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<br /> To HAVE nND To HoLU the same uuto the hiortgzgee, as lierein provided. BZortgi�gor represents to,
<br /> and covenants with, the Mortgagee, thnt the Afortguqor hns good right to sell and convey suid ��remises ;
<br /> that they are free from eucumbrance, except a�s hereinothertivisc recited ; that the n4ortgagor «�ill warrnnt
<br /> and defend the same agttinst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Afortqagor hereby relinquishes
<br /> all rights of homestend, nl! murital rights, either in la��� or in equity, und al! other contingent interests of
<br /> � the Nlortgagor in and to the nbove-described premises.
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, nnd these presents ure executed and delivered upon the foilu�ving conditions, to
<br /> wlt :
<br /> 111ortgngor tigrees to p1y to the Diortgngee, or order, the aforesttid �n•incip:il sum «�ith interest from dale
<br /> nt the rnte of eiaht and one -half per centum Q3 , 5 `r'o ) �er annum on die unpaid balance until paid.
<br /> Tlie said principnl and interest shnll be payable Fit the otiice of }''irst Pederal Savi. n�s end Lo;in
<br /> Asso i t ' ofj,inc ln
<br /> in Lincoln , or t�t such other place as t�ie�ol�r of tlie noYe may designale in
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the \fortgagor, in monthly installments of Zhree Hundred Ten r� nd 64/100- - -
<br /> Dollnrs ($ 310 .64 ) , ��mmencing on the fiist day af September , 13 q� , and continuing on
<br /> the first dtty of each month therenfter untii said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooncr paid, thc tinul
<br /> pnyment of principal and interest shnll be due and paya�le on the first dny of Au�ust ?_006 ; nli
<br /> nccording to the terms of a certai�t promissoi•y nole of even date hei•e�vitii executed by tlie siaid Dfortg.�gor.
<br /> Tlie bfortgngor further agrees :
<br /> 1 . He wi4 p1y the indebtedness, as hercinbefore provided. Privilege is resclved to prepay nt iui�•
<br /> - time, �sithout premimn or fee, the entire inclebteduess or uny pfu•t thereuP not less thnn the umount of onc
<br /> instnllment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00) , whichever is less . Prepayment in full shnll be crndited on
<br /> the dnte received. Purtial prepayment, other than on an instnllment due date, need not be credited until
<br /> the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br /> ' 2. Together with, nnd in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br /> the terms of the note secured hereb,v, n4ortgagor will p.iy to 1Viortg.igee, .is trustee, ( under the tcrms of this
<br /> trust as hereinnfter stateci) on the first day of ench month until said note is fully paid :
<br /> (a) A sum equal to the grouncl rents, if nny, next due, pius thc premiums Ch�it will iiext become due
<br /> ' and payuble on policies of fire sud other htizard insurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br /> ' plus taxes und assessments next due ai thc roorlgaged property ( all as eslimnted by the Dfort-
<br /> gagee, and of ���hich the Dlortgagm• is notified ) less all stuns ah�eady pnid therefor divided by
<br /> � the itumber of months to eltipse before oii� mo�itli pi•ior to the date 1�•hen auch ground rents,
<br /> ; premiums, taxes and .issessments �ci11 become delinquent, such sums to be held b,y 11'tortqagee
<br /> in trust to pat� snid growid rents, premiums, taxes and special assessments.
<br /> ( b ) The aggrebate of the amounts px)�able ��ursuant to subparagraph (a) tind those payfible on the
<br /> note secuced hereb}•, shal( Ue pnid in a siugle payment eadi ntonth, to be applicd to the follo���-
<br /> i' ing items in the order stnted :
<br /> ,
<br /> ( t ) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire amd other haznrd insurance premiums ;
<br /> f ( tt ) interestmithenotesecuredhereby ; sud
<br /> ; ( ut ) nmortization of the principal of suid note.
<br /> Any deficienc�• iu the amount of an�• such agRreg.tte mouthly payment shall, unless made qood
<br /> � by the �lortqaqor prior to the due d.ite of the next such pa��ment, constitute an e�•ent of defnult
<br /> ` under this mortgage. At .lfoi•Lgagec's option, \tortgagor �vill pxy a '9atc charqe" not exceed-
<br /> ` ing four per centum ( 4 ^� ) of .in�• installment �chen paid more th:m fiftcen ( 1G ) dnys after the
<br /> due date tl�ereof to cocer lhe extrn espense invol��ecl iu h.indlinq dclinquent pnFments, but such
<br /> "late chaige" Sllilll IIO( ))C j):l1'1liIC OUL OP LI1C �C(]CCCI�S OP any sailc madc to satisfy thc iudebted-
<br /> ness secured hereby, unless such proceeds �u•e sutticient to disch�irge the entire indebtedness suid
<br /> all proper costs and espenses sectu•ed thercUy.
<br /> 3. If the totnl of the payments made by the nlortgngor wider ( a) of paragraph 2 preceding shiill
<br /> ` exceed the amoimt of payments Actunlly mnde by thc Dtorigagee, as trustce, Ibr ground rents, taxes ztnd
<br /> lssessments or insurnnce premiums, us the cnse muy be, such excess sh.11l be credited by the ASortgagee
<br /> ; on aubsequent payments to be mnde Uy the Mortgngor for such item5 or, :tt btortgaKce's option, as trustee,
<br /> : shall be refunded to 1lortgAgor, lf, ho�ti�ever, such monthly payments sh:l�I IIOt �L' SU�I]Gl'Ilt t0 pay such
<br /> items when the same shtill become due nnd payable, then the ➢IorLgagor sliall pny to the Mortgagec, as
<br /> � tivstee, any nmount necessnry ko make up the deficieiicy ���ithin thirty ( 10 ) dn>�s :ifter ���ritLen notice from
<br /> the Mortgagee etating the amount of thc deficiency, ���hich notice mny be qieen by muil. lf at nny time
<br /> the hiortgagor shull tender to the ➢Iortgagee, in uccordance ���ith the pro��isions of the note sccured
<br /> � hereby, full pnyment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, the \fortgagee, as trustce, shall,
<br /> j in computing the umount of such indebtedness, credit to the accoiuit of tlie hlortgngor nny c�edit balance
<br /> ! uccumuluted under the provisions of ( a ) of parnqrxph 2 hereof, If there shull be a deffiuit imdcr nny
<br /> of the provisions of this mortgage resulting in a public snle of the premises covereci hereby, or if the
<br /> hiortgugee acquires the property otherwise nfter default, the Alortgagce, �Gs trust��c, shall apply, at the
<br /> ` time of the commencement of such proceedings, or nt the time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br /> amount then remaininq to credit the hfortgagor under (a) ot para�•aph 2 preceding, ns a credit on the
<br /> interest accrued and unpaid and the Ualance to the principai then remaiining unpnid on snid note.
<br /> t .,: I . .:. , .
<br /> 4. The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force and e(Tect during nny postponement or exten- j :; �
<br /> sion of the time of payment of thc indebtedness or any purt thereof secured }iereby. N ' '
<br /> � 5. He «�ill pay all gi•ow�d i•ents, taxes, nssessments, ���utcr rates, .md other qovermnm�tai or munici- � �
<br /> pal charges, fines, or itnpositions, le��ied upon snid premiscs and thnt he «�ill pay :ill taxes Ic�•icd upon ttiis '�'
<br /> mortguge, or the debt secured thereUy, together u•ith any other ta�ea or assessments «•hich mny be levied �'
<br />: �
<br />� under the ]nwa of Nebraslca nqninst the �foi•tqagee, or the legal holder of snid princip;il note, on accom�t of !;�
<br />� this indebtedneas, except «�hen payment for all such items has theretofore becn made wider ( r�) of para-
<br /> � graph 2 hereof, and he «�ill promplly dcli��er the o0icinl receipts therefor to the \loctgugec. ln deiault
<br />;� thereof the Mortgagee muy p�iy thc same.
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