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<br /> N �� /li' �•f[ci.t %�i U ,�'/,f- is" �, ,r�.r� �.9,-h- .��/i
<br />' CII Foriq 7/,J ,
<br />]: ituv�. 3/z�!/73 . . ,
<br /> !tl10��6 ' ;i,1'I'I:iFACfI01� G'r I•h)ICl'GGGii
<br /> ��j-�ll ll d
<br /> FOtt V,ILU� )I�CEIVr.il, tt�a �indersi�;nud Fc,iJr:c�il. Ii��'f 1QNAL Ff)ItPGiiG'r: �I:iSOCIATI011, u corporution
<br /> orgriniaod nnd existing under 6hu luus of Lhe UniteJ Statos, does h�3r��by cortify thut a reul
<br /> � oet�La mortgage nou ouned by it, dated Ttay 15, 1967 , roadu b� ,
<br /> Gerald Prank Wallace and Josephine Anne ldallace, husband and wife
<br /> ae mortgagors, to • .
<br /> Pirst National llank uf Council Bluffs, Council Bluffs, Iowa
<br /> aa mortgagee, and recorded ��n Uociunen� Ilo. , ln llook �ro. 143 �
<br /> Y�iqia No. 147 � in th� U1'fico of LLo Register of lleeds Hall County,
<br /> 5tate of Nebraska und thu mort��i�e i�� uith tho indebtedne�s thereby
<br /> necurod� f'ully pnld, nntlnl'led und di�ch•�rg��d� +ind tLe Federal National 1•lortgage Assoc. ie
<br /> hereby uuthorized und dlructad ta roluuou und di�churKo the i�wne upon rucord.
<br /> i
<br /> IN WITt��S 6'Hcii:�F, �uid Fc:UEii;,L 11ATI01�kL MOIQ'GnGii AS;7JCIk1'ION huo cuuaed ite corporato
<br /> ooal Lo be hereto uffixed, �ind h+in c�iused its nurne Ln L�e ;�1E;n��d to thuae praoonts by ita
<br /> '' Aoalatunt Vico rro�idont und nttu;�tod by ita Assiatunt Secrotury ut Ghicago, Illinoia,
<br /> ` . thie duy of , � A.D. 19 .
<br /> JUN 2 � ,�i6
<br /> � r ��� '
<br /> , �y>�.
<br /> f ; / dOH C. DIEBEL
<br /> Ito�,�usist�nt Vlc Prenl;d�nt
<br /> x
<br /> sALt t: ,� ) I_
<br /> r' J--L_�-e!L� t. ZC.{ C�
<br /> Dorotl�y �. �a�.e:' ,
<br /> Asai�tunt,5 cretary ' ' ` '
<br /> STATE OF ILLIt�OIS ) ` `
<br /> / SS
<br /> COUhPY OF COOK )
<br /> �' I� Emma T, Eritton u Notury Yublic i❑ und fnr ouid f,ounty in Lha Stutn aforeesid,
<br /> do heraby certii'y Lh�it JOHN C. DIEE[L prirson��lly knoun to me to bo tha Anoiet�nt
<br /> Vica F'r�sidont of F�UEfGiL Nri'fIOtldL ti0i(1'GnGr; ASSUCIATI0IJ, a corpor4tion orq«niaed and oxist-
<br /> ing undor th� lxuo of' the United :i�+ites, uncl Dorothy �1� 611Chio {�eroonally knovn to me
<br /> 5 to be the Aseintnnt Sor.rotnry of nuid cortw rution, anrl per4omilly kno�n Lo oe to be the eame
<br /> k pernonn vhoae numeu ara �ubncrihod to tna f�regolnK Sncitrti;nent, up�,r�+irnd bef'orn me this day
<br /> ` in poroon xnd oovonslly acluinulodged Lh�it uo such l���ietunt Ylce I'ren:dnnL und Asoistunt
<br /> 4' � �ucrotul-y� tttey niKreu tind dv:.•.•ero.: tt.o o�.:d ,;;str•,:.��:nt ..:i ,..::t�a•�^t V<�� o�.,a�,�,.,r sr.d
<br /> Aeointant Seci�utury of e�ild corporuLion, +in�l c�wnnd tiio coi•poru6u e�iul of esld corporatloa
<br /> to be afSixed thereto, purau�int to authority E�iven by t,h� Uuard of Directoro of euid
<br /> _ , CorporAtio❑ no thoir froo nnd voluntnry uct, und as the frr,o uud voluntary uct and deed of
<br /> eald corporution for Lhu uoon iind purpooau Lhoroin ❑eL forth.
<br /> i Giveo undar my h�ind und official nenl thin day of J U N 2� 19 76
<br /> N�/ addreoo io 150 South Lluckor llrivo, Chic�go, Illinoie 6(�(�U6 �
<br /> 1�y commieeion expires on NOV 181978
<br /> ' ` ��`, / ,��.-`z°r_'�->.�: �
<br /> , �..< <.. , �
<br /> ' ttotury Yublio �ma T, Britton n '
<br />�€., �
<br /> � Thie foz��uns ro ared und ❑ „rovad b• linbur� J. 5 uutn�� ACtorno� 150 �outh G'acY,er Urlve �
<br /> P P !1 �' 4 �� J, r
<br />� �, .Ch�chgo�,"f3.linoio 6Q6(X�. ('I'ypo or priot, l,olou �ill oignnturnn, Lfi� n�ae of partiee
<br />,,_.� ezecutiing'thla inotz�nont including tho nutary public und vitneosos.)
<br />.$; __
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<br /> J
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