<br /> a , ,. ` �:�i;� �
<br /> ,
<br /> r � �
<br /> . ��- � c� �� � as
<br /> � � � 'Phnt tl�r Mortgngor will pey the indebteriness an h��rt�inMdor�� pruvided. � . � .
<br /> '1'hnt thc Morigagor ix U�c uwnrr ot suid Property in (ec simplc and }ws gnai right .md i��wful authurih• to srll �and �
<br /> ' '.-. i . tY�m'ev Uu• same und th�d the same is (me ;md cli�ur o[ any li�•n or ��ncumbrnncr: and ihat hturlgn�or will �v:irrrml �ind drt���nd ih�� . . .
<br /> � 1�� litle to snid prrmisrz atininst tho clnima ut nll perxons whumcncvre � � � � �
<br /> ' :{(. . .. � . . .
<br /> ' " To puy immrdiidely when duc und p.�y+�ble all tiene.ral taxes, ap�x�isl taxes. sprci:il as,o,vmrnts. wn�er chnrFrs, si��� �,r scrv- � � .
<br /> '��' � ice churgeti, riud other U�zcv und ehi�rgi:s a�;i3inst ei�id properly. and :�II tnxes levird un lhe debl si�cure�d h�•reby. �ind tu turnish Ihe . �.
<br /> DfnrtgaFn�, ulxm rtryuest, with thc ori�;inul or duplicutr rrceipts then•for. 7'he A1orl�:agor +i�; rees Ihnt. � here shnll be nddrd tn �. � . .
<br /> � ench monlhly P�ymrnt required herrund�•r or w�der th�� rvidrnce u( dcLt secured he�rr•by nn ainuunt i•slimati�d 6y Iho 11or({;ager ; . � .. .
<br /> �? �o br sufiicient tn eneblt� ihi• I�iortguRee tu pny. as th��y 6ecnme dui�. iill l:urs, us,��.smi�nl., and similar ehargi�s uprrn !hr pmm� , . . , .�
<br /> �.� ises subJ�t themlo: nny deficiem;v Ix�cnu,e o( thr uicultis�rncv of =urh tiddilinnid pnymi�nls uhall he fur� hwith d�•p��Kilyd by t6r ... . . .
<br /> hlnr�g,�;;or �cith lho \1orlRager upon di•mnnd by Ihc 9lurttiu�;ce .\ng d��f:uill undrr tLi� p��r.��;r.�ph �.h:ill hr ilrrm� d n drfnult in � . , .
<br /> paymrnt uf (az�,� ussccamrnts. or ximilar ch:irgos mquirrd hrruund��r. � . . �
<br /> - 7'he niurlgagor nlirees l6at. therr sh�ill nlsu br addrd In e:ic�h munthla p:rynu•nt n( prini•ip:d and inl�•n•,1 reqnired hcrr. � � � " . . . .
<br /> under en nmounl i>stim:��ed by lhr �furigti�e�� lo b�� su(ii<�ient lu ��nnble t6�� Norten�:cr In p:iY. :is ii b��rumc, dt�r. t6r inaurnnci• � . .
<br /> �� �� premium on euy inxuranci� pulicy di�livivrd tu lhe Aiurftia�;er. An}' drficieucp bernnsr ul tho insul(iei��ncy uf sueli t�ddilinnal p;ap- � .
<br /> ments Shull bi• [urlhwith depunitvd by thr 99urlgus��r w�ilh lhr A�lorll::+R�'�' upun demiuid 6c tho 11url�;;ay;���•. :1n�' d�•f:iull undi�r this � . . . . .
<br /> pnraKrnph sh�all {K� deemrd a drf.iul� in t6i� pnymrnl n( insuranrn prerniums. 1 ( lhe policy ur puGri�•, drpu,i ��•d arr surh us humr- �. . �
<br /> : c u�enerti ur all risk policii:+. and thi• dcpn,its :�rr insidlicirn� iu �»�y thr ��ntirr pmmium. Ihr �torlHu;;rc nw>� ��pply Ihr d�•posit m � � .
<br /> pay pmmiums un risks required 1u he insured hy Uii; murt ;;ngr. . � � . . :
<br /> Pnymnnis miidr hy Ihe� \1ortgn�;nr undrr tlir abu��e para�;raph; mn��, at th�� upli�ui ��f lhr. \lurt �::�crr, b�• hrld b}� it and . . .
<br /> commingled willi olher such tunds nr il, uwn (uuds fur th�• ptrynu�nt of such ift�ms, snd unlil su :q �pli��d. surh ��aym��nt.+ um h��reby � �
<br /> plrrigisl ns securily fur ihi� unpaid 6alan��o n( thr mnrtgnpv indobtednr,,. ; :
<br /> '1'o procure. delivur lu. mid mninuiin for lhe brn��lii o( ih�• �Iurt4n;trr durin�; thr li(e uf thi. nwrl::.��:�' uriginal pnlicie; iind . � �
<br /> -- � j n•newnls thenK�L delivvrrd at Ira,t ��•n d;q�5 Lrfum lhi• �•xpinrtiun uf am� such pulicir:. in,urin�; ngainst fire nnd �nhrr in,urnble � -
<br /> � 1 hnzanls. rasu.ilties. aud cunlin�;rncirs a, lhr A1url;;nRec mny rrquin�. in an amount equal tu thi� indebfrdness �rrured by this � � �
<br /> \1urtgoFe. and in compunies .+nneptable tu th�� �Iorl�:a�;ee. wilh lu>s paynble cl�iuso in (a��ur o( und in fnrm acccplalde t�� thr \furl ;;a- �, .
<br /> ge��. In Ihe evrnt tmy policy i> nol ri�neu•ed uu or Lidorr len d:i>'s of ils �•spir:itinn. the �1urt�;;�gre moy pnx•nrr in,urana• on th�� � .
<br /> �� � imPnsements. puy thi� premium thrre(or, �nd sucl� ,um s6all brcomr immrdi:itclp duo :md pa�•;�61e �vilh inlrrral nt thr ralr set . � .
<br /> torlh in said nutr unlil paid nnd shall br sri�umd hy thix nmrttia�;r. Pailun• un thi• part uf th�• 1lurtragnr tu (urnish .uch rrnrH�.+Iv . .
<br /> as aru herein rryuired ur fuilurr In p:p' auy num, ade�mci�d h�•rrund��r nh��ll. nt thi• oplion n( thr� Alurl�aR�'�•. �•�����tilut�� a drG�ult � .
<br /> .5. � i unJi•r Uu• ti•rms o( this mor�i:+�i:r. 'I�hr delivrn� u( snrh pulirir., s6ull. in Ilir c��rnt ai drfnull , ruin� iurt�• nn n.>i�;nmrni uf thr um .
<br /> �.: � i•iirniYl pn•mium. . �
<br /> � . � Any sums rre�•ived by Ih�� \turl�;agrr bp mn<nn al lass ur dam:iFr. insurrd n�;ainst may br rrlained 6�� Ihr \lurtFn�;re �. . .
<br /> � � 'r, ;md :�pplird toward th�• p��ymi�nt nf thr drbt h�•m6y srcurrd. nr. :d thc upiiun nf th�� 11r�rlcapri�, such ..wns ri� Lrr whully � �r in
<br /> �. . . � purt mu>' he pnid uriv lo Ihr 1�loriga�ur tu Lc its�•d In rrp�iir such 6uildinKs or tu Luild nrtr huildint„+ in th�•ir piner ur i� �r n�p' �
<br /> ` : nther Purpusr ur ubjert >alisL•ic�ory tn fhi• 1lurter��rr �rithnin :dTrctin;; thr lirn nn thr mr�na��c�• fur Ihr hdl mm�unt =�•nirrd hrr.�. � .
<br /> - hc b�durr surh paymrnl c�-�•r tunk placr. �
<br /> `
<br /> 'fo promptly rvpair, rc5turr or rrhudd :�ny 6uildinF, ur impruc�•mrnls nu�v nr h�•m:dirr nn thr prrmixrc which m:�y br.
<br /> cume df�ma�;�v1 or de�lruywl : lu krrp s;�id prami.r� in p ��d rnndiliun :md rrpair �uid f«r frum :int' nurhnnic�< lirn or ulhrr lien or
<br /> claim uf li��u nat c•xp:rssly .utardinutrd lu thi� lii�n hrrcuft nnl tn sulirr or prrrnit ain wil:��v(ul u,r �d � �r :uD' nnis:uur b.� ,•� i;t nn
<br /> � ��. snid prnpinrty nor tu permil �cnsle on s.iid Premise., uur �n dn :m �� uthrr act �chr•rrl��• thr pruprrly Ix•r�•Lv rnncr ���•ri shnll berumr .
<br /> : ! Irss vfdw�ble, nur tu diminish ur imPair its vnlur by �u��� art nr nmi.siun �u :�rl : in rnmplv ���ith :dl royuir�•inrnt: nf law witl� rr.prct
<br /> � lu tlx• morlg:�;;ed pn�tui=rs and th�� u<v � h��rro(.
<br /> t
<br /> � 1'hat shuuld thr prrmur. or ��ny parl Ih��n•u( f�� fakon nr dama;;cJ h�� rrn,un n( any pubhr impnrrrmrnt nr i�undrmn;Wnn
<br /> pnk��cdinti, ur und��r fhr riRht u( rminr�rt dumniu, ur in :u»' ulh�� r mannrr. tho \1ort �;;igrr shnll hr rnuU��d to all rump��n=ntinn.;.
<br /> 1 nwards. tmd m�y othrr payment ur rrli��f lh�•r�dor. ;md shnll br i•ntill��d. at its uplinn. U. ... ...:r..c..ur. :ipp�:v in and prns�rul�• in it=
<br /> _: i nw�n nwn�• �u»• :�ctiun nr procrcdin�. or tu mako atn' cumprumisi� ur svtlirtm•nl in conro•etiun �cilh such �:ikint; nr dam:�Rr. :\II sucL
<br /> c��mprn.wtiun. �uvnrJ.s. d;miages. rikld o( acliun and pruci�rd, nrr herebp ns�iRned to Ih�• Vurt �a;;c�•, �.Ln nuiv. aftrr rl��Juctin�;
<br /> lh�•rr(rom all its ezpensr., r�•l�ms[• .�ny monrys su rrrri����d bc il ur apply flir .anu• on nnp indrhirdnoss s��curod hon•h}� . Thr �1urt -
<br /> '� ' g:iRnr ��rr�s tu oscculc such Iurlher a.si�nnirnl, ��f :my cumprm�di� �n. nwarJs, dmm����s. :uid ri��hts nf :irtiun :� ud pn •r� ���d� :is � he
<br /> 11ur��:p:cc m,n� rcquirr.
<br /> 'J,,
<br /> . 'I'hal in casr uf failure to perfurm uny o( the cm�rn:�nl. herrin. tl�e 9lorlgagec muy do un thc \lurttiagur:ti Ix•h:df even�-
<br /> � thing w� covennnt��cl ; that the Aiortgn�re mn}• niso do nny uct it may dis•m necrssarr ln protect the lien lhemo(: ihnt thr biort-
<br /> . . gngur e�ill repuy upon demand any moneys �;aid ur disbur4rd by �he t�furtgagre 1nr ;�ny of thr nlwve purpcne4, und such �none��s
<br /> � tog^ther with interest thrnron el lhc rate proeided in said rrote slmll brcvme so much ndditiunnl indi�btalnees hrrol�y scivred and
<br /> mnv be included in nn>• decnr [orecl�ing this mort�;;ige �md be paiJ out uf the rents or prcK�eeds ot �:rdi� u[ u�id prrmise.y if nu�
<br /> othrn+'ise paid : nnd thnt \tort�;iq;�r rfudl nat imvr nny P�n��nal liability tx�cnus�� nt ;urvlhin�; it mny dn ur nmit In do hvmiuider.
<br /> � In � h�• cn•n� ul ILr d��t.fult I�y Alnrlg+��;ur in ih�� p:p'm�•nl ��f ;inv in.t :illmi•nL ns mquirrd i�c tl��• Xnt �• ��•rur�•d hrn�bc. � �r
<br /> ' � � in t6e periormance uf the ublik:<<limi i�i Ihis murl�;apr nr in fhr nn��� >����un�d Ih��rrL}'. Ih� � �lurf�;a{;rr ,vhnll hr ��nb� l��d In di�cl:�rr th��
<br /> � drLt s�wu [rd he[eby duc �md �mpablc �ti�ithouf m,ticc. anJ Ihr 9furlk�i��'�� chall 6�• ��ntith�d :rt il.a � �pli��n. �+�iiLnut n�dirr. ��ilfu•r by it �i•If
<br /> � nr bV a ceeeiver tu IH• nppoint�•d Vry tfu• euurl lhrmuf. ;md �cithuut ml:+�rd lu Ih�• �id��e� u:i�'y � �[ :u�5' •�'�•��ritc 6�r th� • indrLfi•dnr;a v-
<br /> cured hnrebv. lu rn�cr uPun and take pu.cvcssinn o[ th�• murltinKed prrmisvr. und �u eull����t und r�•o��ic�� � he n•nl .. iy<ur, ;md prutil ;
<br /> � ihi�r<rof. und appla lho same. It-ss cu<h n[ uprr:riiun and <vllretiou. upun liu• ind��hbvinr:. =��currd In• Ihi� m� �rt �n�;r: .;ud ronts,
<br /> � i.cw•s and Prnlits Ix•in�; h�•reby ntisil�nrd to thr A1url�;n��r as (urlh�� r srrurilr (��r Hu• V+�7�nu�ni u( ull iml�•Ft� �dn��4� ��rurrd hrrohv
<br /> Thi• \lurtRai:ec chall havc lhr pu�ccr tu nppou�l any a�;cnl or acouts il muy dr,im lur � L�• purPu:�, nl rr�inirin;,• �cud prrm- � . . .
<br /> icos: renting fhe .ame: rnlleclinR th�• renLa. reve�nurs nnd incumr. :u�d il miry� p�p� uut uf �t:�iJ inr� �rn�� e� ll �•>� �����ars inc�irnvl in rrnt - . ' '�': � •
<br /> �. ing amd monagin�; tlie s:nnr and u( cullecfm� lhe mn1.31s there4rnm. '1'Lr I�nlance mimm �in�;, if nny . �ludl 6�• ;ippli��d t��u�;vd th�� N `� �. .
<br /> � � disch:�r�;e• nf Ihr mort�;n�;�� indrbfodncs.. '1'his asei4mn��nt ic tn irrm � n:d�• :md I.�rumi• null :md ��nid upau n •I��n.r „f ihi< mnn:::icr. � � - .
<br /> . 'I'6t• A1urll:a�;�•o ma>' rullvc� a " Infr rhurcr.. nnt in rct'ord Piri• 1 '��nl, � Scl L � r ��nrL �IuIL� r 1 ? 1 .(Nn � �I ��n��h t� d:d nn �nlldc � ` . -
<br /> x ;�
<br />� � �;ivnirnt murn fhan IS dov: m nrrr:ir.. in i'ncrr Ilir �•sir;i �•� p�•n=�� uic� d"�d in hnndiinc , i��linqu�•nt m�rnnnt<. W
<br /> t lt�
<br />�
<br /> r�
<br />'';�
<br /> e� �
<br /> ti °� �
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