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<br /> Blocks 2 , 3 , and 4 in "West View" , being a Subdivision of the South-
<br /> east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter , Section 17 , Township 11 , North ,
<br /> Range 9 West of the 6th P . M . , Grand Island , Hall County , Nebraska , and
<br /> all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the North�aest Quarter of
<br /> , ; Section 17 , Township 11 North , Range 9 West of the 6th P . M . , formerly
<br /> being and comprising Blocks S , G , 7 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , and 1S in
<br /> "West View" , being a Subdivision of the Southeast QuarCer of the North-
<br /> west Quarter of Section 17 , Township 11 North , Range 9 West of the _
<br /> 6th P . M . , now vacated , together with the streets and alleys ad � acent
<br /> thereto and connected with said blocks , as shown by deed of vacation
<br /> recorded in Book 26 , at Page 40 of the Deed Records of Hall County ,
<br /> Nebraska , the aforesaid property bei.ng more particularly described
<br /> - ; as follows :
<br /> Beginning at a point on the West line of said Southeast Quarter of
<br /> the Northwest Quarter , said point being Seventy and One Hundredths
<br /> ( 70 . 01 ) reet North of the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter
<br /> of the North�vest , Quarter , also being on the North line of Faidley
<br /> Avenue ; thence Northerly along the West line of said Southeast Quarter
<br /> oi the Northwest Quarter , a distance of Eight Hundred Ninety- rive and
<br /> 'Itaenty-Six Hundredths ( 895 . 26 ) reet , to the South line of Ninth Street ,
<br /> � thence Easterly along the South line of Ninth Street , a distance of
<br /> Nine Hundred Forty -Seven and P'ive Tenths ( 947 . 5 ) Feet , to the West
<br /> line of Howard Avenue ; thence Southerly along the tJest line of Howard
<br /> Avenue , a distance of Nine Hundred ltao and Five Tenths ( 902 . 5 ) reet ,
<br /> a ` to a point Seventy and One Hundredths ( 70 . 01 ) Feet North of the
<br /> � South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ; thence
<br /> �desterly along a line Seventy ( 70 . 0 ) Feet North of and parallel to
<br /> said South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> also being the North line of Faidley Avenue , a disCance of Nine Hundred
<br /> Forty -Seven and Sixteen Hundredths ( 947 . 16 ) Feet to the place of begin-
<br /> ning and containing 19 . 546 acres , more or less , and that property
<br /> vacated by Ordinance No . 4946 , filed January 19 , 1971 , in Book 21 of
<br /> rliscellaneous Records , Page 313 , more particularly described as follows :
<br /> That part of vacated Ninth Street in West View Addition , being a strip
<br /> of ground Sixty -Six ( 66 ) Feet in width abutting the South line of
<br /> Block 'Itao ( 2 ) , [dest View Addition from the West line of Howard Avenue
<br /> to the East line of Sherman Avenue and abutting the South line of
<br /> Block Three ( 3 ) , West View Addition from the �desC line of Sherman
<br /> Avenue to the East line of Sheridan Avenue and abutting the South
<br /> line of B�lock Four ( 4 ) , West View Addition from the West line of
<br /> Sheridan Avenue to the East line of Hancock Avenue , all in West View
<br /> Addition , subject to easements and rights - of-way for alley reserved .�, j . .�, ;. ..
<br /> by the City of Grand Island , Nebraska .
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