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<br />:� � �
<br />; .
<br /> � . �6' f�t7����LF�r; t9ARRAN"PY v,.�;v
<br /> hiJO{V ALL ME:d 13� 'ff{ESE PRLS�N'TS, That PRGD J. NIE,d0�f1I and 5UPIIlE C.
<br /> NIEMOTI�, Husband and ti'ife, and tenants in conunon in consideration of
<br /> rOne and 00/100 Do11ai•s in hand paid, do }iereby grant, bargain, sell,
<br /> convey and confirrn unto NIEbIOTfI rAMILY PAItTN�itSHIP, LT'D. tlie following
<br /> descriUed rea.t estate, situated in the County of Ilall and State of :v'ebra-
<br /> sb:a, to-wit:
<br /> The lt`est Eialf ef tlie Soutliwest Quartex• (t4'-;;S�Y'-a) of Section
<br /> 'Cliree (3) , tiie East Half of the Soutlieast Quarter (E'-sSE'•s)
<br /> of Section Four (4) , the Northeast Quarter af the tiorth-
<br /> cast Quarter (N�!,a;E'-a) of 5ection Nine (9) , and the :dortli-
<br /> east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE':,N�V':;) of Section
<br /> Tiaenty-T�,�o (2?) , All in T'ownship T'1ti�elve (12) ,�ortli, Range
<br /> ,�'ine (9) , lVest of the 6th P.At.
<br /> Together ti�;ith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to
<br /> tlie same belonging, and all t}ie estate, title, doiaer, rigiit of homestead,
<br /> clain or demand i��hatsoever of tlie said FRED J. `:IrbiOTH and SOPIIIL C.
<br /> NIEDIOTH, 1lusband and lVife of, in, or to the sarne, or a�iy part thereof;
<br /> TO ti.AVE A�D 1'0 1IOLD the above described premises, ti��ith the appur-
<br /> tenances unto the said tiIE?�10TI! FA,�IILT P:ART�;ERSI{IP, L1'U. and to its
<br /> successors and assigns forever, and FRF.D J. ilIEAfOT[{ and SOPHIE C. ilIEi�tOTH
<br /> the said grantors for themselves and their }ieirs, executors, and admin-
<br /> istrators, do co��enant �tiith sai�l ;dIE"�tOTll Fe1PiILY PARTN�RS}IIP, L"PD. and
<br /> ti�ith its successors and assigns, that they are lawfully sei�ed of said
<br /> ` pre�itises, t}iat the}� are free from encw:iorance except tazes and encum-
<br /> brances and restrictions of record and ti�at they have good right and
<br /> lauful authority to sell the same unto the said `:IE;IO'?'ll FA;dIL�' P;�RTi1EP.-
<br /> SiiIP, LTD, and its successors and assigns, �orever, a�air.st the latiaful
<br /> claims of all persons +ahomsoe��er.
<br /> I:, IJIT:�F.SS l�`HL'REOi', �rL' I13VC hcreunto set our hands tl�is ��day
<br /> of V �. , 19��•
<br /> � .l'� /
<br /> v — �
<br /> — PRi . �I 'h '1'I{
<br /> ' � `�?..�.��ez�
<br /> 50PHIli C. NIE:�O'I"ri
<br /> � STAT� OP tiI:BI�'�SxA ) � �
<br /> � ,� ) ss. i
<br /> COU?I'PY OP ;�r='�� ) .
<br /> �
<br /> ! ¢
<br /> On this /� day of � �c�t, , 19 7� , before rie, a ilotar�•
<br /> � Public in and tor said Countir, ersonal�came cTie adovc named FR�D J. '�
<br /> NIEP10"Pii and SOPHIE C. ,dI�idOT}?, Ifusband anci 1'7ife �,Y�ho are personally kno�,yn �'"<
<br /> to ��e to be the identical persons titihose names are affi::ed to the abot�e
<br /> ir.strument as grantors, and they acknoi;ledged said instrument to be thei.r
<br />_ 4 �
<br />�
<br />