---------------- 73 100.00 t <br /> t _ nollaro (5 - ' �. £ . <br /> � wiih imereat thereon,logo�her wilh euch charges and advancae as may be duo and payable to said mortgagee undor the torm� and � . ' . . � . <br /> conditions of ihe promiasory note o! even data herewith and aecured herehy,ozeculod by eald mo[tgagor_to said mortgagee,payable <br /> ias ezpmssad in nald noto,and to secure tho pedormanco ol all the torme and conditiona contained �hoiain. The termn of aaid note are � <br /> t hereby incorporatad he�ein by thie ralerenco. , . <br /> I <br /> # It ie tho inten�ion and aqreement of the partie�herero�hat thie mortgage shall alao eocuro any tutuie advancea madu to eaid � � <br /> � mortgagor_by aald mortgaqee, and any and all indobtedneea 1n addittoa to tha amount abovo etatad whlch eaid modgaqo:a, or�p � � � <br /> ot Ihem, may owo to naid mortgagee,howewr ovidencod, whether by nole,boo�accounl or olhe�wise. 7hie morigage ehatt remain In lull <br /> lotto and ellect bnween the partles heroro and thoir heUe, peceonal reprenentauvee, succeeao�e aad annlqns, until all amounln �ecurod <br /> � horeunder.lndudlnq tuhue advmcoe,are paid 1n full with latecesL � <br /> � The mortgagor_heieby aeafga S to eaid motlgageo all teata and Income artelnq at any aad all tiaea [rom�aid propezty aad � � � �� <br /> $ hore6y au�hori:e eaid mor�gagea or f�e agem, at ila optlon, upon dolaulq to take charqo ol aaid property and coltxt all renta and(nrnme i <br /> j�tt thccelrom and apply tho eQme Io t6e payment ol inlorost,principal.lnauiance promtums, la:oe,aeeoeementn, :epaira or improvumente necoa• <br /> �� sary to keap wid propo[ty ln tenantable condltfon,or to other chargoe or paymeat�provided lor harela or!n tho aoto 6oceby eetured. �1'hte <br /> $ xont aesignmeat ehall coatinue!a forca unlil tha unpald balance ot said noto i�fuliy paid. TLo taklnq o!posaeeeioa hecounder�hal!Sn no <br /> ? mannar prevunt or rnlard eaid mortgagee iu the wlloction ot oaid eume by toreclosure or otherwleo. <br /> #' The lailure ol �ha moc�qageo to asse:l my of SU ilqh�s hareundar at any timo ehol!not be conetmod as a waiver o(itn flght to aaxrt � � <br /> i <br /> �� the uome at any la�er time,and to Inaist upoa and enlorco etrtct rnmpHanca with all �he terme aod provieions of said noln and ot thle <br /> mo[tgago. �: <br /> �t) I! eaid mongagar_eholl caune to be pafd to�ald mortgagae tho enN:a amoun�due lt haraundcr,and under tho tormn aad provtaiom� <br /> f ot aald note hereby eecu:od.lndudiaq luture advmcoe,and any eriomioae or renowala thereot 1n accordanee with the terms and pvovleton� - � . <br /> j$� thareol.and ll nald mottqagor_�hall comply wlth all the providone of safd note and ol thle mor�gaqe,then theea preeems a6a11 be void: <br /> i� otherwi�e to remaln la lull torca and elloct,and eald mortgaqeo�hall ba enUtlud to the poeee�elon of all ot eald propo�ty,and may,at Ita � <br /> �� option,dociare tho�vhole ol sald note and all ladebtadaeni repce�eated the:aby lo be(mmedlately due and pnyablo,and may torecloae thL ��.� .t t..�.'. <br /> !�j mortqaya or take any other legal actlon to protect 1b dght and lrom tho date ol auch dolault all ttems of indebtednew secured hereby � � -- F � <br /> +F ehall draw lnteroat at 9P�plr anaum. AppraLemaat wafved -N � <br /> S Q �f Thie mortgaqe�hall tie 6ladlnq upoa and �hall onure b tha b�nottt at the hetn,ezacubrt,adminletrators, tuccesnon and aeatqns d � <br /> � �jf Iha+oepective partle�heieto. <br /> �{ IN VJITNES4 Wf�REOF, �atd Murtqaqor ti� 5 hareunto ■et her haad_tho day and ycar firat above �`^ <br /> �S writlen.u� I ) �� <br /> J _. .1�(°�`c e�-C r'L� '}/l �J C�IJL_ i '_._—__ � . <br /> / .., <br /> S Dorothy �1. "�10 mens, a s i g I e person� <br /> � ---- <br /> 4�..- � ...,..... � <br />� <br />