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<br /> ' . . . 7'hnl the Murlgagor will puy the indebfedness ue hereinbefnre pruvided: .
<br /> ,? � � � 'I'hut thc MorLK�f�or is lhn owner ot suid properly in fec simplc und hnn �;owl ri�;hl and lawful nufh��ritY to sell and -
<br /> . cnnvey the snme und fhnt thi• nnme iw Eree cind clenr ut nny liun or encumbrance; nnd thnt Murtgugur will wnrrnnt :md de(end ihe . �
<br /> " title to snid prrmises ageintit the cluimn of all � pursons whrnn5oever. . �
<br /> ;r i ' . � � � .' � � . � � �
<br /> � �rU pny immedinle�,Y W�1F.11 [�UI! Il/llj �]dyU�)�l• nll general taxes, npeciul Wzes.� sprciid tl\4l'8.9ftIC0�3. WFI�BC Cfltlf[�1'3. F('WCf FCN• . . _ �
<br /> � ice churq�w,� ond nther taxex nnd r.hurges agninvt snid prnperty, and all taxex Ievied on the deLL secure.d I�ereby, und Lo furnish th� � �
<br /> � ' Mortgagee, u�>n requesL with the originnl ��r � duplicnte receipls therefor. '17u� 2.lortgllgor n�;rrrs lhat them 4hnll be udded to �
<br /> � ench �monthly puYmenL rnquired hereunder nr under thc� evidence o[ debl si�cured herrby nn nmounl ��stimuted by thr� Mnrtgage.e , � � . .
<br /> �o ht• eufticient tn enuble the Morlgngec to puy, :�a they becnme due. uIl laxes, asxeaxmenln, and 5imilar chargcs upnn the prem- � . � .
<br /> isea subject thereto; uny deficiency b��cause o( thu innufTiciency of such additinn�l payrnentx �;hall he furlhwitli dupuviled 6Y lhr . . �
<br /> � �lortgagor with ttie M��rtgngee upon demnnd hy the Mor�ga�ee. At�i� defnult under thie paragraph .hall br dermed a defnult in . . �.
<br /> pnyment of liixes,- nssessments, ur similF�r char�;es rc•quired hereunder. , � � �
<br /> .{ �� . 7'he Mor11;a{;or agrees lhut thi�re sliall also h�� udded tn cach munNilY P:i)'rnen� uf principal and i�der��st reqoirrd here-� � � � .
<br /> ,- �.j undor om m�uunt estimtited by t6�� Mortgugee lo be su(ticient to enabli• thc htorlg:at;ce to p:iy. �+, il becomrv dur. the insurunce , - .
<br /> _ `� : premium on any insurrma• policY dcliverod to the Murt�;a�;ee. Any deficicncy because uf � he insuflicirncy u( such additionnl pay- . .
<br /> menln nhall be forthwilh depoFitrd by thi• Mnrtqiigur wilh fhe Dtnrltiagec upon demand by thu MurtKagre. Any drfault under this . . . .
<br /> �' ; � parngruph sht�ll hr deemed u de(uult. in t6r pa}'m�•nt uf insiuemce premiums. If thr � Hdic�� nr P��licies di•pusitwl nr�� such as home• � . _
<br /> � �`; �� nwnera or ull rixk policies, rand lhr depusih are insidlicienf lu pnY fhi� onlire prrrnium. lhe 14ortgngrc rnay :ipply thr depn::it tu � - . � �
<br /> p:�y premiurne un riskx requirrd tu be in,urcd by lhis mnrlgnge. � � .
<br /> � .,��5 � � �. .
<br /> �� ? Yaymentti miide Lv thn 14orfgugor wider the nbuve yaragrnphs mny . nt fhe nption uf thr �lurtr;ager, b�• hnld by it and . . � � �
<br /> rommingled wit6 other such (w�de or ils own fimds (or the payment of such items, mid until su npplied. sud� payments nre h��rrby
<br /> � ple�lgerl ns srcurity (ur the unP:�id balance uf Ihr morlga�;e indebtedm•ss. . . . . .
<br /> 'Pu prncurr. deliver to. nnd mtiinlnin for tho brnrfit o[ the �1orlRa�:ei� during the lifr of this murtgage ori�;inal policiex .md . . .
<br /> renewuls Ihenmf, de.livered ut Ienst ten days be(ore th� rxpirntion o( nny auch policieL, insuring ng;�inst fir� and nthrr insuruble . � � � �.
<br /> hazards, cusunities, and cuntingencics us the Morlgagee mny requin•, in an Lmounl cryual lu the indebtcclnesx secured by Ihis � � � � �
<br /> D1ortguge, and in a>mpanies ncceptuble to thc Murtgugoe, wifh losx puy�ible cl.wse in f�rvor of nnd in form acceptnble tu Ihr �tortgu� � � � � � . - .
<br /> gee. In the event Hny pnlicy is nut renewed un ur brforr ten d�iys n[ its expirntiun. � he hfort�;agee mny procure insurance un the � . . . �
<br /> imProvements. puy the premium therefur, and xuch sum shull became immedia�ely due and payi�hlr with inlerest ril the rafe set � � . .
<br /> �� � forlh in e;aid nufc� uutil pi+id and shaiil Ix securrd by thi. morlg:�ge. Fnilure un ihe part ut Il�r �lartgngor �o furninh such renrwals ' .. �.
<br /> "� �; as ace herrin required or ft�ilure lo P:�y any sums advanced hereunder sl�all. al the nptinn uf the t�4urt{;aKer, eunsfitute n defnult � � . ' .
<br /> ��? wider lhe lerms of lhiK mortgnge. 7'he di�li�•�q• of such pulicies sliall. in thr rvrnt of drL•�ult , cnusli�We nn assignment nf thr �m• .
<br /> ' �. � rnrned premium. . . � .
<br /> F
<br /> � Any vuma n•tt�ived 6y the ,b[origa�;ce by re:�son u( In;s ur damage inaured ;i�;ain5[ may I�� rrtliined hy thr Mortgngee � � . .
<br /> and upplied lowxrd � he p�ymertl uf the debt here6y srcured, or. �d lhr optiun ot thr htortgngee, such sum+ either �ehally or in : � � � .
<br /> .j_ pnrl may 6e puid uver tu Ihe \lorlga�;or to be u+ed tu repnir such buildintis or lu build nnw buildintis in their pince or (ar any -,- . �
<br /> ,' '�: uthrr purp��se or ubjrcl su[is(nctory lo the Mnrf�;iige�• wilhuut nlTectin�; fh�• livn on thr mnrt�;age (or thr full arnounl svcured herr- �
<br /> by 6eforr �uch payment ever took Place. . ,
<br /> _ 'Cu prumptly rep;tir. restore ur rrbuild m�y buildin�;s or impruvements no��• or h�•re�;�ft��r nn the premis��s whict� may tK- ��_. � � � �
<br /> - come dnma�;iYl ur deslruyivl : tu keep sf�id premisrs in g«>d cundiliun tmd mpair and Gei• from �en�• mrcimuic's lien or ut}��.r lien or � � , . � .
<br /> clnim of lien not i•xpressly siJxirdinnted to lhe licn herco(: nol to su(icr or p�•rrnit einy wilaaful uvi• uf ur an>� nuisunce tu ezist on , � . .
<br /> � cuid property nor tu permit w�istr un said premises. nur tu do any nther act wherchy Ih�• pruperty hereby conveped shi{II tx•come - . � .
<br /> - less vnlunble. nor to diminish nr impair itr v:due b�� miy nct nr omission to acf : tn comply with all myuirrments uf Inu• w•ilh nwprct � . . �
<br /> �o the morlgnged prcmiaes nnd lhr usc thrmoL . . . . . _
<br /> a . . 1'hat shnuld the premisrv ur uny pevt ih��roof M:� t�ken or dmm��;ed by rensun nf any public impru��rmeN or cundemnation . . . � � �
<br /> proceeding, ur under the ri�;ht uf eminent domain, ur in any uther mamier, thi� 11ortgngee shall be entiHrvl to all campunsalimLs, � � ;
<br /> aw:trtJs, and nny othet Payment or relief theretoe and shall Le entitled. nt i�c uptiun. to enmmence. apprnr in nnd prosecut.e. in i45 � � �� � .
<br /> �, own nume uny action or proceeding. ur to m:ake �my compromise or wi•ttlement in connecfion with such L�kin� or dmm�Fe. All s��ch � .
<br /> . com{>�n.calion, nwarde, d:mm���, righL nf action and prceeiKla nrc hereby nssigned to thr Ddurtgatiec, who m:iy, ufter drducting -
<br /> � ; therefrom all i4s exPensea, reteayr uny moncys so reccived Lp it nr npply the ximic un nny indebtedness secured hereby. 'Phe Mort- . �
<br /> � gugor agrres fo execute such furfhrr assignments of miy comprnsntir,n, nwavdc, damn�Ps, nnd ri�:hLti of action nnd prucerds as the . �
<br /> � �lfortgn�er mny rrquirc. � � �
<br /> ' 'Chat in cnae oE tnilure lo per(orm any o! the cuven�mts }�crcin, the rlortgngee muy do on the Mortgngor's bchnll every• � .
<br /> thing so covenanted; lha! the hfortgagee mny nlsn do nny act it mny d�rm necessar,v to prolect the lien thereof; that the Mort-
<br /> � � �ugor will mpny upon demand any moneyn pnid or disUursed by lhc hiortguqee tor eny of the a��ve purpcaes, and such moneys �
<br /> , ` . � tog^ther wilh interest thereon at lhe rate provided in said note ehnll become so much ndditionnl indebtedness hercby secured and � � ��
<br /> � mny be included in nny decree forecloying thiu rnortgnge nnd be paid out of the renLy or proceeds of eule o[ snid premises i( not .
<br /> � - nlherwise pnid: and lhnt MortF�F� ehall not � incur nny penonnl linbility lxrause of nnylhing it mny do or omit to do hrrnun<ler,
<br /> D� lhe weut ul the del�iult b3' �lort�agor in thi� puyment o( nny instullment . as required by thc A�utr n�vun•d hereby, ar
<br /> .- � in the performunce of the o6liKution in this mortgage ar in ihe nule secumd th�•mby, the Alortg.�gee shnll bu entiQed to declum lhe
<br /> � debt secured herehy due und payuble without notice, nnd ihe i�torlgagee shuil be entitled nt its option, wilhout notice, either by ilself
<br /> � ' or by u mceiver tu Fie nppaintcd by the court lherc��[, nnd ���ithout regurd lo lhe adeyuacy of any security fnr lhe indebtedness Fe•
<br /> . cural hemby, to enter upon nnd lake possrssiun u[ lhe mnrtgaged premises, nncl to cull��ct and rrcei�•c the rents, issu� und profiL� �
<br /> � fhenwf, and npply the vnme, less costs of uperntiun nnd inllcction, upon thr indehtiviness ucurrd by thiv mortgage; said rentc,
<br /> � istue� nnd profits being hereby nssiFned to thc Morl�nRee us further srcurity (ur the paymrnt ot all indebiednr�s s��curMl herehy.
<br /> - The Mortgag�•e sl�all }mve the power to nDP�ir�k any ngent or ngentx it may drsire for lhe purp��ve of repuiring .nid prem- _4 { . .._ RY.� ':,
<br /> . � ises; renling the sume: colicriing the renls, rrvenurs and incume, nnd it may pay out o( sai<I in��me ull exprnsi� incurreKl in rcnb ' , C+' -�� '
<br /> ing und mana�ing the 4ume and o( collecling thc rentals lhcrelrom. 1'he bntance mmaining, i( nny, shall be npplied tow��rd thc N .-,"'��� �
<br /> L dischnr�e oi the mortgn�e indebtednes9. This a�vsignment is to terminnte and tx•comi� mdl nnd �•uid u{xin mlrnvr of ihis mort�nge. �
<br /> "I'hr Alurlgngrr may coll�cl n "Inte t�hnrtie" not ln exceed Fivr Ci�ntti (5c) f��r rnch di�llur ( SI .W) of rnch total mnnfhly '�_` ' �:r
<br /> pnymi•nt mun• Ihun 1R dtiys in :vrr:vs to c�nrr ih�� rxtrn rxprn�r invnlv�•d in hnndlin�; didinqurnt accountx. � " �� ` ,
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