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<br /> — — ---- ��oirrc,ncl'LOAN N0. � ZZ,239 _
<br /> � KNOWALLMfNUYT11f51iPRESI:NTS:That James N. Schirkofsky and Barbara J. Schirkofsky, each in
<br /> h15 and her own right and as SPOUSC' Of 2dCh other, Ato�tgagor,wl�rthcroneornwre,inconsiderationcfthesumof
<br /> • Thirtv one Thousand and No/100----------------------------------Ks--�-------"""n���A�
<br /> luaned to said murlgagur by 7'he Equitable Uuilding and Luan Associutiun of Grand Island,Nebrail;a,�fort a ee,u un 3�� shares of stock o[
<br /> � said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�239 .Ju liereby grant, coiwey and morigage wuo the said ASSOCIA710N the following
<br /> � Jescribed real estatc,si�uated in Ilall County,Nebraska:
<br /> LOT TEN (10), 6LOCK ONE (1), LAKE DAVIS
<br /> r `
<br /> -�
<br /> '- : togeiher with all the tenements,heredit�ments and appurten�nces thereumo belunging,including attached Ooor cucerings,all winduw screnns, �
<br /> •�� wiudow shades,blinds,s�urm windows,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,�nd plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> � re(rigrraturs,and other fixtures-und eyuipment nuw nr hereafler auached to u�used in cunnactiun wi�h said real estate.
<br /> N�J whereas ihc said mo�lgugo�has agreed and does hercby agree �hal the mungagor shxll and will p�p all tases and assessments levied or
<br /> assesxd upon said premius and upm�this mortgage and the bond secured thcrcbv belore d�e same shall 6ecome delinyuent;to furnish approved
<br /> ' insurance upon the buildings un said premises siivated in thc sum of S 3�����.�� pay�blr tu said ASSOCIATION anJ to deli��er to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION�lie pulicies for said insurance;and not tu commit or permit�ny waste on ur about s�id premises;
<br /> In case u(default in the ped7�rmance ot any uf the terms and cundi�ions of this murtgage or tlie bond secured hereby,the murtgagee shall, .
<br /> - un Jemand,bc enti�led w immcdiate pussession o(ihe mor�gaged premises anJ tha mortgagu� hereby assigns, transfers and sets urer to the
<br /> � murtgagee all the rents,revenucs and income to be derived(eom the mortgaged premises dunng such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaiJ;and the murlga@ec shall havt the power to appoint any:+gent or agcnts it m�y dcsire (ur die purpuse u(repairing said premises and renting
<br /> � the smne and collecting the«nts,recenues and incume,and it m:�y pay uut of said income all expenses of repuiring said premises and neass�ry
<br /> � commissiuns and expenses incurred in reming and m�naging the same and ol cullecting rentals therefrom;the balance remaining,i(any,to be
<br /> 1. � �P(1IIl'lI IOR'JI/I UIC(IISCFIB�(�f OP Se1lI IilOILEd�4'l'II7(�CII�[•1I11CS5:1I7C51'(IlI7(S UI lI1C flWfl�OECP IPSV bP C\ClCISrA 8I�Il)'llfllC(Illllfig 1�1C GXISLBIII'C OI SUCfI
<br /> : dzfault,irrespective of anq icmpuran�wairzr of the same.
<br /> � � These Prexnts,ho��tver,are upun ihc Conditiun.Th�t i(d�c said lfortgagor shall repa}�s�id loun un u�befum d�e mnturity oC said sLares b},
<br /> � payment;p�y momhly tu said ASSOCIATIO�uf the sum specificd in the BunJ secured hereby�s interest and princip�l on said loan,on ur befure
<br /> � �he T��•entieth day ui rach and eeery month,uNil said loan is fully paid:pay all tases and assessments levied ag�inst said premises�nd on this�tortgage
<br /> and the Bund secured U�creby.bcfurc Jelinyucncy:(urnish approved insu�ance upun th��buiidi«es tLcreun in tt�c sum of S 3�,�Q�.�� pa}'able
<br /> � to s�id ASSOCIA'iIOV:rep�y tu said ASSOCIATION upon Jemand all money by it p�id iur such tuxes,assessmatts and insurance with interest at
<br /> � tlro maximum legal rate diereon Gum datc uF papmeni�II oi whid�Aforig�gor hereby agrees tu psy:prrmit nu�vaste un said p�emises:keep and cumply
<br /> wi�h all lhe a�reamcnts and conditiuns ol�he liund lur 5 1 (�(� Ihis day gican by thc said\lortgagor to s�id ASSOCIATiO\,and wmply
<br /> e' wiih all the rcyuirements of the Consiiiution and 8y-L�ws oi'��ddSS�lAT10N;�hen thesz presents sh�ll become null and void,ocherwise they
<br /> ` shall remain in full fo�ce and ma}'be forecloxd�t the op�iun ol�he said ASSOCIATION a(ter (ailure for three mwitl�s w m�ke any uC said
<br /> � � paymen�s or be three momhs in a��cars in making said munthly p�ymems,ur to keep and comply with the agrcements and conditions of s�id 8und:
<br /> �. � anJ 1lurtgagur agrees to h:ire�recticer appuinted forthw4th in suth fureclusure pruceedmgs.
<br /> li tlicre is any change in uwncrship of the real esiate mortgagcd herein,by salc or ulhcrwise,ihen thz entire�emaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shall,at the optiun uf The P.yuitable 13uilding and Loan Associa�ion of G�and leland,\ebraska,bewme immzdiately due and payable withuut
<br /> (unher nutice,and the amuunt remiining due under s�id bvnd,and any oiher bund for any�dditional advances m;�de thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> '� daie ol exercise o(said optiun,bcar imerest at�he m�ximum Iegal raie,and this murtgage may then be foreclosed to.satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> hond,and any other bond for additional advances,tugether with all smns paid by said The Lyuitxble duilding and Loan Assuciatiun uf Grand Island,
<br /> �ebraska(ur insur�nce,taxes and assessments,and abstracling extensiun charges,with interest thereon,from dace uf payment at the mazunum
<br /> legalratc.
<br /> As pruvided iu the Bund secu�ed hereby,while�his murtgage remains in effect the mortgagee may herealter advxnce additional sums tu the
<br /> makers ul said Bond,thcir assigns oi successou in interest,which sums shall be�aithin ihe security of this mortgage ihe same as the funds o�iginally
<br /> -� secured ihereby,the toial amounl of principal deht n�t io eaceed al an}'time ihe uriginal amount o(diis murtg�ge.
<br /> o���a�i��5 13th ��y�r July ,�,n.,i+�76
<br /> ;� � ,
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<br /> �,, �i�11�i_i_ 1:a�: �'"._
<br /> �James N. Schirkofs�Cy/ i`" Barbara J. Scjiirkafsky � ��
<br /> �:
<br /> STATGOFNGDRASKA, j3th �a�,o( July 1976 ,betoreme,
<br /> ss. On this
<br /> COUNTY OF t1ALL
<br /> the undersigned,a No[ary Public in and(or said County,personally came ' � " .�
<br /> James N. Schirkofsky and Barbara �. Schirkofsky, each in his and her own right and as N�;;.
<br /> S � aCfl other, 1°h0 dP2 p«}�nallyknownto
<br /> L ,��y�'r � a
<br /> .`'me tdbe,�lie���person 5 whose name S dP2 affixed to the vhuve instrument as mongagorS and they uverally
<br /> d'
<br /> � .ackiiuNlcdgotl�Ih£said�nstrument to he thei r voluntary act and deed. t�. -� .
<br /> q,� ' �aIT!3�SS my hand and Notarial Scal thc date albresaid. � �
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