<br /> ' � ;�� l
<br />� ; _ _ �
<br /> t}D�'73 __ . . . _.
<br /> - b--.. - _ .
<br /> 53•A—REAL ESTAT�MORTGAGE—With Tax Clauee (Hevised 1962) 'r���•ltullmnu uu,crul su��ply lioux,I.v�min,hchr. �
<br /> ,j �;
<br /> KNOW ALL A9CN BY'I'IiESC PRIsSPNTS, 'PlIA'!' Larry J. Placke and Kay L. Placke, husband
<br /> ' and wife and Arnold J. Placke and Linda J. PZacke, husband and wife
<br /> ���. � (D1ortRago6 ) � �
<br /> of Ndll County,and 5Aile oF Nebraska ,;n cnnbidr.ration of U,e sum u[
<br /> ; y_ -------------------------
<br /> � ; Twent Three Thousand Five tiundred and No/100 ---- 1.)OJ.LAit9 I
<br /> d ' in hand pnid,do herehy SELL�nd CONVTY unto The Overland National Bank of Grand Island
<br /> . i (nforfgagee ) . .
<br /> �I � uf Xall County.und Statc o( Nebraska thr.following described premises ( '
<br /> situutixl in qajj Counly,nnd State of Nebtaska to-wit:
<br /> ;� � A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter �
<br /> �; ; (NS%NE�t) of Section Twenty One (21) Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West i ,
<br /> '; of the 6th P.M., in City of Grand Zsland, Hall County, Ne6raska, described as follows: �
<br /> i To Ascertain point of beginning, start at the intersection of the westerly line of
<br /> � 1 Elm Street with the souther2y 2ine of Anna Street; thence running southwesterl� along
<br /> ; the Southerly Line of Anna Street, a distance of Three Hundred Thirty Four (334.0) feet �
<br /> � to the ACTUAL point of beginning: also being a point on the west line of Cleburn Street i ;I
<br /> ' as condemned by City Ordinance No. 1591 Dated February 2, 1938; thence continuing along
<br /> 'i ! the southerly line of Anna Street a distance of Eighty Five and four tenths (85.4) feet � ':
<br /> ; !! � thence running southeasterly parallel to the Westerly line of Elm Street, a distance of
<br /> � One Handred Forty (140.0) feet; thence running northeasterly para11e1 to the southerly
<br /> � � Iine of Anna Street a distance of Eighty Five and four tenths (85.4) to a point on the
<br /> t ; � Westerly line of Cleburn Street; thence running northwesterly along the Westerly line
<br /> of Cleburn Street a distance of One Nundred Forty (140.0) feet to the point of
<br /> beginning and containing 0.274 acres, more or less.
<br /> �'f ��- I - . . .
<br /> i .
<br /> 'I'he intention being to convey herchy an ubsolute ti�le in fee simplc including nll the righLs of homestend rand dowet � � �
<br /> 7'O HAVL AND Z'O,HO1,D lhe >remises above de=_cribed, with ❑ll Ihe appurtenunms thetcunlo belonging unto the ;: � -� . . .
<br /> its succe�irs
<br /> �:� said mortgugee :and to r nnd ussigns,forever, provided filways, und these presenW ure upon thc ezpresa � i�
<br /> y � condilion thut it the aforesa1d morl�aF,�org heirs, ezecutory, udministraturs or assigns shull pay ot cause to bc ' . �.� � .
<br /> 1 LS SLL�C@SSOt'S .
<br /> .t pxid to the said mort,ngce , aSX�KK7f�YXdGYJfXX������r ussigne,the sum of Twenty–Three � �
<br /> ���; �� ---------------------------- Dol(urs.payable ns follows,to-wi4 i � .
<br /> Thousand Five Xundred and No/100
<br /> . ----�9 i � � �
<br /> z !.; , »nk:�rsorct�t�---------�m�-st---------------------
<br /> �, ; j� , --------LJ � '�� . . .
<br /> . , . »otrJrsrnrrntr---------�r:ry�T----------------- . � r
<br /> _ 's ����, !: H�rrreer4iter----------ehfc–af-------------------------1g , ,��.' :'.� ..
<br /> � 1', , °
<br /> ' '� •. Hnlher.roerHnr---------Ziaerof-------------------------7g ' " �� .
<br /> ... ; �� , LdL�za.aciJacL---------�t�w-o4-------------------�-----t!t ; ..
<br /> '� � wilh interest thereon fll 9 per cent per anmm�,payabte annuaily all ncc rdin�to(1 teno und etfect of . � �
<br /> ❑certain prumi5sury note o(su;d �rr9 J• P1acke and Kay L. Placke, husban�an�d wi�e an�d
<br /> Arnold J. Placke and Linda J. Placke, husband and wife
<br /> � bearing even dale wilh lhese presenta,and shull Pay all taxes und assevmenLs levied upon snid retil estale,and all other tases, . . �
<br /> . Ievies and ussessmenls levi�sl upun thiv murtgage or the nule which lhis mortguge is given lo sccure,before the sume bacomes . � .
<br /> } ' delinyuent,amd kcep lhc buildinga on said premisi�s insured for the sum o[5 23�500.00 loss, if any, Puynble to � � ��
<br /> � the said mortK�Ree, then thrse prrsenu; to bc ��oid, otherwise lo be and remain in tut! force. � �
<br /> 1'1' IS PUR1'HER AGRF.I:D (l) Thut if the eaid murtgnguz shall(uil to pay such tuxes or procure such insurance, the v :
<br /> ' said murtgagee may pay such laxes tind pru�ure sucl� insurunce;flnd tlie sum So advancrd,with interest nt per cent ! �.� . � � �
<br /> � � shnll be pnid by said mort�ai;w,amd this morlgage shall stand us securily[or lhc stunc. (3)That¢(uilure to pny any of yaid i � - � � �
<br /> � ��� money,eilher Principnl or interest �v}�en lhe snme becumes due,or a Iailure to cromply with nny of Uie foregoing ugteemente, I ��; � �
<br /> � shall cnuse the whole sum n[muney herein securec!tu become due and collectible at once at the option oI the mortgagee. ,
<br /> � Signed thie 2lld daY��f July . lg 76 .
<br /> : '. ': In presence ut ��L�....��'.. �"����f....... .. ......._...
<br /> Z�arry"J. Placke / ,
<br /> , i , �
<br /> ..... . ...
<br /> " _._..__... Kax L "`p.. ..�/ ^ r t
<br /> J
<br /> _ ir�! .�� ... ............. ....
<br /> �L}:fl � YC]C��""C_
<br /> / • . ............ . .. ....
<br /> .. .. . __ . ..\.. <. . I
<br /> __ LinBa I k� '
<br /> ' � ��. . Count uf.... .. Na11 , ..
<br /> STATEOF................N�k.Ts�Ska_........ ..... . Y ..... . ._......... ... ....
<br /> �� Betore me,n notary public qualified [or said county, personu0ycame Laz'z'y J. P1aCke� Kay L. P1aCke, �
<br /> Arnold J. Placke and Linda J. Placke
<br /> �- � kno�m tQj��-tQ, drjyJ{�entical pereon or persons who signed the furegoing instrument and ncknowleclgcd the execulion � '��
<br /> ��.��. �� thereot[d'1T�`fif��t'6f'ttle'r�• lunlary act and dced. � .
<br /> �(}ENERA4NORA�tY•BpA�o�fl�. � � ...19f�
<br /> � W��Aptariul seal on..... ..... . ..... 7 . . 7 '
<br /> ' y 9 . "
<br /> �K�K T J C .. � '.
<br /> � rfy com�f��'��p`lrc�?................ ..:�:.3......... ...., 19�.� .:..::!.�..f�:��e.�:._�:'� :��....�'....Notary Public. :
<br /> , ��,
<br /> . . � �`i'-ti`�•
<br /> ., .� STATE OF.............................................._.................. lntered un numerical indei und filyd (or recronl i : ��� N ,,:
<br /> ' �� }�' in the Registcr of De��ls URice of said County the � ��
<br /> � i , County .._.................................................................... ' .
<br /> � ' ........day of....._.._...................................... 19..---........ at............................._.o'clock and..._..........................minutes......................ht.. ; d ..,�.��.
<br /> ......._....... , n-�r;
<br /> ' '. and recorded in Book..........................................oL...................._..............._�t pnqe....._......_................_...._........ , (�..- :
<br /> � � !�f :,�...�. .
<br /> . ��� �� ............................................................._..................ReR. of 7Jeeds I � > .
<br /> t ` By....................... ...................................11tputy ' ,
<br /> ............................
<br /> 7
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