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<br /> For+M No. 529 IRev.3•721
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<br /> '� 'Pfllti MOR'1'CAGI?.mndr aud raeculyd this �3 .<I��Y ul'._ _ _ .T� �`�__ ._ . A.D. 1!)._'7(., bi.tw��eo
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<br /> ;i�si�ne. hareinnRrr ref�rred in a. \tort�a�;r�•, . .
<br /> 11'lT11?SSIi7'H: 'I'6ai thr,aid \Inriga;;or,f��r:md in roncid��ru�iun nf lhi�.;um uf , .
<br /> �LEVLTV THOUSAND SIX ?NNDR�'D AND N0�100-- --.-.--_ .---- -----�5 11,600.00 _..) l��,ll��n.
<br /> . , paid by �aid \lurl�agei•. d��s hereby s�•II �md cunvec unt�� I�IRSC FL•'DERAI. SAVINGS AND IAAN ASSOCIA'PION OF
<br /> !J\CO(..N. \�•hraska. as 11nrl�;n�e�•, it.a .ucre,.aors :uid a��i�:n�. the f�,llo�cin�; dr=.rrilx�d Renl Letule.situntrd in �hr Cnunly u( .
<br /> ` _. __ _ Ha].1..... ._ _ .._..... .. . su�i���,r...____.__.IVebraska _____ . _ _____ _. �„«�r.
<br /> Lot 132, in Buenavista Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Plebraska according to the recorded plat thereof.
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