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<br /> � 76-(�0 3 816 �
<br /> � 4.1—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED Felton 6 Wolf Compenv,Lincoln�Nabr. � � �.
<br /> �
<br /> M.E. Goins, a single wOm3t�}erein caAed the grantor�vhether one or more,
<br /> i�i con�iderntion of $1.00
<br /> received from gruntees, doea grant, Uargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> M.E. Goins and Sharon Kay Brown
<br /> ne joint tennnte with right of eurvivorship, und not as tenants in cmnmon, thr, follo�ving described real
<br /> ; property in Hd11 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, County,Nebraska:
<br /> ............................................... :
<br /> The Northerly Sixty-Six (66) feet of
<br /> NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY � Lots One (1) and 'Itao (2) in.Riff's Addition
<br /> STAMP TAX to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> being a rectangular tract of ground have
<br /> ,�Ul. 12 1976 an easterly frontage of Sixty-Six (66)
<br /> feet on Wheeler Avenue and a depth of One
<br /> Hundred Five and Six Tenths (105.6) feet.
<br /> _: �.�.�,r.,�� _
<br /> lb hnve and to hold the above descrihed premises together witli all tenemeuts, hereditnments
<br /> und appurtenancea thereto belonging unto the grantees and to tLeir assig�is, or to the heirs nnd assigns
<br /> of tlie survi��or of tl�em forever.
<br /> dnd grnntor doea hereby covennnt tivith the grnntees und with their assigns and «�th the heira
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them tnat grantor is ln���fully seised of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> eneum6rance
<br /> that grantor l�ns good right and lawful authority to convey tLe snme; nud that grantor k�arrnnta ui�d �vill
<br /> defeud the title to said premises a;.iinst the Inwful clnims of ali peraons«�homsoecer.
<br /> It is tho inteution of all parties hcreto that in the event of tlie deuth of cit6er of tlie grantees,
<br /> the entire�ee simple title to the renl estate shall vest in tLc sur��i��ing gruntec.
<br /> I)ated 19 ,
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<br /> STATEOF ...............��'.b�,1S�.Cr.1......................, Couuty ut' ...........�{a.11............................._.......:
<br /> Before me,e notary public qualified for snid cowdy, person;ill}� etune
<br /> M.E. Goins
<br /> .-I :,F..
<br /> kuoi�•n to me to be the identic r persous��•ho signed tl�e foregoing instrumetit and ncknowledged N s„�
<br /> t6e execution thereof to be H o{Q/ �oitmtnry act nnd deed. ' �
<br /> L 0 ••��..�s � � ;,
<br /> , �v�t� ,9 O ( � �
<br /> Witneas my h 4 �6tunal��an ........... L��4 � �.."' . . ..., 19.......��... �
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<br />� COM�MIS810N :�. ���i={�-1;(��. .��j.�:.�..t::�.�`:�.�:::Notary Publie � :
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