<br /> _ ,
<br /> { ,���
<br /> ,� �
<br /> ,:: STA'P� OI' N�BItASKA, Coimty of ....................................................:
<br />,_.;' Piled for record oii ................................. 19........ut...................,........ o'clock ........................ bf.
<br /> -; and recorded in the lleed Record ................................. Page .............................
<br /> .............................. ... ..............,. 13y ............. ....... ...... .........................
<br /> .... ........... .................. ...... .............. .............,...
<br /> a
<br /> Register of De��ds 7Jeputy I�egistar of Deods �
<br /> r �6- 0�385:-�
<br /> � Jerry A. Hart and llale �. Iiart, husband and wife, each in hi�
<br /> �nd her orm individual ri�;ht and as spouse of the other,
<br /> '' ,Lerein called the grnntor wLether one or more, '
<br /> .''i
<br /> ;s
<br /> �� in considerntion of $3�,750.00
<br /> a% received from gruntees, doea grnnt, bargain, sell convey nnd confirm unto
<br /> 7 Idorman J. Hayes and Cherlyn J. Hayes
<br />_..tii � :�;
<br /> � AS joint teiiants �vifh right of survivorship, and not as tenants in emnmon, the following described real
<br /> E,:;5
<br /> 1 property in Hall................................... Coimty,Nebraskn: `
<br /> iF
<br />: ,3t
<br /> T
<br /> '� Lot Two (2) in Block ONe (1) in 47ieser Subdivision being a
<br /> part of 4!'zSW'�G Section 2, Township 11 Plorth, Range 10 West of
<br /> the 6th P.M. , Ht�ll County, ,'debraska.
<br /> ;r ^ NEBRASKA DOCUfv1ENTAR'f �
<br /> STA�:1?TNX
<br />� + ��N( P�PG�� ,!U i. 1=1 1976
<br /> :� .�Ec
<br /> sjp
<br /> � ��?. 90 av ✓��C,
<br /> ': To ha��e nnd to Lold the abo�•e descriL•ed premises tagether with all tenemeuts, Lereditamenta
<br /> and uppurtenances thereto belonging unto tl�e grantecs a�id to their assigns, or to the heira and nssigus
<br /> s of t}ie sur��i��or of tLem 1'orcti-er.
<br /> ilnd grantor dnes hereby co��enant �sith thc gruntces aud with their assigns and with the heirs
<br /> and assigns of the surricor of tLetn that grantor is l�nsfullp seised of said premises;that tliey are free from
<br /> encumbrance except easements and restrictions of' record
<br /> ,;i
<br /> r;
<br /> - that grantor has good ri�;ht and la�vfnl aud�ority to coin•ep thc �,unc; ai�d that grnntor «•arrauts and �sill ��
<br /> '���' defetid tLc tiHe tn said premises a�ainst thc Iznsful claims o£all persons �c]iomsoc��er. � : �
<br />�;;�;z: lt is tLe intention o£ all parties liereto tliat i❑ the e�•ent of the deut.h of cither of the gruntees, � � �� �
<br /> - t6�• �•ntire fec litic to tl�is rcul pro�mrtp chnll �•est in the surcieing eruntce. �
<br /> f; D:itr.d July 1, 79 ��'
<br /> ` "�.�.�.�..�. �� l l��—
<br /> .................................................................................... .. .............................
<br /> ...r .. .. .........................
<br /> . , .
<br /> : ,
<br /> ...:=:%��c �:� ��:�
<br /> ................................................................................... .......�,........ ........................................
<br />' ' , ilebraska f:all
<br /> :,'::. S'PA'PE OP ............................................................. Counn� of ............................................................:
<br /> - 13efore me,n notar}• public qualified for snid count�•, personully cuiue
<br /> Jerry A. Hurt and Dale E. t:art, each in nis and her own right
<br /> - and as s;�ouse of each other.
<br /> :,I _ , ,.
<br /> kno�en to me to be tLe idcuticul persnn or perscros�aho signed the foregoing instrument and ackno�vledged
<br /> ' � n thercof to Ue his,her or their��oluntary act and dced. } ��
<br /> j{ �4 ......,0 ,^.......... . .......... � iC �,
<br /> y�v�NERq'Ilt�Qe. tny hand and notnriul seaj�n-=..�\._.,�..,...: .. July 1�........., 19.r.°.......... ( rt
<br /> �� C NOTARY � � I� �r � � ��, f+r '
<br /> :. �� COMtdISSiON : -,,.`r•,! �..!..:.•�. :.....:.. �li.L�...� .......... \otarv Yublic �..,.
<br /> EXPIRFS • �� / ,'� •
<br /> •� ' ,
<br /> . .
<br /> �,�G� g19r q J1p rnmm�ss�on expires....................:.�:,�:.r....::..:'... , 19...�%
<br /> �J.•,��19��:'c�'E' ; ... . .......
<br /> '9�i�{�'���i e a��l�roced by \�•b�;o-l:a�t:de Itur,\i�nr.iation FeltonLR'ultCo..Wncdn.NeLr.
<br /> r
<br /> � �
<br />