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<br /> ' _,'.,:tiYW�
<br />; _ �
<br />' ! 76- 003706
<br /> ' 4.1—SURVIVORSNIP WARRANTY DF:ED Felton G Wulf Company,Lfncoln�N�br.
<br /> ;
<br /> IHar].an.-IC. Johnaon and Franoee L. Johneon, hneband end eife, each in
<br /> hie and her oxn right and ae epouse of the other,
<br /> , herein called t]ii� �rnntor�cf�ether ona or more,
<br /> in conRiderutiou of T}pENTY-ONE THOUBAND AND NO/100 DOLLAAS (�21�000.00)
<br /> received from grantecs, doee grnnt, bnrgain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> L.
<br /> Jamee D. Ha21 and Roberta/Hall, hueband and wife,
<br /> ns joint teuunis �vitti i�qLt of survivorsliip, und iiut as tenonts in comromi, ttie follo�aing deecribed real
<br /> :: i property in ................H8�.1.................................... Count,Y,NeUrnska:
<br /> Lot Four (4), in Blook Thirty-nine (39),
<br /> in Ruesel Wheeler'e Addition to the City
<br /> � � of arand Ieland, Nebraeka. NE6RASKAIJOCUMENTARY f
<br /> STA41P TAX
<br /> ,���� p'C�P�� JUL G 1976
<br /> -. p;`l. � l . .
<br /> ' � `� $ca7J.//, BY ✓ '�_
<br /> To ha�'e .md to hold the nUovc deticribed �rrc�nises to�ethcr ��•ith all tenements, Lereditaments
<br /> un3 appurtennnces thereto Uelonging unto tl�c {�r�uitecs aiid to ttieir assigns, or to the heirs and ussigns
<br /> : :; of the snrvi�-or of tLem fore��er.
<br /> And grantor does hereby co�•ennnt with the grantees nnd «•ith their nssigna nnd n�th the heira
<br /> and assi�ns o;ttie �urvivor of them tllat grantor is lntrfull}•sr,ised of anid premises;tliut they nro free from i
<br /> encumbrtu�ce e=eept any ea�emente and restrictione of record.
<br /> thai grantor has good ri�Lt and lawful nut}writy to emtvey the rame; and tlint grantor tcnrrants and will
<br />� ' defend the title to snid premises nguinst tLc lawful claims of ull persons Srhomsoever.
<br /> It is the iutention of zll parties Lereto that in the event of the death of either of the grunteea,
<br /> tiie entire fee simple title to thc reai estnte shttll vesi- iu tLc yurciving �runtee.
<br /> , Dnted June �s , 19 ?6
<br /> � :
<br /> � I .................................................................................... ......�".L.Y.."��!!�t....��1.�..�'..�.%hr-.-e�-�..............
<br /> Harlan K �hneon
<br /> / \ '
<br /> - __................ ,,.�f:.,,, �rr'�;'���/c�:l..:..:«:&:L:L�
<br /> .......................................................... .... .......,.... ,...
<br /> Francee L.,%Johneon
<br /> e �
<br /> .................................................................................. ....................................................................................
<br /> � STATE OP ..............NE.H�E3A8KA......................, Couut� uf ...................�bll]....................._.......:
<br /> Before me,n notnry public qunlified for said county, personnll�• came
<br /> Harlan g. Johneon and Frencee L. Johneon, husband and Rife, each in
<br /> hie and h�r oen right and ae epouse of the other,
<br /> M� ra
<br /> kno«•ti to me to be tl�c ideutical person or persons�eho signed the foregoing instrument nnd ackno«•ledged , Na�.'�
<br /> I tLe esecution thcreof to be hie,hcr or their voluntary ar,t and deed. �
<br /> -� ;-
<br /> Witness my hnnd nnd notnriul scal on............�.`.�.'..`.`...:.......7...�.�.r..................... 19.7.�....... � �
<br /> �p 9� 7 -• i i K?
<br />� ���•�/�Itl� ✓x� {.��/Y� ./;�a,Y,-.-< ✓''........ \otnry PuUlic
<br /> ...................�........................... .............:...��.......
<br /> lAYAlIO H.IAINt.JI1. �
<br /> � Mv Cowni�den EaCh�s ' .
<br />:. ...... � DetemEar2a.1977 1Iy COIIttl119HI0IlCX[71i1'8...�.'�..�.'.��•,l�`�-'�' ��—
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