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<br /> � All p;p�ments madr under thi� pruviainnti uf Ihis morlF��pe or � Iir nu�e Lrr�•6y sacurod, ivhich mt�}• br rouslrucd n. inl��re,t . .
<br /> � �hnll not, in the ng�regnte on�r U�i� larm thereof, exce��J �hr rulr Ihnt may no�c Lr la�vfolly contr��clyd fur in antinR. . .
<br /> It is lurthcr aprc�•d tht�l in cnse nny suit ix begun lu Fu�rrluse � hi� morli::�F�'. Ihr I�lorlFagee, its mpro.;rnliUirc� ur .insi{;ns, �. �
<br /> � .hall at on�r b�� r•ntiUrd lo lhi� poa���.sion u( said premisi�s. �wd upon applicafiun fhvrc(or. iho court iu �vhich s�ch action shell � � . . . .
<br /> be brought ur anY Judge uf sucl� cuurL rilhor iu �rrm time nr vncr�liun. is harclrv nutliorized �o i+�q>oinl n n•cei�•er [o tnke P���trs- .. . � .
<br /> ��� � sinn ot sNid premises, or tu rotlecl. the rents fherr�(rom. anJ tu do :md perfnrm such other ncta ;is ma�� br nquimd 6y ihe order . .
<br /> of th� cour6 tnaking �ho sppointment: mtd snid D�fortg+i�:or hrmLy ��•uices nny nolice nf such npplierdinn. and cunsente �u the �ip. . . .
<br /> � pointmi�nt u( n receivrr upnn tha� pmduClion o[ Ihis mnri,r,a;;��. �eithnuf ntL��r rviJencr. � . .
<br /> . '1'hi• Alur�ga�re shull he subro�;i�ti•d �u nli u[ ihc riqhls. privili�gr.. Priurili�•s. nnd eyuities ul any licnl�alder whoar li�vi ma�. � . . . � . � .
<br /> hner Li•en diachar�ecl from Ilu• pnx•erds nf Ihie luan, ur 6r nny (und� I�cre6y paid m� lurni.hrd by ih�• nlort�;ngoe. . . . . . .
<br /> ' I'P IS IiXVRESSI.Y AGRrF.11 tlmt if lhc hiort;;ngor sh;ill ,ell. �•ortvi•y or alicnute .:iid property, or an}� p:+rt, tht•mof. � � �. . . .
<br /> '. � or uny intemat therein, or shnll h�� disestikl nf his tiile or +mp inter��sf. fhevein in ;�ny menner nr �ray, ���hethrr eulunt+irilv or � � . .
<br /> involuntnrily, withuut �criUon ron.rnt of thr rfortg:igee bcing tirst h:id uud o6fnined, MorlgaF�'�' NL�ilI h.n��• the ri�;h(, at i(s option. . . .
<br /> to diH;lere ¢ny inde6fir3uess or obli�;;itionv cci'ured herrb�, irreapiY�t.iv�� uf the• maturih� dnte xprcifird in ;mp nuto i�videncing thv . . .
<br /> snme. immecliutrly du� nnd payahle �aithout nutire. and snid d��6t :hall therrupon lx�cume iib�uluir•. 1 ( th�� u�cn�•nhip ut thr tnort- . �.
<br /> gitged pro{x•rty Is�romes v<•sli�cl in a penon other thm� ihr �tortg¢gor. lhe Atnrtg;iger ma1'. �cilhoul nnticn tu tlic klnrlgngur, drnl . � . �
<br /> with such euccessor oc succes,ors in i�dere,t �eith re(rrenc�� to thic �iii�rl �:;�pr �md the debf. hercby si�currd us with tht� Tinrigngor, , � .
<br /> '� nnd may forbeur to sue or nu�y extend time [or tho p�}�numt of th�� d�•bt hor��by ,ecur��d aithout di,ch��rgin� nr in nny N•np afTrcting � �
<br /> thr Iin6ilitY nF the origin:d '�lorfgagor h��reimdrr or upon ihe di�bt s�rurrd. � � .�
<br /> , In tl�i. in,lrumenl dir singular includcs Ihe plurnl and Ihr masculine includrs f6c (emininr nnd Ihi� neutrr and this im � .
<br /> � 9 vtrurnrut .6a11 b�� bindin;; iq�un Ih�� undoroi�n�•d . hia h��ir... P��rson �il repn�rnt:divr.;, sncer�snrs imd assi�;ne. .
<br /> ,. ' iN H'YCN1iES lV1IT:Rli01�, the \7urlga�ur has cnus�•d t6r<r prv.rnt� tu hr vi�;nrJ hy it. . . _. . .. . _ . _ . _ , _1'resident. ond . � . � .
<br /> , i
<br /> ils rorPornl� senl �n hr hrn•mU�� aOisrJ �ind atte,ti�d 6y ik_ . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . ._. . .. ._ tircrrt :vy � Ihr d��y :�nd yrar (irsl ��ho��c a�ritten. . � .
<br /> ` � n�r'rrs' : , REt�P.NCY CGNSTRUCTION, _ INC . _ _ . _
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<br /> ".� ��c �o mo persunallv knuwn tu b�� ihe._ . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . . Pn�;idi•nt and the ideniic:�l per.on �vhoso nnmr is iilliard lu thr aboer instru- . � . .
<br /> F� - ment and ;icknowled�;ed Ihr rxi•cution ih�•rc�nf tu br his ��olunLvy nr1 nnd derd ns sui�h uflicor :ind thr voluntar�� nef and d��e�d o( .
<br /> � thr cnrpornfinn. :md ihat th�� Corpnr:�te Srnl uf snid corporntion �c:�c thrrotu ��Oixcd hy it: authurit}�. -
<br /> �� � 11'I"PN1i.SS mc hand :md '�ufnriul Srai nl GT'�rid_ IS �3RQ � ni�. . .. in ,nid euunl �� ihc dav :uid yonr I:i.t nbnvr writtrn.
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<br /> ; �p.j x; _ My Commission E,pnc, � Vntnn• Public
<br /> t� . � ! �prt19. 1979
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<br /> l:ntered on numeri:.nl inde� and filed for record in the Register of Deeds OHice ot said County the
<br /> ' _ da�• of. . . _ . _ _ _ . . . . 19_ . _ _ . . , at _ . _ . _ _ _ n'cicx�k ❑nd . _ _ _ . ntinutes . . _ . . . _M,.
<br /> and recordcd in F3ook_ . .. . . . . . . .. _ .. . . ... .. _ .of ?�lnrtguges at, pa�;c. . . _ _. _ . . . . _ . . . _ , �, Instrument. No. . . _ _. _ . . _. ...
<br /> _ . . . . .. . .. . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . .. . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . .. . . .. .
<br /> Re�;. of Deeda
<br /> }3y. _ . ... . . Depuiy <:.,. � _;
<br /> .:N nc .
<br /> � \G'iicn recor.lcd co bc returncd co thc , �
<br /> ❑ 1235 " ry.. Strect ❑ 3I06 Paufic St. ~ ���t�� �
<br /> ❑ _' 1 :0 ilrsl Avenuc � �.
<br /> � ❑ 13i No. Cotnnr HP�d. ❑ ZI01 So. -02nd St. � � �
<br /> - ❑ 701h and •'A. . Strccl ❑ 3015 Ne. 401h St. - - .
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