_ t r��
<br /> t
<br />'':� S'1'.�'19�� Ol�' NEI3RASKA, Com�t}� of �
<br /> ,: .........................................................
<br /> Piled for record �ud enCered in Numoricul Indos � � � �
<br /> .,'', mt............................................................ nt ................ o'clock ................ 1I..
<br /> ;`; und recorded in I)eed I�f:cord ............................. 1'uqe ............................
<br /> -�
<br /> } ............................................................ I3}� ...........................................................
<br /> ,� Oount}' Clerk or DGnily C'nw�h�� Clcrlt or � �
<br /> �'� Register of Deeds Ilepnt}� R���gister of Deed:� �� �
<br /> 1;
<br /> ' 76-0 0 3 8 6't �OINT TENANCY WARRANTY DEED
<br /> ��
<br /> ,�
<br /> .;,•,
<br /> � Harrp D. Asher, a single man; Eldon I. Benson and Janet O. M. Benson,
<br /> ,��; each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> 'v , licrei�i exlled the grnntor v,�hetlier one or mora,
<br /> �;
<br /> in considerdtim� of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred ($11,500.00) Dollars
<br /> �: received from granteea, dor.s �riiut, bnr�ain, self, cuii�•c}- ;ind eonl'irat tmlo
<br /> r;:a
<br /> 'r� Edward R. Jenkins and Charlanne M. Jenkins, husband and wife
<br /> kr;
<br /> r:�
<br /> 3�; zis Joint tinniiis r���d not xs te�iants i�� common, thc fallo�cing described real property in ..............................
<br /> '� Hall
<br /> ' ............................................................ Couut}•, lebraska:
<br /> �j
<br /> �'+ Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in ;Centish Hills Subdivision,
<br /> �;;
<br /> ,"�4 located in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the
<br /> ;,,+ Southwest Quarter (S�NWaSW4) of Section Twenty—five (25)
<br /> �; Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the
<br /> :y 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> t;
<br /> NEBRASKA DpCU��El�:TAR'f �
<br /> STF,i11P TAX �
<br /> -.i
<br /> � J U L 1<i 1976
<br /> :�;
<br /> :�
<br /> .} � 12,6 5 BY�
<br /> �;
<br /> :�
<br /> 'Po )i.«•e an�l to Lold tii�• .ibo��r �lescribe�l preminc, rogetl�er �ti•ith all tenemonts, liereditaments
<br /> ti�. :111f( L�)�)111•telltinCeS tl!erPlu I�n101�!!i��C ❑tltn thf! :LPalltceS a5 ,joint tell:ltlt5. � � . .
<br /> j
<br /> Aiid Eruntor dor, iicrrb}� em�,���,ii�i �ci11i thr. !�r�intces that �;r�tiitor is lu���fitlly seised oi eatid �
<br /> - Premises; tLnt the}� :ri• frer frnm rncuwbr,u�cr: �
<br /> tl�ut qrnntor has good ri�ht nud la«�ful antliorit}• to conce�� the ,ame; und tLnt gr:uitor��•urran[s and wilt
<br /> defend tlie title to s�id pre:iuses :i�.iiu;t the l:i���iul claims uf all persony whomsoe�•er.
<br /> ; /y� --�7����'�" � � �
<br /> Da 1 June �;� - �•i�6 a D. A er �
<br /> 1u�(�-V-�� ,/J_4'-;:�i'1C/ � �1:. �....!„ ��-'�
<br /> , .... ..:....;T�Yie�...�....M:"B�rfsnn............ .....�. ..... ...............
<br /> 1 Eldon i�enson
<br /> '� �'CA1'F. OF \EI:]t:1Sf<:1. ('o�u�t�• oi ........ Hall
<br />�;��;;,� lict'ore me. a notary public quiilifi�d for snid countp, peisonelly cnme �
<br /> Harry D. Asher, a single man; Eldon I. Benson and Janet O. M. Bensoi�,
<br /> each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> law�n� to we tu br thi� identical persmi or persons «•ho signed tho
<br /> f��regoiu� instrwneut und ncicnon•ledge tl�e exeeution thereof to be 3iis, rt>'.� • �o ,
<br /> , ryR y
<br /> `i. hcr ur thcir ��olunt��r�• act nnd dced. N �.
<br /> ` CEM'� f�;Y�ARY.Stet dOiEbrts m�� hand and not�riul se�l on ...June "' 1976 � � .
<br /> ..........................................
<br /> ' � gU�SN Ar:N f(iFf�CE �� � � ......... � R+ e
<br /> � ��+ �1y Comn.EzG.Fcb.22.1980 ..G.Lr.;fazc:......:taer� �....�.I..SS�:.......... i�'otarti• Ptthlic ..
<br /> .... . . .... ,
<br /> ' w'j��' _„�. � .
<br /> � •-------�"'.� � / . �,;.,.;..
<br /> ` 11�• commissim� espires ............ ...�.�:.L...r<a-.w.�:y�:.., 19..c'.�.... _
<br /> • f~ �i
<br /> I•brm 4.5 Approred b}• Nebrnslca Stute ]3ur _1��n��i;+tin❑ e�iw�&Nulf Ou..Linmin.Nebr.
<br />� � — �
<br />