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r <br /> � 76-UO3f�t323 . , � <br /> THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH,t6e[ Ricliard L. Ilartman and Yatricia A. Hartman, hus6and and wife, <br />:>:=:i each in his and her own right and as spouse of the otlier, <br />'.:;i <br />�'_�r:y,:�; r a( Hall County,Nebraske,hetein called h10RTGAGOR,in considcration of$44�500.00 in hend <br />'si?`s, I paid,does I�ereby grnn�,Lereein,eell and convey�o�. The First National Bank of Grand Island_}____ r <br /> g'�;� Grand Island,' Nebraska <br /> YT;:3. �.._— �___��___... ___._..__.�___._.__ _._.�.._�...___.____.�.�"_ <br />�k�'.,: <br /> f�';k:_ herein celled TtORTCAGEE,its eucceavore and nssigns focever,the fullu�ring descrihed reul esmte situoted in dic oI <br />�?3:�,�: � � � Hall. County,Nebraska,to�wiL• . <br /> s� <br />� <br />�-.{3 Lots Seventy-Six (76), Seventy-Seven (77), Seventy-Eight (78), and the <br /> F North Three Feet (3�) of Lot Seventy-Nine (79), Hawthorne Place, being <br />;��`� a Subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter (NW'•�) of Section Twenty- <br />�'�'; Two (22), in Township Gleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the <br />��'YF Sixth P.M. <br />���' <br />�� <br />�' <br />�. <br />',`,.��' <br />,�- <br /> together rvith nll the appnrtenances t6ereunto Lelonging or in any�vise pertnining ILereto.Tfortgagor celinquis6ee el!rights of homestend and <br /> alt ot6er contingen[interest in said premises The conveyance of the premises abo��e.describeJ together with nll tha rentn,issuea and profits <br /> � thereot is made to secure the repayment of a loan made by t6e D(ort6ngra to the Tfortgaqor,as eridenred Ly a promiasory note oI cven date <br /> hecewith in d�e principel sum o[ <br /> FORTY—FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dollan <br /> �s 44,500.�� ).esecuted by the Alortgngor anJ payable b die order o[die\tor�gugee,with interest nt the rate tlierein eet(ordi, <br /> Ihe principal nnd interest puyable in acconlunce with the terms of anid prumiesoq•nute,nnd finnlly mnturing on July 7 ,1`JI� • <br /> ,.� All eums due sl�all Lenr inteteat u(ier the due Jate et the rete of nin0 �Ir. per unnum,and with a masanabla attorney's fce as may be <br /> detem�ined by the Court <br /> ntortgugor Lere6y ezpressly covennnts and agreea with 1ltortgagee,ns follown: <br /> 1. T1ortgagur is law(ully seiud oi nn indefeasi6le estute in tee aimple free frum encumbrnnces and hes good riglrt nud power to convey <br /> an nbso]ute title,in fee simple,including¢U t6e rights of homestend. <br /> 2. To pny all sums hereLy secured w6en due. <br />`�,�•'�� 3. Tu pay when due all tazes nnd assesments of et�ery'type or nature le��ied or nssessed aqninst said property,ar upon tl�e Ttortgugee'e <br />""+�aY <br />�� interest tlierein;enJ nlso to pay any claim,lien or encumLrunce egeinst said property which mny be or hecome prior and eenior to the lien of <br />�. <br />:v�,. <br /> diis mortqflge. <br />�� 4. To keep all buildings m�the nmrtgaged property insurod ngninet loss md damnge Ly fire,windctonn and uther hnwtds,xith such eul�rent <br /> �� insurana wmpany or wnipnniey,nnd In such nmomiLs,es are satisfuctury with the hfort�aeee,and with the pmceedu aI losv paynLic to Ihe <br /> k� Afortgagce as ita interest may eppenr.T6e policies of in=urnnce,nnd nbs[racts and atfier�vidence o[tide,sliall 6e delivered to and held by <br />��'�� tho 111ortgugea witLout linLility,and upon foreclosurc of thia�ooRqege.or ncquisition o(the re¢(e=tate or any part thereof,1n any other manner, <br /> F'� shnll Lecante llie nLsolute propetty o(the hiortgogee. <br />�� 5. Tforiqagor will mnintoin tLe ptoperty in its present condi�ion of repniq nnd will not co�mnit or suRer weste therea(. <br />�=r <br /> w'``'v <br />��;,;,`ty"�. 6. In the ecent Mortgagur fuils to pny any cluim,lien or eneumLrnnee or the tnses or asvessinents nboee mentioned,or pny d�e premiums <br /> w�;; <br />'+�y.r of insumncc,or keep enid premises in repnir,or shull commit or Pertnit t6e cmnmission o(uny wnste,or ehall de(mdt in the perlortnance u(any <br />��=�^ of the�ennq,wrenanis nnd agreemenLv o(the promissory note cecured 6y this mortgage,or of this mor(gnge,or iI the I�fortgaqor shall nbnndon <br />�r� sai�property,ur i(d�e hIo[lF�gef.6IIDII hC Illud¢L pnrty in nny suit on uccount a(dio c�is�ence of thie murtg�ge ot im•olving die dtle to snid <br />,'�,ti�,. <br />"�"^'� rcal estute,the htortgugee mny pay enid claims,liens,encumLrancea,t�es, assessments,or premiums, witL riq6t o[suLrogation thereunder,or <br />�•i.Ak <br /> u�.7`� make repair»,or purclmse u tnz title,und mny procure euch n6structa of title or other evidence oI titlt as it deems neu.ssury,ot pey court cost=, <br /> ft:_y3 <br /> q;�;� and nil sums so puid,with interest ut the mnzimum rnte nllowa6le Ly luw,eliall become¢part oI the indebtedness Lere6y securod,unJ also <br />''-'��T� ILc wholc o[the indeLtednesa securod hcreLy s}mll Lccome end be immedintcly due nnd puyublc m t6e aption uf tLe Aiortgagee witLaut notice <br /> Y`f:=�+ <br /> fi'C�r' or de�mnJ,wLich nro hemLy ezprcssly weived,and tLis mongage mnq Le foreclosed. <br />:�'�:� <br />;��?�- 7. hfonFHgar hereLy nssigns to tLe M1fortgaFee us udditionnl md colluteral security all proGis, revenues, royulties, righta nnd Lenefts <br /> r':u?ii; <br /> aceming In the Alortgngor under any und nll prc:ent or(uture oil¢nd�;ns Ieuses un.=oid premises N�id�tLe riF��t�u receice und apply IL�an nt <br />;��ti_T: <br /> - its nptiou to si�id indeb�eJnr�s.'CLi�us.�igumen[shnll termi�mte und Leeome null und coid upmi rclea=�:oI ILie murtgnFe. <br />';;�:, & No delay 6y Ihc hlortgngee in exercising auy o(its rights hereunJer slmll uperate us waiver therm[or shnll precluJe it from the exerv <br /> i�;:��f <br />-s�f eise Ihr.reof Juriug t6e wntiwnnce o[any defuult or brene6 of coven�nt. <br /> 9. This mortguge mny be farcclosed with all leqnl or e�uitaLle rights,permitted under the lnws of ihe State of Nebrnskn not ezpressly <br /> procided 1or Lercin inuring m tlie benefit uf thc 1�fortg¢grc. <br /> ]0. �4"hcn thn fore�,roing co��enants and aqrcemcnte hnve 6an ptrformed,t6is mortguge shnll be coid and a6u11 Le relensed nt the expensc of <br /> lfortgugor;otherwiso to romnin in tull force and eIIecG <br /> - IN WITNESS W1IEREOF,d�e Mortguqor hae hereunto ezecuted this insirument thia �tt� dny of July ,lg 76 �NF . <br /> n / <br /> '� � <br /> L �: , --,, ;- ,, ,; _� d <br /> _ x . � —c.. G.�/._., ;� <br /> _.— ,/� '���--' ' � <br /> Ric ar L. Hartman <br /> � <br /> - x��� /' c:�� � <br /> lz��C�R� GC . ;'✓lL��j�<.-✓ <br /> Patricia A. Hartman 'i <br /> �� � � <br />