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� � � ..�� <br /> �_ . _ � <br /> � MORiGAGE�aWnge and lAaa Form--(Dlrect Cradit Plan) 2553 (SpeciaU . � � <br /> � , . � MQRTGAGE � <br /> 7b- t)0��H d�i <br /> �w ao <br /> �.: 7'ffiS INDENTUAE,made thb �3th �� o� �U�y 19��6y aad betwesa . <br /> THOMAS D. AGUILAR ANC LEO�dA M. AGUILAR, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br /> � 3 riqht and as spouse of the other, <br /> ,::� <br /> ol HALL Couaty.Nehrmka,m morigagrn�,�d FIome Fedeml Saviags�a¢d Loan Asexlatlon ol Grand leland. <br /> a corpomtion orgauizad md a�daNng ender the lawo ol Nebraska avith!te prtndpal ollice�d place ot bwlneea at G�and felaad,Ne6raaka, <br /> aa mortgagee; . <br /> WI7NFSSETH: That eai3 mortgagors !or and ia rnanideratioa ol�he eum o! �, <br /> ; EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUIJDRED fIFTY AND NO/100---------------------rotlan (s 8,�50.00 i, <br /> ,; <br /> the receipt o! which ie herebp acknowledged du-by these preeanU mortgage aad wazranl unto satd mo�tgagoe, Ite eucceeeon and � . <br /> �� Ha l I <br /> aaelgus,lorever,atl tha tollowlnq dencdbed real oalate, nituated!n Ihe countp ol � � . <br /> - and State ot Nebrmkv,lo-wiL � <br /> ' 'j <br /> T <br /> ' �i � LOT PJINE (9), IN aLOCK SEVcPJTEEN (17), OF PACKER AtJD BARR'S <br /> � SECOIdD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLFND, HALL COUNTY, $� <br /> `� NEBRASKA. � � � � <br /> � � <br /> <.,; �j ; <br /> -! �f Together with all hoatlag, llghting, aad plumbing equfpmeat �d flxturea.includlnq�tokorn�d bumen,eaeana,awninge,etorm windowe }F � � <br /> � and doore,and window ehadce or blinda,vaed on or Sn connection with satd pioperty,wLether tho aame are now located on said property j . . <br /> a S� or horealter placad Wereon. £� . ... .. <br /> F �c <br /> l� 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,toqether wilh all and einqular ihe lenemente,Laredit¢meats a¢d appurten�cea lhereunto belonq• $ii . <br /> � iag,or ia anywine appertainiag,forove�,and wanant the title to the eame. Said mortqaqor5 herebp crovenan�with eaid moAgaqee � <br /> � lhat�.ho�L ��� at tt�e detivery heroof,the lawful owner�.o(lhe prem(nae above coaveyed�d deacribed and :+rn � <br /> 3 � $f seiced ol a qood aad lndoleaatble eetate ot inheritance therain.lree and clear ol all eacumbrancea.and lhat�hu�`_wilt warcant mid �� <br /> {$ delond the t[tle thereto forevox agaiaet tho daima and demande ot all peraom whomsoever. t <br /> � jj Z+ <br /> $j PAOVID£P ALWAYS, and thin inetrument ia oxecuted and deliva�ed to sacure tha paymant o!tha aum ot ` <br /> S �I�HT TH�JSA��JD r t VE fiiJIJDRFD F I FTY A��ln Fl�/I�0----------- --�,itare (t�,55� nn �, T <br /> # with Iatereet theroon, togother wi�h such chatgee and advancae an may be due and paya6le to said moRgaqee under the torms and � .� .�. <br /> F <br /> i coaditlone of the promienoN note o[ even date herowith and eecurod heceby,ezec�ied by eaid mortgaqor=to aaid mortgagae,papable <br /> f _! 3 ae ezp�eesad!n wid aote,and to eecura t6e pedormance of all the terma and rnadiHom coatalned lhorata. 1'he tormn ol edd note are � � . -� , � <br /> i haeby inm�poraled he�ein by thie rofetenoe. � <br /> $ It fe ihe laten�ion and ag:oement ol the partiee hereto that tFile mortgaga ehall aL+o eecu�e any fuhue advancee modo to eatd . � � <br /> t <br /> � mo�tqagor=by e�d mortgaqee, md any aud aq tndo6tednom 1n additlon to the�ount a6ove etated w}ilch a¢id maAqaqors,or miy . <br /> o!them,may owe to eald mortgaqae,bowevar ovldeacod whether by nole,book acwunt or otherwiee. Th[e mortgago shall remaln 1n lull <br /> lorce md eHeet between tl�e partiea herato and thein c�ira,pexwnal iep:eeentatives, eucceuo:a and aaefgne. untll all amounta eocviced <br /> horeuader,indudiag tututu advancae,are paid in!Wl wtth tateiae4 . , <br /> � Tha mortgagorS_heioby awig�_to eaid mortgagee all rente and lncromc mialaq at aap aad nll Gmoe from wld propertp md 4 � � . <br /> hereby authocize safd moriqaqee or iu ageat. at its opHon, upoa delaulL to take cL�ga of said property aud rnllect atl rents and lnmme �j <br /> t theretmm and apply the eame to the payment af Iatore¢t,principal,iaeuloace p[emiumi,�ozo�,aaeetemanit,repaixe or improvementa necee• . <br /> � nary lo keep wld proparry fa tenamaMa coadltioa,or to other charqee or papmeata piovided lor herala or In tho note hareby eeaved. Thie . <br /> rent a�eigament ahall continue in I��ce uatil the uapaid balance o1 aatd noto Is fully pafd 7ko tnking o!posaesalon hereuader ehail iu no <br /> m¢naer preveat or retard aaid mongagee in tho tollectton o! wid auma by lorecloeure or othenviae. <br /> 1 Tho lallure ol the maitgaqeo to aseart any ot Ib NghG heceuader at aap ttme eLall aot be conatrued as a waiver of ite riqLt to aueri <br /> tt We wme at any later ttme,and to lneint upon aad enloRs.�tricl rnmp0mce with ntl tho �erme and pcovinionn ol eald no�e aad o! thia � <br /> '� S motlgage. .. <br /> 2 <br /> � U wid morlgagoc 5 ehall cause to be pald to�d mortgageu !he eatlro�ouat due 1t heceunder,and undez the terma�d provldon� <br /> >. S ol aaid aote 6ereby eecurad,iacluding lutu�o advancee,aad aay eriemlon� or renewnle thereol!n accordaace �vith the te:ms aad providoa� � <br /> jtheraot,aad SI wtd mortqagor�_ahall comply with all the pravidoa�ot safd nole aad ol thls mortqage,thoa theee presanu ahali be votd; <br /> - S otLerwise to�emaia in lull lorce and elloct,and emd moriqagee�hall be entltled to tha poaseulon ot all ol naid propertp,�d may,at Ite <br /> s= optloo,dodate the Nholo ot sald¢ote and all lndebtedneu zepreeentad the:eby to be lmmedlatelp due and payable,and map loredoeo this � <br /> f morigaga or take aap other logal acttoa lo protect Su dght, and Irom�he date o!�uch detault all lteme ot Iadehledneu eacured hereby ..;K_� .: •„r��� <br /> S� ahail draw Intere�t at!)%per annum. AppraLemeat waived � � .,-z <br /> 7his mortqage �hall be bindinq upoa and �hall aaure to th�b�neflt o!ths hein,azeeutor�,admlaistratore.�ucceuon and a+aigui o! -�� ''" � <br /> { � Ihe:s�pactive partiss Lewto. � �, � <br /> I S r <br /> IN WITN�93 WFIEAEOF, w!d MoAqagor 5 w�ve hereunto �et i�h�i r w����,e aay aad yoac liret abore .�� <br /> i <br /> � willten. � .A f': <br /> Sf ' i <br /> � (.� i , <br /> � �fI ---.��'i�..7.�]=«,--�+' 1 1�.',�L,�.L_-r_ . . . <br /> 3� <br /> 9 � <br />� <br /> 3 <br />