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<br /> 76. 00�3'780
<br /> n�oRTcncr:
<br /> A10ItTCAGH LOAN N0. �2z>2 5
<br /> ` KNOW ALL A1EN BY THHSE PRL'SF.NTS:'Chat Davi d L. Hami 1 ton and El vi ra M. Hami 1 ton, each i n hi s
<br /> � � �
<br /> .
<br /> ' and her own t^lght ditd dS spouse of each other, hfortgagor,whelheroneormore,inconsiderationofthesumof
<br /> � Sixteen Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------------�o��Ans
<br /> loaned to said modgagor by The Equilable IIuilding and Loan Association of Crnnd Island,Nebrasl:a,Mortgagee,upon 160 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,CertiCcate No.L 22.ZZ5 ,Jo hereby grant,convey and nwrtgage unto the said ASSOC[AT10N th:following
<br /> described real estata,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> together wi�h all �he tenements,hereditaments and appunenances thereunlo belonging,including attached fioor coverings,all winJow screens, � .� �
<br /> �vindow st�ades,biinds,storm windows,awnings,Lrating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water eyuipmen[and accessories there�o,pumps,stoves, � - . .. ,
<br /> re(rigerators,and o�her fixtures and equipment now ur hereafter uttaclted to or used in cum�eclion widi said real es[ate.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgngor lias�greed and does hereby ugcee that the mortgagor shatl and witl pay atl taxes and asse:smmts tevied or ' � �� � "
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby bafore the same shall become delinyuent;to furnish approved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in thc sum of 5 �(,Q00.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASS(KIATION the policies for said insuranre;and not to commit or pennit any waste on ur about said premiser, . � , � �
<br /> In cau u(defaull in the performance of any o(the terms und conditions uf this murtgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee slmll, � � .
<br /> on demand,bc entitled�o immediate possession uf the mortgaged prcmius and the mort�gor hemby assigns, transfcrs snd sets over tu �he � � �
<br /> mortgagee all the cents,revenues and income m be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness:hall remzin �
<br /> � unpaid;and lhe mortgagea shall have the puwer tu appuint any agent or agents it may desirc for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting � -
<br /> d�e same end collecting the rants,revrnues and income,xnd it may pay out of said income xll expenses of repairing said premises and neassary
<br /> commiuions and expense:incuved in renting and manxging the tame and of rollec[ing rentals thereftom:lhe balance remaining,if any,t0 be �. .. -
<br /> applieJ toward the dixharee of said mortgage indebtedness;theu�ights of the murtgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence o(such
<br /> defaWt,irrespective uf any tempurary wniver of the same. . � � ,
<br /> Thesc Presents,huwever,aee upon the Conditiun,That if Ihe said Slortgagor shall repuy said loan un or before the maturity of s�id sh�res 6y � . �
<br /> p�yment pay monthly lu s�id ASSOCIA'IION of the sum specified in the Dund secured hereby as interest and principal on said luan,on ur before � � � � �
<br /> thc Twentieth day of each and ever}'month,until said loan is fully paid;p�y all taxes and assessments levied against said premises and on this Afurtgage � . � �� �
<br /> and the Bond secured ihereby,befo�e delinyuency;(umish approved insurance upon thr buildings thereon in die sum of S�6���0.�� payable �� �
<br /> to mid ASSOCIATIO�;rep�y to said ASSOClATION upon demand ull muney by il p�id fbr such taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at _
<br /> the maximum Irgal rale thercon from date of payment all o(which lfortgagor here6y agrecs to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply � � � . . �
<br /> with all the agreements and conditions ot the�ond for 5�6����.�� lhis day gi��en by�he said�tor�gagor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> wid�all the requirements of the Constitution and 6yLaws o(s�id ASSOCIATIOti;then these prosents shall become null and�•oid,othcrwise they . ..� � .��
<br /> . shall rcmain in full force and may be foreclosed at�he uption of the s�id ASSOCIATION after failuce for three munths to make any o(said � � � � .
<br /> p�yments ur be three munths in nrrears in m�king said monthly p�yments,or w Acep and comply with the agreements and conditions oF said Uund;
<br /> and Alur�gagor ugrees to have a receiver appointed(urthwi�h in such(ureclosure proceedings. .
<br /> If ihere is�ny change in uwnership of the real estate mortgaged Imrein,by sale or olhcrwise,thm the enlire remaining indebtedness hereby � �
<br /> � xcurrJ thall,at dte option o(The Gyuitable UuildinF and Loan Assuciation of Crand Island,NebraeV:a,become immediately due und payshle without
<br /> -. further no�ice,and ihe�mount remainirrg due unde�said bund,and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shall,Gum the � �
<br /> datc of exercise of said option,bear intetes�at the maximum leg:il r�tc,and�I�is mortgage may then ba 1'oreclosed to satisf'y the amount due on said � .
<br /> , bond,and any other bunJ for additional advances,together wit}�all sunu paid by said The Gyuitable Building und Lo�n Associalion ot Grand Island,
<br /> Nrbraska for insuranre,laars anJ assessrt�ents,and abslracting extensiun charges,with interest thereon, from date oI payment at the maximum
<br /> legal rale.
<br /> As provideJ in the Bond secured hereby,wliile this mortguge remains in efCcct the murtgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br /> makers o(said Dond,theie auigns or succeuors in interest,which sums shall be within the seruriry oC this mortgage the same as the funds originally �
<br /> � secured lhereby,the total amount uC principal debt not�o exceed at any time ihe original amount o(this mortgage. � � �
<br /> ��«a�i,�5 lst a�y�r July n.n.,i� 76 •
<br /> � ,�� .�,�� � (', �,r.�)>>� �l�t,. ,_�:��_,.�
<br /> David . Hamilton Elvira M. Hamilton
<br /> STATE OP NEBRASKA, ss. On tlus �S t ��y,�� J uly ly 76 ,�efore me,
<br /> COWi TY OF IIALL�
<br /> . the undersigneJ,a o[ary Public in apd(or said ounty,personallyp e . �"'� '� ����
<br /> David L. Hamilton and Elvira M. Hamilton, each in his an�her own right anc� as spouse o� N �
<br /> 2dCh other, 1°h0 are personally known to ?
<br /> qC
<br /> L me to be the identical person5 whnse name S dPe aCfixcd to the above instrumenl ortgagor5 and they severally � ��
<br /> � acknowledged the said instrument lo be thei r volunWry act and deed. �� yyy,, -�'-- �
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the dnte aFuresaid. \ ., �/ � � � ,� ��.
<br /> �1�Commissionexpires � , %� �'—� j/ . . � ...
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<br />' � �� � � � ''"/��/�j�� -I �'�~ ' Notary Public `
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