� .:;,.��
<br />�; ; t"`— �
<br />' �� 76�1(l,`�f;li�
<br /> �S"1'ATli 01�` N�Il1tASICA, Cowily of ....................................................:
<br /> . 1�'ilod for rauocd ou ................................. 1D,...,.,.nt,..,..........,....,........ o'clncic ...,.....,.............. 111.
<br /> ; aud reaurded iu th� 1)ced ltecard ................................. Yngo ,..,�..,.,.,............,..,.
<br /> � .............................. .Itegiatur nf�llectlb,..,....,..... lly� ....,......,...Ileput�• Hegidter uf Uecde.....,. ,......... ,.
<br /> ;
<br /> ICeitli A. i�tzelpd and IConnie K, Phelps, Ilueband �nd Wife, cacli in I-lic� and I-(er
<br /> o�vn right and as ypouse of each other , lierein enlled tho grni�tur wLothor one or worn,
<br /> iu cuu�icleration of T1lirty-�ig1tC 'Thoueand Nine-T-lundred and No/100 Dollare ($38,900.00)
<br /> reueivod frc»n griii�lcce, dneN �rnnt, b�u•�tnin, ecll r.onvcy and confirm m�to
<br /> Jerry L. Kincheloe and Marl�na J. Kinclteloe
<br /> ns ,juiuL teuunt» �ti�ith right uf �aurvivornhip, xnd uoL nN tcunnts iu couuuuu, the folluwiug dcrsoriUed roal
<br /> Iproperty iu ...,,....I�all............................................. Cotnriv,Nebruekn:
<br /> A tract of Land comp:ir�ing a part of lot t�vo (Z), of Garrett's 5ubdivic�ion o[part of t}ie
<br /> �1/2 of 5ection Ninc (9), 'fawnsliip Llaven ( 11) Nortl�, RanKe Nine (9) West of the �th P,M.,;
<br /> Fiall County, Nebraylca, Deycribed as follow�: BeKinning at a point on the East Line of
<br /> rtaid lot two (Z); daid point bcing 'L05 fect Noi•th of t}ic 5ou[hcast C;orner of F�xid lot two (L)
<br /> tlience riuining noi•thcrly along tltie east line ui said lot two (L) a distance of one hundred
<br /> eixty seven (167.0) feeC: 'I'}ience running weStcrly aud pai•allel Lo the �outh line of eaid
<br /> lot two (L), a distauco of two hundred aixty one (261) teet: Thence rumiin� souCherly and
<br /> parallel to llie eabt line of said lot Cwo (2) n diaCance of 167.0 1'eet; thcnce rwininR casterly
<br /> a dietancc of Cwo hundred eixty ane (L61) feet to the point of beginnin� and conCaining
<br /> 1.00 acre, more or leae
<br /> 7'0 luive cuxl to Lold U�u nbuve dexcribed pCCt111NCN tu�;ethcr n�ith nll tenemeutN, hr,redil�unents
<br /> ` nnd uppurtcuuucce 1Leroto bclongiuK «nLo thc �:riuitccy i�nd tu 1hr,iC ttoeigoy� oc to �hc hcira und ner;ikua
<br /> uf lhe nwwivor of Hiom forc��cr.
<br /> And gruulor does licreby envenunt wiHi tlio k;rnntees nnd with tl�oir un�signe nnd �ritli tl�e l�eire
<br /> nnd nNHi�un ut thc yurvivor of them thnt krun�ur is Inwfull,r�+i•iaed OP F7111I��CC(I11HQH;lLnt thcy nro frcc front
<br /> uuotunbrnnee except casement;� aud reatricLion� of record,
<br /> th;iL a;r;uitur Ltte goud ri�:hl tuul I�ncful uulliorit}' lu cnnrey the u�une; wid llwt {truutor «•nrr�mlN und n•ill
<br /> d�•f��u�l khu litic to r�uid prcmiycs u�tninnl ihc In�vful cluims �.�t nll prrhum; �rhuinsw,crr
<br /> ft i�; llio iutention nl' nll parties hcrefo Lhat iu the uvent ol' tlw dcuth uf cilLer af ll�e gruutceN, �
<br /> t!ir ��ulirn fer IiUo lu ihie r��nl pro�mrlc vlu�ll c�•rl iu Ihi� nureicing Krwttee.
<br /> ` f�tiLrd Juci� L9, 1J 76
<br /> ........................................................�............�.........'... ../.1,.�N.:�l,.�.. ..��,l��'��""'�"'..................
<br /> , ...
<br /> ICcilh A. Phelpa
<br /> ................. �"`��nA�GC�:':7.i'`.�r������
<br /> ..,.....'...,......� O...................................... .........,..
<br /> ICot tiic I{. l�hclps
<br /> , �,TAMB.�S'f .[i.A,SiS.A...................... Countv oC .I:IaIL.,.........,.......,....,.....,........... � .
<br /> � < � ..,, ....
<br /> �i u ot�u•,Y puLlic quu(ificd fur Nnid ����mity. �rcriaow�lly cnwc
<br /> � � ISeith A. 1'helps ancl iionnic I{. l�helps, 11�tebnnd and Wife,
<br /> J'j ����'� CiiC}1 in I-lis and Her own ri�}rt and aio spousc of each olhcr,
<br /> ��OF NEO�
<br /> .-�j .�,;
<br /> knntivn tu ine lo Ue tho idcuticnl pm•nou ur purwunx wliu xit�ned Lhi� forequin�t iuetrtuuent und nclwu�rledki�d �
<br /> �y y.,,
<br /> • tlic execution tbcrcof. lo bc l�ie, Ler ur the�ir vuluulnry nct nud decd, � .
<br /> � Witucue wy hnnd nnd uotnriul Hrnl nn .......�...,......�./....-..-....................... ]J...ZCo.,....., rv ; ".
<br /> ,.........../.�.�.�.!t;'�.....`�4.......��...a,^,,;!^,:�wL',',`.�.�,......... Not�n•y 1'ublir. �
<br /> (/ Q
<br /> � b1y rununiHuiuu capirox ..�.�'d'��.'........(.................. 19..A....�.... �
<br />�: l���rin I L 'Pn I�r �ilr��roec�l by \rbrndui ;iin�r It,�r,\ceuri��liun ��•������a w�dt u�.t,���.,d��.tt.i.�.
<br />`�r �„n ,�
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