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<br /> � y. �
<br /> 76-003813
<br /> D10RTGAGL
<br /> �foa7cncr[.o�N no. � 22.238
<br /> KNOWALLAfGN➢Y?HGSEPRESENTS:That Gerald L. t4eyer and Ann K. Meyer, each in his and her
<br /> r
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> . Mor�gagor,whether one ur more,in cunsideration of the sum oC . . . .
<br /> Twentv Thousand Eiqht Hundred dild NO/�OO-----------------------------'-"'-"""-" DOLLAFtS
<br /> � loaned lo said mortgagor by 7'he L'yuitable lluildin$and Luan Associatiun of Grand Isfand,Nebras4:a,t�tortgagee,upon 208 shares of stock oC �
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�235 ,du hereby grant,convey xnd mortgage unto the s�id ASSOCIATION d�e following � � �
<br /> � describcd ceal estate,situzted in Hall Count}�,Nebraska: . � � � .
<br /> 'r1EBRASKA.
<br /> - rogrther with all the tenemen�s,hereditaments and appurienznces ihereumo beluneing,including attached floor coverings,all w'induu�screens, ' � �.
<br /> - u•induw shades,blinds,storm windows,ax•nings,heating,air conditionine,and plumbing and water eyuipment and zccessories thercto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> . refrieerators,and uther Gxtures anJ rquipment nu�v ur here:+(ter attachzd to or used in cunnection a�ith said real estate. � . .
<br /> � And whereas the ssid morteagor has agreed and dozs hereby xgree that thc morteagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied ot . �
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon tliis mortgagz anfi the bond xcuied thereby before ttu sarne shall become delinquent:to furnish approved . �
<br /> - inw�ance upon the buildings on s�id premis:s situaied in the sum ol S ZO�$QQ.QQ payable tu said ASSOCIATIO\ and m deliver to said � �
<br /> ,� ASSOCIATION the policies lor safd insur�nce;and no[tu commit or permn any a•aste on or abuut said premius, � . - �
<br /> } In case o!defau(t in the periormance o(any uf the terms and ronditions oi this mon�ge or the bond stcured hereby,the mortgagee shall, � � .
<br /> on demand,be entidcd to immediate pusussion ut the mortgaged premises and thr mmtgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets ovtr lo the . � .
<br /> � � mongagee ali the rcnts,revenues and incume to be derived from ihe morteaced premises ducing such time as the mortseee indebtedness shal!remain � . �� �
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall ha��e the power to appuint an��aeent or�Krnts it may desire for the purpou of repairing said prsmises and renting . � �
<br /> [he same and collecting the ren�s,re�2nues and income,and ic may pay out of s�id inrome all expenses oi repairing said premises and nn:essary � . �
<br /> ' commissimu anJ exprnsts incurtcd in renting snd manaung the same�nd of colleciing remals therefrom:the balance remaining,ii'any,to be � �
<br /> . �, zpplird tu�card the discha�ge of said mur[�gz indebtedness:these rights of�the mortgagee m�y be exercised at sny time during the existence of such . .
<br /> {. �� de(ault.irrespective of any temporan�µ�ai��zr oi the s�me.
<br /> � � Thrx Presents,howaver,are upo:i the Condition,7hat ii the said\foneagor shall repay s�id lo3n on or be(ore the msturity of said shares by
<br /> paymcnt;paq monthh�to said ASSOCIATIO\u(the sum specitied in the BonS se vred herebp as intcrest and principal un said loan,on ur befine
<br /> � �he Tu�entieth day u�each and cver}�month,untii ssid loan is full�'paid;pny ull txxes and�sscssments le�;ed aeninst said premises and on this�tort�ge � � �.
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,brfore delinquancq:tumish spprored insurxnce upon the buildings thereon in die sum ui 5 2�.�0�.�� payabla � �
<br /> �_ tu said ASSOC1AT10\:rep�y tu said 1550('fATIOV upun demand all muney by ii paid lor such txxes,assessments and insurance x�ith interut at � � -" �
<br /> thr maximum leg�t��te thereun fror.i dare of p�yment all of which�longx@m hereby ae�tes to p�y;permit no waste on said premises;keop and cumply �
<br /> a� � u�ith afl the�greements and conditions uf the Bund(ur SPO.HOO.00 this day ei��en by the said'dertgagor iu said ASS(x1AT10\,and comph• -
<br /> . wi�h all the reyuirenxnts ot the Cunstiwtiun and Ny-L�ws of said AS50(:IATION:then these prtsents shnl!bccome null and void,othecwise they
<br /> shall«m�in in full torce and may Ur(ureclosad:.::h:optiun of die s:aid �SSoci.a7lo� after f•ailure for tluez months m mske any ol safd
<br /> pa}'ments or ba th�ea munths in arrea��in ntakir,g said monthli�paymcnts,or W krep and comply�vith the agrecments and conditions uf said Bond; .
<br /> �, and hto�lg�gur agrtri to have a recci��er appoiNed fort}n��ith in sucL ferecluswt pruceedings. �
<br /> � If therc is any change in owncrship of the rcal estate murteaged herein,by sslc ur othenrix,then the entirc remaining indebtedness hercby
<br /> secured shall,at the optiun u(The Lyuitable Building and Loan Assocution vi G�and Island,�cbraska,become immediarely due and payable witlwut
<br /> futiher nuticr,and the amount�em�ining due unde�ssid bond.:�nd�ny uther bond fur any�dditional ad�znces made thereunder,sliall,from the
<br /> date of exercisr of said optiun,br:�r intc�rsi��the maximum Iegal�ate,and this mungage m3y then be foreclosed to s3tis(y the amuunt due on saiJ
<br /> bnnd,and any uther bund for additional adrances,tugether with ail sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loa.^.Aswciation oi Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insur�nce,taxzs�nd asszssments,and abstracting extensiun charges,with in[erest theaon,trom date ol payment at the maximum
<br /> Irgalrale.
<br /> � qs p�o�ided in the E3ond secured hereby,whik this mur�gage remains in elfect the mortgagee rtuy hcreafter ad�ance additional sums to the
<br /> � makers uf said 6ond,their assigns ur mcussms in interest,which sums shall be a'ithin the security ol this murtesge the same as the funds originally
<br /> securrd thcreby,the total amount uf princip�l debt not to exaed at any time the original amuunt of this mortgsge.
<br /> (.'. Datcd ihi/s 9Ith d�y o� JU�y ,�.D..1'� 76
<br /> ;/';�_L-%�L f,%/l�j;;�,,/�
<br /> e�a77—L-P'�eyer� �I��l � Jh/!.r/1,
<br /> Ann K. Meyer �—
<br /> STATE OF NEDWISF:A.�u. On this 9th day of July 19 76.before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL :;i
<br /> ��„
<br /> the undersigned.a tiotaq�Public in nnS fur said County,perwnally came � � �
<br /> Gerald L. Meyer and Ann K. I�eyer, each in his and her own right an�as spouse Q� �aCh�t�her, N���"
<br /> L " � a re pe s na y Rno n o y :
<br /> C
<br /> me to be ihe idrntical person 5 �'.'hose name s a re affixed to the above instrumeni as mo S ��� they sererally �<� ,;�-
<br /> acknowlodged the said instrument to be th�l 1' voluntary act and deed. �tj�
<br /> R'f7',<[SS my hand and tiotarial Se�]�he date a(o�esaid. !r7 �
<br />.. �ty Commission expires ` 2 �C ��
<br /> � — i�
<br /> u� � . . . .. . � �� _. i ///r/J \otarq Public
<br /> � 5-I.S61 YI . . .. .. �% 1�/. �Z- f� 71.�
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