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<br /> ;;�..�
<br /> �° . �I
<br />' S7`AT� OI� N,GIIRASI�:1, Cumity of.
<br /> ....................................................:
<br /> Filedfor racord un ................................. 1D....,,..nt..........,..,..,......,.... o'clocic ...............,........ DL
<br /> nnd recorded iu tho Dc�!d Rccord ................................. 1'ugu .......,,.....,..,...,.....,.
<br /> .............................. ,., ..........,..,.. 13y ..........,.. ....... ..,. ...,......,.,....,.......
<br /> ................. .................. ,.,..... .....,........ , ..,......,..,....,
<br /> �� liegistor of Dcede Ucputy 1{euixtur of lleede
<br /> �6� ��3�`��� SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY llEED
<br /> Leland L. Steffern & Marilyn fl. Steffen, husband and cvife, and Cary Y. Howe and
<br /> C'harlotte L. Rowe, husband and crife, , heroin esllnd tho grnntor wlicther ono or moro,
<br /> in considoration of Four Thousand Eighk tlundred and 00/100 Dollars
<br /> received fram grnntces, dnes grnnt, biirgnin, xcll nonvcy nnd ennfirm uuto
<br /> Curtis N. Christensen and Linda M. Christensen, husband and coife,
<br /> as joint tenaute with rigLt of eurvivornhip, n��d not nH lminnts in cummou, thc follo�viug desariUed real
<br /> , � �
<br /> propertp in Hal.l....................................... Uuunty,Nebrnelcn:
<br /> , � Lot Six (G) in Dlock 'len (10) in Colleqe Jlddi tion to f�,�+t:�L1Mn in the Ci ty
<br /> of Grand Island, tia11 County, NebrasAa.
<br /> �ve�r�nsKn i�ocumcNi�n«Y
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> �n��
<br /> ' �.�t''` c JUL `� 197G
<br /> .�,-
<br /> ��;.��> [�v_t.�..�.�r ".d1--
<br /> ___._--
<br /> To im�•e and to Lold the i�bovo dencribed premisce taqelher with nll tm�ewoute, l�eredltuments
<br /> nnd uppurtennnces thor�to UclonginK uuto thc grnntces and to thcir asdignx, or to tha licire und nnsigue
<br /> of tho survivor of tLcm forc��cr.
<br /> Avd grnutur doea I�ereby covm�nn� �sith thu grtu�teca nud witli their ndaigus and �vith tl�o hoire .
<br /> nnd uesigve of tLe sm•��i�•or of 61icm tLnt grcmtnr ie la���fully seise�.l of xi�id premiace;tlmt tliey ora free fro�u
<br /> euauu�brunee except easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> that hrnutor Lng good right nnd lu�xful nutLt�rit;V to cmn'cy Uic »runu; iu�d lhnt grnulur �ti�urr��ute uttd �xill
<br /> dclund the titlu to suid premineK nKniurtG the In�vful clitims n[;ill perantia n•liomsucver.
<br /> it iy tl�e iutention of all p�u•Licw hereto ttu�t iu tlio uvenL oF thc duutL of eitlicr of thc gnmtces,
<br /> ihe eulirc feu title to thin renl pru�uv�lp ohnll �•��sl in Uic eur�•iciuu grmitca
<br /> ` Dnted July 5, 197G �
<br /> .: ��J /� /��, ) �y•
<br /> _7
<br /> ......o�rtl..X�A'cr.�el/�. . . ..(. �:."..�... ��.., � >
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<br /> ���
<br /> : smn�rr or ...,......nr:a�r,a,�ka................................ co����c}• �r .....,.......I.tad.,L...,...,.,.................�.......:
<br /> llcforo tno,n notary puWio yuulil'icd for dnid counly, prreotuilly uuiuc I,��l.:ind L. Stcffen and
<br /> Mnrilyn A. Steffen, husband and wife, and Gary ('. Itowe and Charlotte t.. Rowe, husLand
<br /> and cvifa, each in hls or her own riqht and as spouse of the otl�er,
<br /> Icnown to me to L�the ideutiaul F�erson or perdonK wiio xigned thc torogoinK inntrument nnd ackuowladged " I �,'.
<br /> . ..�.r.�..
<br /> the execution thereof to Le hix,Lcr or thcir vuluntary �icl im<1 dced. {V ?;:
<br /> l �) ' � �
<br /> __J3Citui:aa,inX.hand.Antl.riALu[inL.ycnl on � ' l.� } t
<br /> , .,...... t 1 , 19 ........ �
<br /> � SHARO"1 L.DAKER �� -- � � � �
<br /> .. ,f J �j
<br /> � GENERAL NO'I�ItY ........... . .l.u.(`/t��"....�.,! ..�.L../' '.......... Notnry I'ublic
<br />>. !'
<br />. �'.'"'^�It1.wm Stnte ol NeGr:,rku . . . �.� .� .'. . -
<br /> x � "`'S.`,t'i1�.,.,.7. hly ��urnm�4eiou oap�rce..S..I..G:.r..:t.c::.c,...�i..i.:.............. 1'J,..::...,.......
<br />,� l�ori�'1.3'Tu'lfi�'7t7S�SPiSCC�$"tsy"'t'Ptti^istett Nta�c Iinc Assuciutiou Ye1wnl.WolfUo..lAnculn,N�Lr.
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