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<br /> � w�i,d�
<br /> � � �
<br /> MORTGAGE-3avinge and Loan Form---lDl�oct Credlt Plm) 255•2 (Speclal) � �
<br /> �:.. 76„ O�3 8 41 � MORTGAGE �
<br /> ��No
<br /> Yr�rts txnetrrtrns,made � I 2th ,,oy,i J u I� 19�2.by and belween �
<br /> ' 3 ANTONSON, husband and wife each in his and her own riqht and as snouse of the other �#
<br /> j
<br /> � o� Ha I I County,Nebranka,aa morigngor 5 and kiome Fode:al Savinge aad Loaa Aaeociation of Grand Ltand, � .,
<br /> ?
<br /> a corporation organiznd and e:tetiag uadcr tho lawa ol Neb�anka wit6 its p:[ncipal oltico and yla�e ol bueineae at Grand Isl�d,Nebcaaka, .
<br /> .
<br /> m morlgagae: ..
<br /> : WITNESSETH: That eaid morigagor 5,lor and in eonaida�atlon ot tho eum of $ �
<br /> EIGHTY-FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100 ---------------------------------- nouars ls 84,0OO.OD t, i
<br /> Ihe recelpt o!whtch ie hereby aclmowledged, do—6y thoee preeoota mortgage and wmTant unto eaid mortqagee, ite eucceeeon mid � �
<br /> aeugm. toreveq all the lollowiag doecribed real oalate, eltuated in the county of H��� � .
<br /> } and State ot Nobraaka,to-wit:
<br /> �; �s
<br /> t�; £S �
<br /> � �
<br /> s # �
<br /> ,� $ lf ;
<br /> f 3
<br /> F.. �$
<br /> „t,Yr, r . . . .
<br /> Si
<br /> , f�d S
<br /> }$
<br /> �$
<br /> �� S�
<br /> : $
<br /> h $; 2$
<br /> S3 ii �
<br /> � �j Togother viith all hoating. Ilghting, and plumLinq oqWpmenl and li:turos,intludinq eloken and buraere,aaeena,awninqe,slo=m windowe S� .
<br /> A and doors,and window shaden or btinde,uaed on or in connectian with said prope�ty,w6ether tho nama a:o now located on naid pmperly � � �
<br /> S,i or herea(ter ptaced thereon. �. � � �� �
<br /> ji
<br /> ii TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD TFIE SAME, logethe� with all and einqular tho lenemonts.Lereditamenls and¢ppuilenances thoreunto belong• $'
<br /> $f ing,or in anywise appertainiag.lorevet,and warrant tho IiUe to tho eame. Said mo�igagor___5_hereby covenant--with aaid mortgaqee j�
<br /> e
<br /> �f �hQ��a� are ��e delivary hereol,lhe lawlul owners ot tha p�emiaoe above conveyed and deecribed,and a�P. �i
<br /> �f ��$ eei:ed o(a qood and inde�eaaiblo estote ot inheritaare therein,lree and dear o!all encumbru¢cen,and iLal��c�_will walrmt mtd �
<br /> $ delend lho tille thoreto lorever aqain�t the dnime and demand+ot all peraons whomaoevar. j
<br /> ,, S
<br /> . �# PAOVIDED ALWAYS, nnd thia instrument ls executed and deliveced to eecuro lhe paymeat of lho aum o( �� - �
<br /> �� EIGHTY-FOUR THOU�AND A1dD NO/100 ------------------ ----- nollara IS b4,000.00 �, j# .
<br /> �jt wifh(ntereat theTeon.together with euch cha:ges and advancas ae may 6e duo and payablo to said mo[Igageo undnr the lerma and SS2 , � ' . �
<br /> }j
<br /> �S conditionn of tho promiasory note o( even date herewith and aecured hereby,ozecuted by eaid mortgagoi5—to eaid mo�tgaqae,payable �� .� .
<br /> 3 as espresaed in said nolo,and to eecurc tha perto:mmso oi all 16e termn and conditlom tontoined tha:ein. 7he lermn ot eaid noto are
<br /> t he�eby incorpomted herein by thla ralarence. �F
<br /> �S `
<br /> S It[s tho intentioa and aq�eement ol thc parties hcreto thal lhis mo[tqage sLall aleo se�vro any luture advancee mada to eaid � � �
<br /> �� modgagor 5 by eaid mortgagee,and nny and all lndebtednone in addition to tho amount above etoted which said moAgaqo[e, or anp � �
<br /> < of them. may owo to eaid mortqaqee,however evideaced whether by aole,boolc account or otherwiae. 7hi�mortgage ehall:emaia ia full f .
<br /> �j force and eflect between the partiea horato md their 6etre. poreoml repreeenta�vea, eucceneoce and mniqne, unlil alt ameunta secured F
<br /> he[eunder,including luturu adv�cee,are paid ln lull with inleresl. # � � .
<br /> s�j 7he mortgagor 5 ho:oby aeaiqti_to aaid morigaqeo ail reou and income arieinq at any and all tlmoe irom aald property �d #� � �
<br /> �2 hereby authorize eaid mor�gaqea or I�e agent,at Sta oprioa,upon detault,to take ch�ga of aaid property and collect all rents and fnmme ��
<br /> S Ihexafrom and apply the sama to lhe payment o!interuat,prinripal,ineuraaw pramiuma,taxee,cweenmeate,repmre or improvemenle aecnn.
<br /> � n¢[ to hee eaid to crt in tenantabfo mndlUon,or �o olLcr chm oe or menle rovidod for hereia ot tn tho note hereb xnued ilile
<br /> 4 Y P P P Y 4 PQ9 P Y
<br /> $� cent ossignment shall malinue in loica untll the unpald balaace ol eaid aole Is lully paid. Tho takinq ol ponaemion he[euader ehati in ao
<br /> fmannor p�ovent or retacd said mongageo in the coltoaion ot eaid eume by forecloeure or otherw!eo.
<br /> }' Tho lailure ot tho mottgagce to auect any ol itn righta hexeuador at any time ehall aot bo conntruod a�a wciver of Ite riqht to anaen
<br /> ES the eame at any]ater tlma.�d.to.Iaelet sspon aad-enlorce strict mmpliance with ail tLe terms and provinSonn ot said noto and ot lhis $ �
<br /> F� mo�t9aqe. ��.. y, .. . . . . �. ; � � � .
<br /> S �
<br /> $ II eaid morlgagor i abail'cvuna•�to ba paid�to wid morigagee the ealire aaount due t�hereuader,and under tha tarma aad provtuon� _ �
<br /> �S of said notc horeby nacuted;fnckudinq-tutuia advaarna,and any aztemioaa or xonewals therrol in accordaaca wiih We terme aad providoa�
<br /> SSS thareol,and @ said morigaqor 5_ ehall complp with ali the provinione o!safd aote aad ot th4 mortqage.Ihea�he�e preeenu ehali be void: �
<br /> }} olherwiee to remaia ln(ull lorte and elloct,and smd morigagee�hall be en�itled to the po�aeaeioa ot all ol aaid property,aad may,at ib �
<br /> $ op4on,decla:e t6e whota ol said note and all lnde6fedaeu repie�enlad thereby to be immedlately due and payable,and may torecloaa�hi� -,,,�,. 3 r'�^
<br /> ;+ mor�qage or talca m�y other lega3 actton to prolect IV dght, m�d!rom the date ot auch dalvult all ltems ot Indebtedae�a �ocuved horcby � � . yEr,` r
<br /> S�� eholl draw inteteat at�%IFpr annum. App[al�emoat waived. j ����(r c .
<br /> � }$ Thie mortgaqe �hall be bladlnq upon and�hall aauro ta �he b�netit o!ths hefn,execvror�,admlaVt:atore, �ucceaeors and mniqns d f �' s
<br /> � s� Iho rvepective partiee he+eto.
<br /> J `
<br /> i
<br /> �S IN WIRI{SS Wt�AEOF, wid Mo:tqagor�La�L6 hereueto •et tha i r hoa�,.tho day and yeat lirot abovs �ri � ��
<br /> � wrltloq� / _ /�-7/' .._�%' �— . �/ _..'^ � .
<br /> . S \ ` - /-�. ._/ i��_-/�P^v �'-'�7,?:.s�/an / , .���r'. � .� . .
<br /> - �� � ; ,r � � . ' � � � .,
<br /> Jo��ker ��� �� / pk:rr��n T. Antobson
<br /> , .���2.�_, -'f. `,�;C.'-; �i . �- , �
<br /> ff �F�ron L. aker �;�'��'y r_� ,n on,or
<br /> y� ...�...........»..:5
<br /> � � �
<br /> C
<br />