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<br /> STAT� OF N�BRASKA, Couuty of ....................................................:
<br />, Piled for record on ................................. 19........nt............................ o'clock ........................ df.
<br /> and recorded iu the lleed Record ................................. Puge .............................
<br /> .................................................................................... �y ....................................�.......
<br /> .............................................
<br /> (' � r-� � egiater of Decds Deputy Re�,istcr of De��ds
<br /> � 76- ���c3 /y�
<br /> 15NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Byron E. Bowling and 8erbara .7. Bowling,
<br /> each in his end her own right, and as spouae of each other,
<br /> ,herein cnlled the gruntor wl�et.her cne or aiorc,
<br /> in considerution of Two Thousend end No/100ths Dollara ($2,0�O.OD)
<br /> received from gran[ees, docs grant, bargnin, aell convey and coniirm unto LeUerne D. Fiaher end
<br /> Virginia M. Fisher, "husband and wife",
<br /> : as joint tennnts tvith right oF eun�i�•orsLip, �nd not us tenants iu commou, the follo�sing descri6ed real
<br /> property in Hall.................................. Coimtp,NcUraskn:
<br /> ..............................
<br /> Lot Nineteen (19) in "Reuting's Second 5uhdivision", heing a part
<br /> of the Southwest 4uarter (SW�i£) of Seotion Twenty-Four (24), Town-
<br /> ship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br /> County, Nehraske.
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> .t DK�,"��5�
<br /> r��'r"� J U L 1� 1976
<br /> /� �
<br /> � a i� BY v r.ri�
<br /> � To Lavc uvd to hold tLe abo��e described premises togeiher with all tenements, l:ereditaments
<br /> � and appurtennnees thereto belon in uuto the
<br /> B S grnntees and to their nssigns, or to the heirs nnd ussi�;ns
<br /> of tl�e survivor of them forecer.
<br /> And grantor does l�erchy coveuunt �citL the grantees and ��-ith their nssigns nnd �sith ti�c heira
<br /> ' und assigns of the sur��icor of them that grantor is]n��•fiillp scised of snid premises;tLnt thep nre frcr from
<br /> r encnmbrance ax�ept easements and restrictions of recard,
<br /> i• �
<br /> � tl�at grantor Las good rigLt �nd la�cful authoritp to coin•cy thc �ame; and that �.;ranwr �carrnuts nnd �eill �
<br /> defend the title to said premises aFainst ttie la�rful claims of�ill persons �chomsor.�•cr•.
<br /> It is the inteutiun of all parties ]�ereto tl�nt in the e��ent oC the dcath nf cither of tti� �;rsntees,
<br /> - ihe entire fee title to diis rcal proprrtc chall ecst i❑ ihc surri�•in�grnntee.
<br /> . -� � 1
<br /> , Duted 'f'Jc�.c� i 197G., / �
<br /> � L �i �l �,
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<br /> + .................................................................................... '�L�:�:� !.���:t-�1:tr...........�
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<br /> " � ar are � wling
<br /> � sT�TE or ............N�tas.ask.a............................. co�nc�� or .........:f.i:«:��?.rc�:-r�'..................: ,,-
<br /> Before me, u notary public qu.ilified for snid county, personally cnmc Byron E. Bowling and
<br /> 8arbara J. Bowling, ea�h in his end her own right, and as spouse of each ❑ther,
<br /> . i .
<br /> }Q1R)cn to me to Ue the identicnl person or persons who eigned thc foregoin� instruntent and ackno�rlclged
<br /> the eae ' eof to Ue Lis,her or their coluntnr}• act and decd. N�"".
<br /> ` i ��pA.1. c ; � 7�. , '�
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