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<br /> %b-003'7�3'� �
<br /> � FE�E�� DUE ON SALE—CONSTRUCTION Loan Number____68$8__-__�__-_18.
<br /> �f; ��INCQLN FORM N0.4S31Ncv.7.7{I � Uranch TYP�
<br /> ;i' MpRTGAGE
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<br />�",.y THI�A70RTUe1GE,mnde end executed this......7th ...duy of... ....July . _A.D.. 19�6.......belween �
<br /> ,, � .: ........ ....:._CF.ATTUB.X.,ENTERPBISES.,...ING....:................................... ........ .................. ......... .... _.... ..._ � ,.:
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<br /> .;` .. � . . . ...__. ..._ ............ ..._.. .......... ...__, a cor�xrcation,
<br /> , .... .,.... ....... . .................................................... ... ..... ... .
<br /> } organizecl end exislmb under nnd by virtue o[the laws ot thc Stale ot........._NebTdBka,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,j�ereinn[ter mferred in ns
<br /> r, ',( the Mortgngoa, nnd FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCTATION QF I.iNCOLN, Nebraskn,iis siicceasora end
<br /> assigns,heminufter rnterred ta ns 1�3ortgngee, '
<br /> ' { WIThF.SSETH: Thnt the snid A9ortgagoq tor nnd in c��nsiderntion of the sum ot
<br /> r� � �
<br /> :..i", .._TH�TY.ONE.THOUSAND,SIX.Hl)NDRED..AND NO/100---.----------.-.-----�s..31_,600,00.._...............) Dollam,
<br /> Fpnid by eaid Mortgngee, dces l�ereby Nell and convey unto FIRST FED�RAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Or
<br /> # I.INCOLN, Nebravko, ns D4or}gngee, its successnra nnd nssitins. the foliowing descrilxd Reul Getate,situated in the Counry of
<br /> t
<br /> 3 .......... ..........T��l.�.._.._.................. ...........siu���,t........Ne.b�aska....... . ....... .... ..., t��-W��: '
<br /> : 3
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br /> Lot Seven (7), B1ock Six (6), Continental Gardens,
<br /> an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska
<br /> 1'O HAVE AND 1'O F{OLD th��ubuve describe�cl premise�(nr ihe usea herein set(o�lh und to sccure�xxrformnnce of lhe
<br /> obli�;ationv conlnined herein.together with all buildings,improvcmenth, fizlures imd nppurlenuncea nnd nil ruxmenis themunlu
<br /> trlonging, and it is mutunlly covenunted and nKreed bq nnd behrrrn the parties hereio that ntl plumbing, Fas, electric nnd . � ,
<br /> meehanicnl fixlurcw. uppliencea, eyuipment. m¢chinery end nppnratuv,(loor cwerings,storm e�indo�vn und screens,und such other � � � .
<br /> gouda and chatte(s nno peraonal property as arn ever furnished by u lundlord in Iclting or opernling an unfurnishe<1 building,aimi•
<br /> lar to the une now or hereoticr on vaid premisev,which are�ir shull txr uttec6ed to suid huildinR in any mnnner whalsocver, are � . �� �
<br /> und shall be deemetl tu be fixturrs and nn accessian lo tht frrehul�l nnd a part o(the renlly�s�tween thr purti��hcreto,lheir � .. �
<br /> heirs, executors, adminietrnton,succeavun or nseiKns.and rill peramx clniming bY. lhrough or under them,and shall he drrmed � � �
<br /> to be n��rtion of tl�e necuril}•(ur the indF�btednrss her�•in m�ntinn�•d an�i lu Ix�c��w�red by thie mnrtF:ige. . 4���
<br /> r'�
<br /> . N ��:'
<br /> , ��
<br /> YROVIDED ALWAYS, nnd Lhetie presenlx nre rx<Ksded and delivi�rrd upon ihe folluwin�; conJitinns, ngreemen6� �md ' :
<br /> ubli�ntion�:of tbe \1ortRagors,to�wil: � `
<br /> �, � �:
<br /> i::
<br /> 'fhe Dtorigagor ngrees lo pay lo thc D1ortKn���•.��r order, thr principal sum ��f T4IIRTY ONE T1i0USE1ND_SIX _ . '
<br /> . ,4 ,
<br /> HIIAIDRED..AND..ftO/.1011 .-r--- --r.---r-----r- ---------------r-----IS31,.60Q..OQ.._ _i nounr�, ,
<br /> � payable ev provided in a nolr exrculed and delivered cy�ncurrrnlly herewith. Ihe (in:+l pa>•mi•nl nl principnl. i( na( »nnnvr P:�id.
<br /> ��o the..._....fits.t._.......dny �,t_............March. _. _ .. _. _.. _ .�.2002
<br />' � ` �
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