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- I ..�'�� �� <br /> i � . ' � <br /> 76- U � .3 7 $ '7 � <br /> THE MORTGAGOR TURTHER COVGATANT9 AND AGRF.E6 : <br /> . . TLut the Modgognr will pr+y the indelrtedneqv es hereinbe(ore provided. �. <br /> � .. That lhe Morigugor ia lhe ownur of vnid property in fee aimple and hus gnod right nnd liiwtul authurity to sell nnd . <br /> , , <br /> conveY the anmr. and thnt the snme in [ree nnd cle�r o( nnY lien nr ��ncumbrnnce; and th[�t Murtgagur will wnrrnnt end d�•frnd the <br /> tiHe lo suid prumises nl�niasl lhe claims of nll pe.rnons whmnaoever. ' . � � . . . <br /> . 'Po pxy immediately wheu due nnd pny�ble nil genenil tezes, npecinl tnx��s, specinl asscv�menta, wnter churgcs, sewur serv- . . - . � . <br /> � ice churges, and other tuxes � nnd chnrgtw agxinst siiid pmperty, and fill fnxes Ir��ied on lhe de6t srcun•rl Iiereby, tind tu (urnish � hr. � � �� . <br /> . . N9ortgng�,� uFxin reyuest , with Uie originul or duplii•ute nruipts thure(or. 'I'he Mor�gngor u{;ree� that therc ehnll be added to � . : <br /> � eack montbly Pflyment rrquired hernunder nr und��r llic evidence ot debl secured h�•re6Y :in nrnuunt v�timided by� lhn MortKngee � � . . . <br /> � to fu! aullicicnt tn en��hle � the I�tnrlg.�gee � tu pay. as Ihcy bettimc due. tdl li3xi�s. n+5resmenta. and similnr charges upon the prem- � � � � � <br /> inrx � subject � themtu; any deficivncy becnu!ev nf Ihr insufiiciency of such addition��l paym�•nts shull be furthwilh dc�posited by thr � . . . . <br /> �� �I.� MnrtBagot with the Mortgagee upun demand by thr �lartR:�gea Any drfnult undrr tfiia purugrapli ,hnll hc dw•med n dr(aulf in . � � . <br /> s�; � puymen[ of laz�•s, � nssesstnrnta nr snnil¢r l'Ili1f�;Ph required hen•undrr. � . <br /> � �- � '1'he Morlgai;or a�;rees lhut thore shull alen 6�• »dded lo rrmh monlhly paapment of princip�tl and inlvrrsL rrquirc•d here• � . �. <br /> f� under an amuunl eslimntud hy lhe MurtgaFei� tu I�v euFlicicnt to enublr iho blurl�;.iRec• tu pay. na it Ixrume.: Aur. the insurance . . - <br /> premium �>n any insurt�nce pnlicy dcliv��red to lhe Murtgu�;ee. Any didicii•ncy bi•cau�c nf lhr insu(fieiency of such addilinn:il puy- , . � . <br /> �� ` � ments sh;ill Im (orthwith depu�:ilcd hy �h�� Murt„agur wilh ihn Murlgngi�c uP��n demnnd Ly thr Aiorl�;a{;ce. Any deCaull under this � . � . � . <br /> 7' <br /> � � r� PF1ragraph shedl be decmed a deL•�uit in lhc puytu��nl o( insurance premiums. It the pulicy ur pnlicies d�•posit�•el nre xuch sis home- . � <br /> �. � } : ownrrs nr ali riyk policies, and ihe depnsits ure insu(Gcient tu pny thn entire premium, tho �inrt �;xgee mary apply thi• depnsit to . . _ . <br /> puy premiums on risks r�•ryuired to be in,urrd by this mnrignge � � . <br /> .:,�� � '41. � � � . <br /> :� % . � Pnymen�s made by the Mortga�or under the nbovr pnrtigruphs mny, nt t6c nptinn o[ the htort�;agee. hi� hrld hy il. end . � . � . . <br /> cnmmingled witt� other sudi Amds or its own (unds fnr the paymenl ot surh iloms. nnd until ;n applied, such p:iymenlx nrc hc�reby � � � � <br /> ��. i�� pledged ns security for lhe unpnid hi�innce of Ihc• martgage indvbtedn��ss. . . . <br /> 1'u prucurr., drliver tu, nnd muintain for Ihe Ixmelil of thu Mnrtga�a� durin� ttu� li(e uf (his morlg�ge ori�in�d policies and �. . . � <br /> renewnlw ihereot, deliven�l al leasl trn d,�ys 6efore t{�e expiratiou u[ nny such policies. insuring ag:�inst (ire mid uther insurnble ' � . <br /> hazards, cnsualties, ttnd contingenciea as the h1urlgagee mny n•yuirr., in an amount equal to the indebttYlness tircured by this - - . � . . <br /> Mortgage, emJ in cumpeinies ucceptnble to the I�lwtgagec, with loe.c payxble clause in fuvor uf nnd in fnrm :�cceptnhle tu lhe I�fort�;a- � . <br /> gee. In the event an�• pulic}• is not renewed on or 1�(ure trn days u( il.� rxpiratinn, the blort�agee may prucurr insurunce un ihe " � � � <br /> i <br /> improvementa. puy lhe pri�mium (heretor. :md such num shnll bocume immedialclp duc :md payaLle wilh inten�5t xt lhe rale µrt � . � � � <br /> (orth in suid nule unlil pnid ancl Fllilll IN` �i•cured b}• ihis morfFnF�`. l�ailure un thr p;ut of Ihr Murlgugor in furnist� xuch renew�als <br /> as �re herein required or fe�ilure lo pay any �ums ndvanced hereunJer shnll, at the option o( lhe biortgn�;oe. cnn.titute a drftmlt . . . <br /> . under the ti�nns o( lhis morlgnge. "I'he delivrry uf such pulicies shidl , in tho evrnt ��f deGuill. cunstiWle an ussi�;nmoM ot thi� un- . . : <br /> rvrned prrmium. ', � . � . <br /> Any sums received 6y the ,��urlgager by re:�son nf lovs nr dnmage inaured aguinsL may be rrluinrd by thr A9urt�;aqer � - . <br /> i�, � nnd Appli�al tuward lhe payment u( the drbt hereby s��currd. or, at the opliun of ihe !4fort�;agce, such swns riUu•r whnlly or in � � . . _ . . <br /> .. . " purt may be paid uver tu the Murtgagur lu lu used to repnir such buiidinqs or �u buil<! noN• buildings in thrir place or fur nny �. . . <br /> . A� uth�r purpase or ubject salis(nctory tn ihe \lurlgagei� withuut �Jiccting lhr lirn un the murtgage fnr ih�• fidl aunowil src•ured here- . .. . . . <br /> - - hy be(ore such payment �•ver t�wk plt�ce. . . � . . . � . <br /> . "fu promptly rep�iir. reslnre ur rebuild any huildings ur impruvements now• „r h�•rrafler wi Lhe a•hich may be- � .. . <br /> cume dum�ged or destroyal: to keep c;�i<l prrmises in g�x�d condiliun aud repuir and Gee �rurtt any mi�ehnnic's liru or nihi•r lien nr � - � . <br /> dnim ot lien nol exprex,ly sulwrdinaled lo lhe lirn hrreuf: nul to sufli�r ur permit nny unl:iwftd u,e of or :mp nui,ance lo exist on �. . � .. . � <br /> , said property nor to permit waste nn nnid prernisen, uur tu du any uther act whereLy th�� prnperty hereby cnnveyed nhidl I>ca�me - <br /> . IesS vnluable, nor tu diminish ur impair iLti eulue bp xuy acl nr nmi,sion tu act : lo comply �vith :ill requin•ments o( la�c with rc•spc•ct � . . � . <br /> fo lhe mortguged premisrs nnd lhe use thrreoL -, . � � <br /> '1'hat shuuld die premiseti ur anV pnrt ihorru( Iw taken nr dama��:�vl by rvasvn of nny public impruv��ment or tnndi•mnntion . . . � . <br /> pr�xeeding. or undc�r (he ri�;hl ut eminenl dwnuin. or in any other mvnner. thr �forl�;n„ce shall be rntirled to alt ��ompensatioas. � . . <br /> � � awards, nnd ar.y uther payment ur relieF Ihere(ur, xnd Shull fx� enlitled, at iLc nptinn, to commence, appear in nnd pri�ecute in i4y . � � � <br /> � own nnme nny nctiun or procceding. or tu make any compromise or seltlement in ronneclinn wilh such tnkin� or damnge. All such . � <br /> compensution, nwurds. dnmages. righl o[ xclion und pruceesis are hereby assigned to Ihe Mortgn„ee, H�hu innp. after dedurtin� . � . <br /> thern(rom ull its expenses, reli�ase a�ny monr.ya su reccived hy it or apply the eume on an�� indebtedness secun�i hereby. The 31urL " <br /> gFigur ngreiy tu ezecute such (urlhur nssignmenLs u( nny cumpena:diun, awnrd�, damn�;�•ti, and ri�hts nf iiclion nnd pruc�•cryls n� Ihe � � <br /> . ninrtgnRee mny requirr. . . <br /> 1'hnt in case of fuilure lo per(orm nny o[ the ai�•enanl� herein, the Mortgagee may do on the Dlorlgugor's behnl[ every• � <br /> thing ao covenunted; thut the Tlodga6ce mny also iio uny act it nmy deem necessury to prutect fhe lien thereo(: that the Mort- <br /> gegor will repay upon demund any moneyx pnid or disbursed by the hfortgngee for any o( the nbove purpoeca, m�d euch moneys <br /> tog^ther with interest thereon at the rate providecl in said note e}mil becrome so much ndditiontil indebtcKlness hereby secured and <br /> may Ue induded in any decree (oreclosing this morlgnge nnd be paid out o[ thc rents or proa�eds of sule of snid premisce it not _ <br /> � utherwise paid; and lhat 1�lortgngre uhall no! incvr any personnl linbility hecauae ot anything it may do or nmit to do hemundee � <br /> � � In the event ot tlie detautt by Norlgngor in thc paYm��nt o[ nn�• instnliment. ��s requircd by fhr A'ule necurvd hereby, ur . <br /> � in lhe pertonnnncr uf 1he ubligalion in this morlgage or in the nnte secured there6y, the D1ort �;ag�•c shnll be entitled lo declarr Ihe � <br /> ' deLt secured hereby due and payable witliuut nutice, mid !he DdurtgaFev shull be enlitled at its option, ���iihout nutire, either L,v iLvel[ . <br /> - :. nr bY u rt�ceiver to t� appointeel by lhe court then�[. nnd �rithout reFurd fo the ade+yuacy u( m�y xecurity tur Ihr indebtcdness �r- <br /> . ' cured henrby. tu enter upon nnd take pc�sc:;sion nf ihe morlKaged Premives. �nd to colli•ct and mceive the. renls. issur� und profils � <br /> . thereof, und apply the �ame, Iess costs of opernlion und collectiun, upon the indebtednesv scrured 6y ihis morlgnge; said rents, <br /> � istiu�� nnd profits IxinF hereby ussigned to lhe Morlgngee us further security (or the puym��nt of all indebtrdurve s�vrunYl hr.reb>•. � � <br /> � The D1urtga�m shull have lhe powcr to appoint miy nFent or n�;entx it mny desire (or the purp��nu ot repniring said prem• ��+'� rv '• <br /> ises; rcnting lhe same: collecling lhe renls, mvenues and income, nnd il may pay oul of naid incvme all expens�w incurnsl in rent- ' . , + •,r '. <br /> � ing and maneging the same nnd o[ collecting fhe rentnis there(rom. 'I'hr halunce remainin�;, i( xn��. �hnll br applird t�H'ard the "; � � " <br /> � dischnrge of lhe� mnrt�xur indebtedness. This ncaiKnm�nt is to Icrminiile and M.romi• nnll an<i void upon n•lease of lhin mortF:�ge. . � <br /> ��' <br /> 1'hi• Morlgug�•r may enllecl a "late chnrge.. nnl lu exceed l�ive CenLc (5e) fur rach dollur lS1 .W) o( rnch totel mnnthly h y ` <br /> : pnymiml rnun• Ihnn 15 days in nrrrnr:rv tu eorer ih�� �•%trn exprnse imnlv�•d in i�nndlinc d�•linqurnt :iccnunls. .�y ,' <br /> � <br /> 4 <br /> � .. . � . . ` _ . J <br />`� <br />