` ;,�:.
<br /> ,-_,;;;.
<br /> � . �
<br /> 76' OO�i'715
<br />' I
<br /> FCIRCST
<br /> �' �INCOLN NCN-ASSUMABLE DUE ON SALE Loan Number___gpg(�__--..on��__"_l8e
<br /> .. � � �FoaM No.828��Inev.�0�701 .
<br /> ' _ M O R T G A G E
<br /> ,ti
<br /> ;+
<br /> RTHJS MORTGAGE, mnde nnd r.xecuted this ....,Z......._dey of _. ......Lk/y......... .. . ......A.D..19.76.....,behveen
<br /> _ Jr.
<br /> ' � Ceci1.A....Jesso�x.a.s,ingle._person,..and Cecil A. Jessop,..Sr_.,.,and„011ie L,...,Jessop,._husband
<br />' s and wife, each in his and her own individual right, jointly and severally
<br /> ...................... .. . .. ......... .. .... .. ...._
<br /> s �f Grand Island _ County ot.. Hall _ .., s�at� of... N2bT'8Skt1 hereinutter .eferred
<br /> ......... . . . .. .._.... . _ . _ . _ ,
<br /> ,..� lo��s the Mxtgagor,and F'IRST rEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Or LINCOLN, Nebraska, its succeasorx -
<br /> . and uesignx,hercina(ter referred to ns h4ortgagee, �.�
<br /> :�-� �
<br /> -�� WITNES6I�.TH: 'Phat thr snid Mnrfgagor,for nnd in cunsid��ralion o(the sum n[ � ', �
<br /> 3
<br />' : TEN THOUSAND FIVE �iUNDRID AND NO 100 ---- --- --- ---- 10,500.00 __
<br /> .. ...__..(J .... . ._ .. .....) llrdlarx, �, .
<br /> . ._...._. ... ._ ....__. ......__. ... ,
<br /> . ... ......... ........ ... ........ ....../...._. . .
<br /> paid by saicl Mortgagee, does hemby se�l und convey unto I�IRS7' I�EDERAL SAVINGS AND LGAN ASSOCIATION OI"
<br /> I.INCOLN, Nebmska, as bfortgagee, its sucresson nn<I nssit;ns, ihe (ollo��•in�; describ�•d Real Lslote,tiit.unt�•<I in dte County of
<br /> : �
<br /> j Hall _... Siate ot. ........_. NeUraska . t�,����i:
<br /> , ,{ __. . ... ..... . __ .....__... _
<br /> �
<br /> i The Southerly Fifty Peet (S 50') of Lot One (1), in 31ock
<br /> j
<br /> � Pour (4), in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> ;:�
<br /> j Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> ' iE
<br /> . }
<br /> �: j � � �. . . .
<br /> ;.� ��i . . . �� . . �
<br />, i
<br /> 'f0 HAVL AND 1'O IIOLD the:ibo�r described pmmisrs for the uses hrrein set(orlh and�n secure pedormnnee ot the
<br /> ��blign�iuns contninod herein. together with nll b�ildin�;s,improvemenls, fixtures und appurtenancca nncl nll easements lherrtmto
<br /> Ix•Innging, and it is muluully covenankxl und agrcecl by aud Letwecn the purties herrtu that all plumhing. �u�, eleclric uml . .
<br /> mechunicni fixture�:, appliances, equipmeut. muchinery and nppnr.dus,[luor coverings,storm winduws and screens,und s�ich ull�er
<br /> gouds and chnitels:md personal property ns am rver(urni,hed by n landbrd in letting ur opi•reting rm nnfurnished Luilding.simi�
<br /> lar to the one nvw ur herea(ter on sai<I premis�•F,���hich are ur shall 6e attached to eaid building in any manner whatsceveq am . . -
<br /> and rhull be deeme[1 lo be fixlures und an acccvsiun to the(rceLnld ond u part n[the retdly as��lween lhe pnrties hereto,their .
<br /> hrirs,executors, adminislmlars, succes�ors or asyigns, nnd nll persems clnintinC by, through ar under lhem, and sl�all bi•d��omrd .
<br /> lu be a portion of the tircurily Ior the indeb�e<Iness her��in mrntiuned nnd to Ix•cnv��rrd by fhis rnurtt;a4r. .
<br /> '� �.
<br /> N �'.�
<br /> PROVIDGD ALWAYS. and �h��si� pr�senls nrr ezecutrd and delivrred upun �hr (ullnwin�: cnndilinn,. ❑�recm�•nLc aml . �
<br /> ,� nLligalions of lhe MortFngors.to.wiL• � �
<br /> � Thr I�iort�ngor a�:ree.s to piiy to the hfurtgaF��e,or order. tlir princip:d sum ut .TII4 THOUSAND FIV� HUTIDRED t� '
<br /> AND.NQ�10.0----------------_---------------------._.---------=---I� 1Q,.500.00..._ _ � n„u,�r.. .,. , `
<br /> �myi�blr a.s prurid��d in a nulc i�secutrd nnd drlivrrcd coneurronlly hrrc�eilh, thc finid pacm�•nl uf principal. i[ nut suunrr pnid.
<br />.' ��n 16r...._..lst__. ....___da�• u(.__. ...Ju1'y..... _. .__ . ,{tjt 2001
<br />- � _ ,— �
<br />_#
<br />�
<br />