<br /> . � . ,�k�.�1s
<br /> I, f
<br /> i. ' . . . . . . .. . . . �. .
<br />;,�`� STATP OF NF:BR,ASKA, Com�ty of ....................................................:
<br /> I`iled for reeord mi ................................. 15....,...ut............................ o'etocic ....,................... Ji.
<br /> and recorded in tho Decd Record ................................. Pagu .,...........................
<br /> � ' .................................................................................... Iiy ..................,,.........,...,........................................................
<br /> Register of Dceds Deputy Hegister of Deede
<br /> (� 76� ��U 3 H�j SURVIVORSHIP WARR.ANT�" �EED
<br /> Charles R, h'instead and Jznis N. �'�instead, each in his or
<br /> her oi�rn rip,iit and as spouse of tne other
<br /> ,lierein callod tho grantor whett!er or.o or runre,
<br /> s iu conaideration of Tkiirty T�ro Thousand Five Hundred �d 00�100 Dollars
<br /> received from grnntces, does grunt, bnrgnin, sell convey nud confirm unto
<br /> Richard L. Studle,y and Linda S. 5tudley,
<br /> Husband and i�7ife
<br /> ae joint tenunts with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in aommon, the follorving descriled reul
<br /> , property in ............................HAl1.......................... Count,v,ATebrnskn:
<br /> A tract of land comprisine a Part of Lot ��!{° Joehnck�s Subdivision in tne 5outheast
<br /> Quarter oF Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) :•iest of the
<br /> 6th P;•i., in Hall County, Nebraska, more oarticularly described as 1'ollows:
<br /> Beginning at 1 point on the 5outneasterly Line of idac Arthur Avenue in t�he City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, said point being Thirty-Three (33) Feet Southeast-
<br /> erly 2nd Three Hundred Thirty-Nine (339) Feet Southwesterly from the iJortheast Corner
<br /> of said Lot ��H" Joehnck�s Subdivision Thence Southeasterly Parallel to tne Northeaster],}
<br /> Line of said Lot '�H'�, a distance of One Hundred Forty-One and Six Tenths (1.�t1.6)
<br /> Feet: Thence Southwesterly Parallel to the Northwesterly Li�: of' sai.d Lot °H", a dis-
<br /> , tanca of Fifty-Eight (58) reet; Thence tdorthwesterly Parallel to the Kortheasterly
<br /> Line of said Lot ��FI", a distance of Cne Hundred Forty-One and Six Tenths (11�1..6) Feet
<br /> to the Southeasterly Line of 1•fac Arthur Avenue; Thence Northeasterly Parallel to the
<br /> Northwesterly Line of said Lot ��H" a distance of Fif'ty-Eight (58) Feet to tne place -
<br /> of beginning.
<br /> To ha��e and to Lold tlia above descri�ed premises togetlier witfi ull tenements, hereditncnenta
<br /> and appur[ennnces theroto belonging unto tLe granteea und to tlieir assigns, or to the Leirs aud assigns
<br /> of the survi��or of thcm foracer.
<br /> And grnntor does hereby covenunt with tLe grantecs nnd with their nssigns and �vith the heirs
<br /> nnd nsaigns of the survi�•or of them thnt grantor is]n�sfullp scised of said premises;thnt thep nre frce from
<br /> encumbrance
<br /> sub�ect to easements of record
<br /> that grantor hns good right xnd lulvful :�uthority�to convey the ��nne; iu�d tLat grantor n•arrnnts and ticilt
<br /> defend tlie title to said premises against the ]an•ful clnims of;ill persons �chomsoc��cr.
<br /> It is the intention of all partics I�ereto that in the e�•ent of the death of cithcr of tt�c gruntecs,
<br />;� fhc entire fec titic to this real property .cL��ll �•cat, in tLe survivin�gran[ee.
<br /> Dnted lg
<br /> ....................July 3� 1976 ' ...:k... V.t•...����
<br /> ........................................................ ..�!Z 1�.......,
<br />: :.... '.. . .�t..............
<br /> , �%L..�� z
<br /> .................................................................................... �: .......... ......................... ..�^�
<br /> ... .
<br /> � ' STATE OF ............1�4T�S�N.C�kY.............................. County of ..........Webt�ter
<br /> Before ma,a notary public quulified for said cow�t}�, personnlly enme
<br /> Cnarles R. ;•;instead and Janis 1;. ?rinstead� each in hi� or
<br /> her own ri�ht and as spou,� oi the otner , '.�
<br /> '..,•: ,
<br /> ., .
<br /> �;,_..'.�'.
<br /> known to me to Ue the idcutical pernon or persons�vho signed the foregoing instrtunent and�fii;knp�eledred"r:. ; .;;,I ,
<br /> the caecution thereof to be Lis,her or ttieir voluntnry act und dced. , r >' '
<br /> , ';1 N
<br /> � Witness my 6and and noturial seal on......................................:N1.Y..3t............., 12,.76 ', .'. o�C
<br /> �I, �,j� �,, � • �, ;
<br /> �'V�. ��� �1 . ,�" r �.
<br /> ��' .l �:!�..... �'Z.i:?..^.�............ Nott�r} 1 uUlic � ,
<br /> �
<br /> �fy commisgion expires.......................6'...�............., 19...�.Q.........
<br /> Fori❑ 4.'l To Ue approved b,y \i•brr��ka Statc Bar,\ssociation tr�iw�s wmr w.,u��+d�.Nr�..
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