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<br /> 7u- OQ3€?3�
<br /> F I RST'
<br /> � ��! FORM No.5371r+ev.a.�al . --�-- .
<br /> I Loan Number_.._3��9� - _1_=_:_��fl
<br /> u�a�cn ry�e
<br /> �; 7'FIIS MOFtTGAGP. mtide nnd ,�x����i�d m�s ...lOth..._an>-��r......�iY _......__....._..,_......._n.D..ie_..7�...,�,�iW���„ . �
<br /> Doyid.A,..Weeks.and„Cheryl„A,.Weeks., husband and_.wife,..eAch in his._and_.her oFm.indiyi.dual.,.
<br /> ' right._and..as_.spouse...o�.'..the...ather.,..j.ointly..and_severa]1y..... . ._.......__.....____. . _ _......._ ._. ..._._......_
<br /> „t ...... Grand,.Island_..... .. ..,C<>w�ty o[... __.x81,�, .. .....� Stnle oC..... .Nebraska ........... . h�n,�atter referred
<br /> to ns the hiortgngor,and FIRST'FGDGRAL SAVINGS AND I.OAN ASSOCIATION OG I,iNCOi.N, Nebrnskn, its successore
<br /> ' and ussiRns,hereinxfter reterred tn as Mortgngee, �
<br /> R'1'PNGBSE'1'H: 'Chat th�said ninrl�;agor,fur nnd iu considcralion of lhe sum a( � .
<br /> TWEI�.SEV.EPJ THOU$AND O.N..E,.HUNDRED,�IGHTY_APID..PIOl100 ---. ----(g 27.s180.00..._......__.) llollnra,
<br /> pnid by said Mortgagee, does hereby sell nnd com�ey unto FIRST PL•'DERAI. SAVINCS AND LOAN ASSUCIATION Or
<br /> LINCOLN, Ncbrasku, as 1lnrtgagee, ils succrssors end t�ssi�;ns, the followinF drscribed Real Rsta�e,situfitrd in thr County of . �
<br /> __.................Ha1L............_................_.. ........ siaie ot....__........._.Nebraska......__._.................__.._ . i��.wiu
<br /> Lot Three (3) in H1oc1: Ten (10), in Gilbert's
<br /> Second Addition to the City oi Grand Island,
<br /> Ha11 County, ATebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> @; .
<br /> t`
<br /> ( .
<br /> k
<br /> 1
<br /> { _'
<br /> 7'0 HAVI: A1D"PO IIOLD Ih��nlwv��Jrscribed premise.s tur Ihe uses herein ael(urth and tu secure per(nrmtuice o(lhe
<br /> , ublit;ntivas cuNnined herr.in.tugi�ther witli all buildin�s. impruvemrnts. fix4�res m�d uppurten:mces mid �JI ensement, Iherrunlu
<br /> f . Ix9onging. und il is mutunlly rovennnlcY3 nnd agrecd Ly nnd beM�crn the p�rties hi�reto th�t ❑11 PlumLiny. gns, eleclric nnd
<br /> � mechzmic;�l fialures. appliuntts. equipment, m�chin�rl' :���d appevutus.Iluor coverings,ylonn winduws and screcns.nnd such other
<br /> � �rH�ds and chnitel.and personal pruperty as urc crer furnisLed by u Inndlurd in Ieltin�;or uperatin�;��n un(umi,hed buildinK,simi�
<br /> � liir to the une no«•on c�reafter on said premises.whidi are nr shnll Ue allached tu vaid buildin�; in m�y m:mner whnls�Krer. an•
<br /> � and shall Le dci�miKl to he fix�ure.:and an nccexsion to t6c frci�huld�md a part nf lhr. rcully as hcheern Uu�V:�rties hereto.lheir
<br /> � h�•irs, executors, administratura. +uecessors ur as.i�;ns,nnd till persun+ cl�iming Ly, Ihrough or under thi�m, anJ �hal� br Jrrmed
<br /> . tu{�r a�wrtiun o[th�•x•curity for tlie indeLlydncv,h�•rein mrntiune�l and fn L��c����rred ln• Ihis mnrl�;a�:r.
<br /> „�. ',y,
<br /> PROVIDFiU AL\1�AYti. ❑nd lhrse pres��nls arc �xrcut�d :md drlieerrd upnn Ihr (nlL�win� ��nndilions. n�rr��mrnts and . .N:�°�i;�.' -
<br /> � ahligatiunr uf�hr 1lnrttinFor:. In wit: � ...
<br /> 'I'he 91ort�;a�:��r o�;rees to pr+y fo the \f��rtgat:er,ur otdi�r, thi• principnl sum ��f TWF.PZTY SEV�N_THOUSAI� QP�._ . d` .,�>
<br /> 1` _..
<br /> HLiI�DRID �IGHTY AND .ro �oo----------------------------------------2� Yao,00 �
<br /> / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �; 7� _ � i�<,u���;.
<br />� paynFh a providi•d in a nul •xi�culcd mid drlivrri•d eunrurronlly hcr��wilh. thr fin:J p,icmrnl ��f ���inrip:d, if n�d su�mrr pnid. �
<br />-g ,�„ u���_ firs�._._ �i:�, �,r__ _. auly. _ :uc �005 . '
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<br />�` � CaO��IR�11YE5 hl ilrfl ieEe�al Savl�Rs enE Leon�aaoclalian ol Llncoln.Llncoln.MrLraaka �
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