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<br />,:
<br /> TO HAVE AND 'PO HOLD t11e same unto thc niortgagee, xs hcrci �i pro��ided, niortgugor reprrscnts to,
<br /> and coveni�nts with, fhe Afortgagce, thnt the Bfortgugor h.ts good right lo se�l ttud convey siaid premises ;
<br /> tlint they are free from encumbrance, except .�s hereinother��•ise recited ; tliat tlie niortqagor ��•ill «�:�i•rant
<br /> und defend the snme ngainst the la«�ful daims of :ill persons ���humsoever. �1Ia•tgagur hereb�� relinquishea
<br /> all rights of homestend, all mnritnl rights, either in la��� or in equit�•, nnd all uther contingent interests of
<br /> : � the 1ltorfgagor in nnd to the nbove-described premises.
<br /> PROVIDED AL\VAYS, mid these presents are executed and deli��cred upon tl�e follo�ving coiiditions, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> 11Tortgagor ngrees to pay to tlie \Iortgagce, or oi•dcr, the aforesaid princip:xl sum ���ith interesl fi•om dnte
<br /> nt tlie rate of ei�,ht rand one-half t�er centum ( � , 5 ',b ) {ier unnum on Lhe unpaid balance mitil paid.
<br /> The said principal and interest shnll be paynble nt the oflice of Pnst i�'ederul Savi n�;s arid Loan
<br /> in Lincoln Asso ia��, i of i'inc ln
<br /> , or ut such other pluce as €he Ito�er o2 tlie no�e mny desiRnxte in
<br /> writing delivered or mniled to the J[ortu�tF;�l•, in montiily instaliments of One }iundred Ninety- �even ,and ;'_91100•
<br /> nonars (� iy; . 2y ) , commencing on the first di�y of SeptemUer , 1�J 7G , and continuinq on ,
<br /> the first day of euh month thereaffer mitil said note is Ailly paid, escept tlint, if not sooner paud, the linal
<br /> paymertt of principal nnd interest shall be due and pnyablc ou the firvt day of Au�rust �001 ; all
<br /> nccording to ttte terms of n certain promissory note of even date herewith esecuted by the said \fortqagor.
<br /> The Diortgagor further aKrees :
<br /> L Iie �ti�ip pay the indeUtedness, iis hereinbefore pcovided. Pri�•ilege is reserved to prepa�� at nii}�
<br /> time, �cithout pcemiimt or fee, tlte cntire indebtedness or any part thercof not less thnn the nmouut of one
<br /> instnllment, or one hundred dollnrs ( 4w" 100 .00) , whichever is less. Prepayment in full shull be credited on
<br /> the dute received. Partial prepayment, other than on a�i installment due dute, neeci not be credited until
<br /> the next toUowing instnllment due date or thirty days nfter such prcpayment, whichever is eulier.
<br /> 'l. Together ���ith, nnd iti nddition to, tlie muitthly payntents oF principnl siid intcrest paS�able under
<br /> the terms of the uote s��cured hereUy, \fortgngor «�ill p.�y to hiortgngee, as trustce, ( tmder the terms of this
<br /> trust as hereinafter stnted) on the first day of each montli until s;iid note is full}� paid :
<br /> (a) A sum equal to the gcound rents, if an��, next due, plus the premiwus that �vill next becane due
<br /> and pa��able on policies of fire and other hazard insuraiue co��ering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes and assessmcuts next duc ou the mortg�qed property ( all xs estimated by the 1liort-
<br /> gagee, and of �chich Hie �fortgagor is nulificd ) less ntl sums t+lrcad,v pnid therefor divided by
<br /> the uumber of mouths to elnpse befoi•e oue montli pi•ioi• to tlie dnte ���iten such gromid rents,
<br /> �; premiums, taxes ttnd assessntents �ci11 becomc deliuquent, such sums to be held by Alortgngee
<br /> R in trust to pn�� said ground i•ents, prrmiums, taxes iiud speciul assessntettts.
<br /> ; ( G ) The aggregnte ot' thc iuiiounts pa��:ible pursuant to subpnraqriiph ( a ) xtid those pay�able on tlie
<br /> note secuced hereb�•, shall be paid in a single pn��ment each month, to be applied to the follo�c-
<br /> ` . iug items i�i fhe order st.tted :
<br /> af
<br /> ( t ) ground rents, tazes, assessments, tire and other hazard insurnnce premiume ;
<br /> * ( I[ ) interest on the note secured hereb�; and
<br /> ( tII ) amortization of thc principal ol' said notc.
<br /> An}� dc(iciene�� in Uie amount oi an�• such ng�;regate monthh• payment shali. unless anude good
<br /> � bp the �lortg:�gor prior to the due datc oC thc nest such pa}•ment, constitute nn e��ent of default
<br /> ` uttder tltis mortgage. At \iortgagce's option, \lortgafior wili pa}� n "late charge" not exceed-
<br /> `' iug fouc per crntum ( •1 ','; ) of .li1C lI1St:lIlllll'llt lY�1Cil �)aid morc tliaii fiftcen ( 15 ) dnys atter the
<br /> 1 due dnte thereof to co�•cr the extra rxpcuse incol�•ed iu handling delinyuent payments, but such
<br /> "IRtC CII '11't;C�� shall not bc pay.iblc out of the procecds of an}• sale m.�de to satisf�� the indebted-
<br /> E ness secured hereby, uniess such procreds ;ire sutlicient to disch:irge the entire indeUtednesa and
<br /> :
<br /> all proper costs and expenses secured tliereb}•.
<br /> � 3, If the total of tiie pnyments mnde by� tl�e �fortgagor under (a) of paragrnph '?. preeeding shall
<br /> �' excecd the amount of payments actually mnde b5• the lim•tFagee, as trustee, for �•ound rents, tiaxcs and
<br /> �. :�ssessments or insurnnce premiums, as tlu �1se may be, sucli excess shall be credited Uy the Dtortgagee
<br /> Y on subsequent pnyments to bc mttde by the 1lfortgagor fnr such items m•, nt llortfiagec's option, as trustee,
<br /> ; shall Ue refunded to \fortgagor. lf, howecer, such montiily pa}•mmits shall not be suRicient to pay such
<br /> k itetna when the snmc shail becomc due and pnyable, then the \tortgagor shnll pay� to the \iortgag�ti, xs
<br /> " trustee, nny nmount necessary to mnke up the deticiency ���ithin thirty ( 30 ) days after ���riLten notice frunt
<br /> y the ➢fortgngee stnting the nmount of the deficiency, a�hich notice may be gi�•en by m�il. If at nn�• time
<br /> _ the hSortgagor shnll tender to the ➢fortgngee, in nccordance �cith the pro�•isions of the note secured
<br /> hereby, full pn�nnent of the entire indebteclness represented thereUy, tlie J[ortgaqec, as trustee, shnli,
<br /> in computing the cimount of such indebtedness, credit to the nccount of the Atortgngor any credit bniance
<br /> accumulated under the provisions of ( a) ot �iara�•nph 2 hcrcof. If there shall bc a default under any
<br /> of the proviaions of this mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises co�•rred hereby, or if the
<br /> �' Riortgagee acquirns the property other«�ise nfter default, tlic :1[m•tgagec, :�.v trusti�, shall npply, at the
<br /> � time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is other�ti�ise acquired, thc
<br /> amount then remnining to credit the ➢fortgaqor under ( n ) of pnragraph 1�. preceding, ns n credit mi the
<br /> iiiterest accived tind unpnid und the balnnce to tlie principul then remnining unpuid on snid note. _ �
<br /> 9 . The lien of this instrument shull remain in full force snd elfect during any postponement or exten- � a ':�-
<br /> sion of the time of pn}•ment of the iudebtedness or any p:irt thcreof secured hereby. N '" '
<br /> t L 5. Hc �vill par• all ground i•ents, tases, nssessments, �eiiter i•ates, aiid olher go�•crnmental or muuici- '�.
<br /> ssy; pal charges, fines, or impositions, levieci upon said premises aud that he �cill pay all tases levied upon this n ;
<br />� mortgage, or tlie debt securcd Uierebt•, togetiier �rith any other tn�es or nssessiue�ils n-hich mny be Ievicd �
<br />�'" uuder the la�vs of Nebraska lgainst the .lfortgagce, or thc le�al holder of snid principal uotc, on nccoimt of
<br />� tliis indebtedness, escept ���hcn puyment for all sucl� items has theretofore Ueen made under ( a ) of pitru-
<br />�x graph Z hercof, and lie «•ill promptly dcli�•ci• the o(licial reccipts therefor to ihe \[ortgnqce. In def��ult
<br />^; thercof the ➢4ortgagee mny pzy lhc samc.
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