� :
<br />� � �;.,:,�a
<br /> r __.. �
<br /> �4 :i)�:tmbet^�t
<br />,
<br /> �-:..,�'b-0 0 3'7:31 '
<br /> Cer�ifieate of �ounty Cuui•i; f'roceed?ng Iriva]�•ing Itea]. Le3t•atc�
<br /> � D7'�� Jul.y 9, 19;G �.._.._..
<br /> IN THF� caUNT`� cC?U1?T a1�� � i�A�,�. r,eUt�TY, N�llnnSKA
<br /> This i:s to certify that a de�;ree ha;: l�<���n �ntered :i.n L-he ��i:unty
<br /> Court oi' Et��11 Gni.itity, t�2braskr} in a proc�nding errt.it.l+�d.:
<br /> IN 7'IiL P!A'1'TEIt OI' '19IG G5'1'A7'L•' U!� 1SLlIVARD C MCsININUI;Ii llECL't15L� :
<br /> [�0. 92y4 `W� I,IUC. ;f•d � ['3.{T,c; _.�l�lJ --
<br /> ?'!ltich ir, a �.�roceedi?i,; involvii�,? t�ruba�e oP will ;
<br /> ��ro�ab� oi �+�.i. � a�:mini,.tration o.
<br /> i
<br /> �state, deterniinati�n oT heii�:,, dctermi.nat,ion ol' inheritance tax;
<br /> i f_;��ardi.at��jhip, t.>: eons�rv;itor�tiil,)
<br /> in �vhic}i ,�roceeciin�* tlie fellc�„�iti;; dc�;:ci•ibed i-eat nc,t;at;� i:: it�vo:lved,
<br /> to�wit:
<br /> e1 tract ot' lan�i crarnprising a p:xrt ol' Che Nur•thwesl: uuar•Ler� (Nlv':4) of.'
<br /> 5ection 'fwelve (12), in 'Cown:;liip L:leven (I.1) Nurth, Itau�;e 'I'ei� ll�),
<br /> Wc�.,t- ol' the titt� I�.bi., iuure pcirticularly clesuribed a:v follow[3: Llesin-
<br /> ning at: Lhc Southwest corner of r3aid Not�thwest lJuarCcr (M�;:;); tlience
<br /> runnin� Nort-tierl,y alurit; the iJe�t line of �;ai�i Northwe�t 1lucirLer� lN��%a)
<br /> a distance oi' 2��5.� 1'eet; ther�ce runnink La��terly ct�id p��rexll.el to
<br /> lhr,• [;uuth lirie ol' sciid Nor•thwest 1luarler (MJ;4) c� diatance ol' 30U.0
<br /> 1'eei:; thence rtt�iniriv 5ouLlierly .ind paralJ.el to tl�c 1Vest ltne ot' eaid
<br /> Nor�thwest t2uc�rt�r (NIV1a) :t �1i.sCance ot' :?45.0 1'ceC Co a puint c�n the
<br /> souLtt liue of said NorLtnvest 1luarter (N1�''a) Chence runninc; h'esCerly
<br /> aJ.vng and u��on Lhe :iuul:h L1ne of� s:xici NW,'� a dist::ance uL' :SUU PeeC to
<br /> Chc point ol� l'�c�!i.r�nin�;.
<br /> P�rson acquiri.u�; i.nl:crest
<br /> in :lnd Co al�ovc �ic�;cribe�l
<br /> real e5t:.ite: I�it.erest r�cquire�l:
<br /> lillect� J. Meinin�;cr All. ol' �icceclent's iiitcrc:it,
<br /> ;i�:; siu�vivin�; joinC Cen.ant
<br /> ._ 1 , ,
<br /> ,..;
<br /> `"yi ' �Ci�;,
<br /> � ��'� �
<br /> L �'J. •� �70 •y? �Ii, ' K.
<br /> w�:f��.,�Q� .� � � �i� � ��� �
<br /> ,��-�. -�z. •L-J ;. 'G� ,� '.q,,�C�� .�. ��,'�� ����:
<br /> e' ���t�. ' `l`,r _.. _ .� o�.! ty /V.t�1T,�� V.t � t,r/ull.J
<br /> � „nUN�..NF",`rf
<br />� '�-'..��.-��' s.. _ . _
<br /> 7 c:l•li cii �.1;� C::,7'�l; ' CCr,�I"t;
<br />�� E. ` �
<br />-�
<br />�
<br /> t
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<br />