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<br /> � , y�� �
<br />,, � �
<br /> ;' STATL OP NLBRAf3gA, Couuty oE ........................................................:
<br /> Fi!ed for record und entered in Numericnl Lidex
<br /> ou............................................................ at .......,........ o'ulock ................ Df..
<br /> ",_� aud recorded in Deed I�ecord ...............................PFige ............,................. '
<br /> ......................_.................................... By .......,....................................................
<br /> Connty Clerk or Deput}� Cow�ty Clerk or
<br /> � Register o£Deede Deput�� Register of Derds �
<br /> : r
<br /> � ._ 76- �1Q3&�0
<br /> •� WARF'.ANTY DEED
<br /> Le1and L. Steffen and hlarilyn A. Steffen, husband and wife, and Gary P. Rowe and
<br /> Charlotte L. Xowe, husband and wife,
<br /> , herein c¢11ed the grantor whether one or moro,
<br /> in considerntion of One Hundred 71we1ve Thousand and 00/100 Dollars
<br /> �A
<br /> ,ry? recelved from grnntee, does grant, bargnin, sell, convey ar,d coiifirm unto Norman T. Antonson and
<br /> Dorothy E. Antonson, husband and wife and Jon A. Baker and Sharon L. Baker, husband
<br /> and wife, as tenants in common,
<br /> hereiii ctilled thr, grantee �shetlicr one or more, tlie follo�vivg described real property in i
<br /> ;% .........................Ha11..................................... County, NeUraska:
<br /> '' Lots Two (2) and Four (4) in B1ock Ten (10), in College Addition to West Lawn,
<br /> in the City of Crand Island, (lall County, Nebraska.
<br /> x
<br /> STAiv1P TAX
<br /> �UL131916
<br /> ,•.TATEM�Nt A�ACN� �
<br /> - �%�:C��� BY�
<br /> 'Cu h,icc und to hold the ubore described premises together �cith all tenemeuts, liereditxunents � �
<br /> and appiu•tenance� t.iiereto belonRin� tmto the q^antee. aod to grnntee's Leirs and assi�ns £ore��ea ��� .
<br /> And the grantur does hereL}� cocentmt tcith the �,�rztntee and �citL gratitee's heirs and nssigne � � � �
<br /> �hnt �rantor is ],i�ci'ull}• seised of snid pi•etnises; tLat ttic��.ti•c free from eneumbrance except easements
<br /> and restrictions of record.
<br /> tLnt�;r.uitm•has �,uu�l ri�6t and Li�cfiil atrtLorit}• to conre�� the same; aiid tLat grantor «�urrants and will
<br /> '� defend tlic title to �,iid premises tiqainct the la�vful clai�us of al]persons tchomsoever.
<br /> Dated Ju1y 13, 1J 76 � �
<br /> ; ; /�
<br /> /T yn" / (/
<br /> ` .....(��.X4!�.�.tX... ..�-p. D.'� . .�!�/�ct,...(' . \��;�, .., � .
<br /> , � 1
<br /> ���"��'�................. ...c�.� �J........ ............. �..............
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<br /> ; , � � � . � � ,� � ,
<br /> �; �...���.,.,�:......:>.�,. ...... f , ;
<br /> . � .�����:. �.. ,._. �.:.: �� ::...... _ ...:....�.�.:..
<br /> ' �'I':1'1'f:(1P NL•'I3R�1SIiA,Caw�t}• of ...............Ha11
<br /> Bcl'ore me, a nntar�• publi�• ��u,iliiicd for�ni�i c�,an[y, per,ouall�• exme �
<br /> Leland L. Steffen and P1arilyn A. Steffen, husband�and
<br /> wife, and Gary P. Rowe and Charlotte L. Rowe, husband
<br /> and wife, each in his or her own right and as spouse
<br /> of the other,
<br /> I�no�cn tu mi� io be the idrntic;it persun or persous n'lio signed the !,_�-• t'��.
<br /> fore��oin� instriimeut and tickno��-lcd�ed tl�c esecution thereoi to be his, � " 'r��
<br /> �� N a
<br /> her or tlieir voluiittiry iict �uid deed. y
<br /> L � :
<br /> R'itness mc hand and itotarial S�pl on Z.U1.9....1.3.....�9..?6..................... � "�
<br /> � ..
<br /> � �-� _
<br /> , .
<br /> �A�iE1(ERAL�•Ztdl�� �•- c�'L..�.4�:�:�..F..4!�:.�—`-. tiotsry YuUlic �
<br /> � �- CURTIS N.CMt1iTEMSEN
<br /> � 1� ;"�, My Commlulan F�cPiro� . 7 `" .
<br /> � _=��-+:� October 17.1977 11�� c•onwuti�iou ex. ires ,Q�.I� �7................. 19 (...1....
<br /> �r .... .............
<br /> �.-'�`_—
<br /> � Form =^ APproced b}' Nebracka St:lle 19ar Assoei:iUun a'.ie„n s�cou a..u�cw��,t;t�..
<br /> -- J
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