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<br /> � FIRST `
<br /> Loan Number---302�l�.----- � -----�� �
<br /> _� FOflM No.528 IRev.�o�7u1
<br /> , � M O R T G A G E �
<br /> ,;� '
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<br /> THIS b10R'CGAGL, mnde xnd ezecuted this .......�'�.._..diiy of._._..-__........7��.�y. __.___.._.A.D.� 19.. ....Y66etween
<br /> � F.ugene Plels S+fonson and 4landa Lou Monson, husband and r�ife, each in his and her oym `;
<br /> ;, _...... ....__...___ _ ..__... .. __ _ _ _._. _.__ ... _..... ...
<br /> __.._. . ......... __....
<br /> �
<br /> � individual right and as spouse of the other, joi.ntly and severally �
<br /> , �
<br /> __..._ ._........_ ____ _.
<br /> _ ___. ....._.......
<br /> _._. ._. .
<br /> ..,r ...__.._.._. . . .._.... .._.........._.. ._ . . _.___ .... . .... - �
<br /> �r �
<br /> � of ..__�i00$..�'.Y2T_.........._ _....� County of _. .H811_..._.. ... Statc uL......_...NEt)THS$A... ..._ . ... Lereir�a(ter referrcd �
<br /> � .
<br /> ,�3 to as th�•Dtortgagor,artd I+IRST PED�RAL SAVING5 AND LOAN ASSOCIAI'ION OP I.iNCOI.N, Nebraskn, it+ s�mccseor� �•
<br /> � ❑nd assign5,hereinafirr rc(rrr d�o as Atorlgagee, !
<br /> ti i
<br /> - 1A'17'NI�:S9E'1'FL• 7'hat thr snid 1�inrtgagur.for:md in cunsidrration of ihe sum of -
<br /> t� i
<br /> t ;
<br /> _P�RTY-�IGHT..THOUSAI�iD.ANIl.PI0�100----------------- ----- -----�� 48,000.00_ _ _ � n��u��r.. :
<br /> puid by stud :�lurlgagce, <locs h��rcby ,��II mid rnnvcy wdn 1'II25'P I I llSRAL 51A'INGS �1Nll I.UAN A550CIA'1'ION OF
<br /> ..� I.INCOI.N. Nehra�ka, �+� Mort�:�ge��. iL+ ;uccessurs �md :�„i�;ns. Ihe (nllu�ein� drscribi•d Rrtd 1?stul�•. �i�uuti�d in the Cuunty nf
<br /> :af
<br /> '' . �! . ..... .. , b�.wii: ; .:
<br /> . __._........Hall...... ._.__ _ ___ _.__ si.�t�� ot .....___ .._.. . P ebraslca
<br /> IJickels Subdivision, located in ihe Piortn I?alf of the Pdortheast �uarter �
<br /> ; Nl N�'� of Section `Pcaent four (24 Townshi Ten 10 n'orth, Ren e ;
<br /> � z a) Y- )� P � ) �
<br /> ;i Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.Id., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> ; described as: Comuier.cir�; at the Northeast corner of said Northeest
<br /> � E?uarter (PIE,) of Section Twenty-£our (24); thence �9est alone the IJorih
<br /> � line of said Northeast Quarter of Secti.on Trrenty-four (24) a d'stance
<br /> of 701.32 feet to the point of beginning; thence South a distance of _
<br /> �a0,00 feet; thence South 17° 35' SS�� �'7est a distance of i94.o3 feet;
<br /> thence South a distance of 123•�+0 feet to the centerline of the j�lood
<br /> ,j hzver ch�nnel; thence iollowin�r the centerline of Ylood kiver ch�nnel . .
<br /> South 60° 58' 16" Slest a distance of' 78.29 feet; thence North 87° 57' 48"
<br /> 'i 41est a distance of ll0.00 feet; thence I�lortii 78° 26' 27° Flest a distance
<br /> ?? of 87.96 feet; thence IQortn 4£3� 17' 04° j�lest a distance of' 191.55 feet;
<br /> thence South 79° i8' S��� �desi a dist�nce of' 37.41 feet; Chence Suuth
<br /> 53° 00' 58° �dest a distance of 150.41 feet; thence South 85° 03' 40"
<br /> ��Iest a distance of 130.05 i'eet; thence South ti4° 58' 26° ldest a
<br /> distance of 46.72 feet; thence 4lest leaving ihe centerline of the F7ood
<br /> River channel a distance of 28.96 feet; thence Iiortti folloorinE, an
<br />� efisting fence line a distance of 372•40 feet �:o the IJoi•tti line of sai.d
<br />� Northeast �uarter (NE4) of Seci;ion Tv:enty-four (24); thence !3ast along :
<br />� the I'Iorih line of said Itortheast (<uerter (?vrl;) of Section Tvreniy-four
<br />� (24) a distance oi 820.00 feet to tl�e point of begirmin�; and also
<br /> includinE; the following described i:ract of .land: tre "lorth 40.00
<br /> feet of the Ilast 701.32 feet of the Northe�st <�uarter (PTr�;) of said
<br /> Section `1'�renty-four (24); said tracts containi.ng 6.61 acres more or
<br /> less sub,ject to Road on the ?dorth thereof. :
<br /> 7'U H.1�'li ,WD'I'O lfOI,D t6r :i6ucr di,rnFrd Pn�mi.�•s(ur thi•ue�•s hrmin sul turtli and lu securc p�•rfurmemrc n[ihi, .
<br /> ��Lli;utiuns contaim•d hen�in.to�uthor wiW nll huildint;�. impruecm�•nl., fi�fure, nnd app��rtrnancr., nnd all rus��ments Iherrunin , . .
<br /> Ia�lon�;in�;, and il i> nmtui�lly rm�rnnnird und .u:r�•�•d by and b��two��n lh�� p;vlics hi•ndu fh:d all Plmn6in�;, ga=. rleclric and . .
<br /> mecluuiical (ixwrc., appli:uu�•a. �•quipm�•nt. mnrhincr>� :md :qipxratus,flnur ru�i�nn;;�.:,l��rm�vindu«�..:md scrci•ns,and such uthrr �.�. . � .
<br /> ��w�Jv;md chnllels tmd perswu�l properly n;aro rrer lurni�hrd by a L�ndiurd in Irtling ur up��r.din„an un[urni�h�•d buildint:.simi- � .
<br /> Inr ln the une uu�v ur hemuRi�r uu�+�id prcnu�•s.��6ich urc ar shall b�• :dl:�ched tu s:iid Luildint; in ❑ny m�mner H�hntsa•ceq ar�� . .
<br /> and�h�ill b�r d�•��m��d tu Lc fixtwr� und an a�r<<..siun tu Ihr frri�huld und�i part o(thc rcalty n�Ix•h��rcn thr partioa licmlo.ihrir
<br /> hc�ir;. esrculrrs, ndministraturs, .uccr...un ur:i:sign;, nnd :ill peraan; claimin�; by. lhruu�;h ur undrr thrm. ;uiJ vh:dl h��drenn•d � . -
<br />� ' In b�•a�wr�inn n(t6e ci•curily t��r Ihi�ind�•btc•dnrsn h��miu mrnlium�d :uid tu I�������rrrd L}• Ihis murtKa;;��. . �� .
<br /> t�.,. � .
<br /> • Sr'
<br /> , :��..N ?lr.. i:.
<br /> l�`� YROVIDI?I) 1L\1'AYS. nnrl lh��?r pn•:i�nl. ��m ��crcuted nn�l d��inrrril up�m tho Inllnwin�; cundiliom ngrr�•m�•nls nnd . �. �, ,
<br /> „^ uLli;;nliuns nI Ihe� 11nr1{;:�Gnrs.ta wit' �. ��%
<br /> _ '1'h�� pinrl�n�;nr nRrr�•.h�pa�� lu th�� A1��rl�;a{:r��,ur nrJrt. t6r prin<•ipid ..um r�( :'�R1Y—�IGH'P 'I'�{�US�:FTD � . � �v
<br /> �' AtID PIO/100----------------------------------------------------- 4£.000.00
<br /> .. . _ _ _. .. . t`� i Dnllnrs. ..
<br /> � ��ncnl��l�•n+�rtnciilyd in:i nulr rx��ru��•d nnd �I��lin•rr�l r��ncurn�ully' hrrr��ciL!�. Ih�• �in;d �ci��inrnt c; princip:d. il nnl .umu�r p:iid.
<br /> ��n �Le . �5�... .da)' uf.. .1�11� . . . 1'� ��O ,
<br /> � �
<br />