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<br />° 76- pp.3"700 �
<br /> t�10RTGAGG —__ —
<br /> n�oaTcnc;l'LOAN N0._ L 22,231 MGIC
<br /> KNOW ALL t+16N I�Y TIIGSL PRfSf:NTS:That Larry D. Homol ka and Beverly J. Homol ka, each i n hi s and �
<br /> her own right ditd dS SPOU52 of each other, Mortgagor,whethcroneonnore,inconsiderationoflhesumof
<br /> Thirt -three Thousand Two Hundred and No/100----------------------------------"" no��aRs
<br /> IuaneJ to said nwrtgagor by The Cquilable Ouilding and Luan Assuciation of G[nnd Island,Nebraske,hlortgagee,upon 332 shuces uf stock of � . �
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cerlificate No.L22,23� MGIC��hereby grant,convey und murtgage unto the said ASSOCIA710N tl�e(ollowing
<br /> described real estatc,siluated in Ilall County,Ne6raska: � .
<br /> toge�her with xll �he ienements,hceeditaments and appurtenances thereunlo belunging,including ettacheJ iloor co�•erings,all window scrcens,
<br /> winJow shades,blinds,stoun a�indows,awnings,huating,air conditioning,and plumhing and water eyuipment and accnssories ihereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> reGigeratms,and other fixtures and eyuipment nuw or hercafter attached to or used in connection�cith said real estate.
<br /> And whercas ihe said mortgagor hxs agreed and does hereby agrec�hal�hc murtgngor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or �
<br /> �ssessed upon said premises and upun this mortgage and the bond securcd therebv 6efore the s�me shall become delinquenr,to fumisli approred
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on sai�premises situuted in die sum uC 533�2��.b� p�yable to said ASSOCIATION and to delit•er to said �
<br /> ASSOCIATION ihe policies fm said insur�nce;and nol W commit ur permit any warie on or about said premises;
<br /> In case uf def�ult in ihe perfurmance of any u(the terms and conditiuns u(d�is mortgage or lhe bond secured hereby,lhe murtgagee shull, .
<br /> on demand,be entitleJ tu immediate pusses:ion uC�he murtgaged premiscs and the murtgagor hereby assigns, transCers and sets over to the
<br /> nwrtgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be deri��ed frum ihe murtgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and thc murtgagce shall have the puwer w appuint any agrnt or agenis it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br /> � the same and cullecting ihe ren[s,revrnues and income,and it may pa}'uut o(said income all expenses of repairing said premises and ntcessary
<br /> - mmmissiuns and expenses incurred in rrnling and m�naging the same and uf collecting rentals therefmm:the 6alance[emaining.if any,to be � .
<br /> R � upplied toward the dischacge uf taid mortgage indebtedness:ihnse rights of the nwrtgagee may be exereiseJ at anq[ime during the existence of such
<br /> � de(ault,irresprctive of any tempuraq�wairer of tl�e same.
<br /> iE These Presents,howeczr,are upun the Condition,That il the said!�lortgagor shall repay said loan on ur before the maturity of said shares by
<br /> . parment:pay monthly tu said ASSOCIATIOV of the sum specilied in tlre Uund secured hz�eby as intecest and principal un said loan,on ur 6e(ore
<br /> �he Twentielli da}•uf each�nd eeery month,wuil s�id loan is(ully paid:pa}'all taxes and assessments Icvied against said premises and un Aiis�furtgage
<br /> ) �` and tlie Bond secureJ thereby,be(u�e Jelinyuency;furnish approved insumnce upon the buildings thereon in the sum uf S 33�2��.Q� P�yable
<br /> � ; to said ASSOCIATION:rep�y t�said ASSOCIATIOti upun demund all money by it paid fur such taxes,assessmoms and insurance w�dt intecest at
<br /> � ihe maximwn legal�atc thereun from d�tc of payment�II uf which 9lortgagm he«by agrces to p�y:permit no waste on said premises;keep and wmply
<br /> F � wilh u11 thc agrcements and condiiiuns of the Ilond(or S 33,ZOO.00����5��7'���'en by the said�torlgagur to said ASSOCIATIO\,and complq
<br /> with all�he reyuirements of the Cunstitution and By-Laws uf said ASSOCIATIO�;then these prestnts shall becume null and void,othenvise they
<br /> � shall remain in full(urce and may be furedosed�i U�e uptiun u(the s�id ASSOCIATION uteer failure Cor U�ree months tu make vny o(said
<br /> . paymenis ur be three munths in arrea�s in making said muuthly payments,or to kerp and cumply wiih the�greemznts and condition�oC said Bund;
<br /> - anJ Dlortgagor agtees to have a recei��er uppoinled(urthwi�h in such foreclumre proceedines.
<br /> . If therc is uny chunge in uwnership of d�e real esiate mortgaged herein,by sale ur uthenvise,then the entire�emaining inde6cedness hereby
<br /> sccured sl�all,ai thc uptiun u(The i:yuitable 6uilding and Loan Assucialiun u(Grend Island,Nebraska,becume immediately due and payable withuut
<br /> furiher nutice,and the amuunt rcmaining duc undcr said bond,and any other bond for any additional advantts made thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> � da�e u(exercise u(said optinn,bcar iNerest at Ihe maximum Icgal rate,and this nwngage may then be forectosed tu satisfy ihe amount due on said
<br />. � . bond,and anq olhcr bond for additiunal advancas,tugether with all sums paid by said The Byuitable Building and Loan Associaiion o(Grand Island,
<br /> � Nebruska(or insurance,taxes and assessrnents,and a6stracling excension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximmn
<br /> � Icgal rate.
<br /> �� As p�ovided in ihe 6ond ucweJ hereby,while Ihis murtgage remains in eflect the mortgugee may Lereafter advance additional sums tu Ihe
<br /> � makers ul said Uond,their assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall bc within the srcurity o(this morlgage the s�me as the(unds originally
<br /> secured Ihereby,ihe tolal amuunt of principal debt nut iu excced at any time Ihe ori�inal anwunt of ihis mortgage. �
<br /> u:u�a�n�� 2nd � a�>-�r July :�.�.,i'�76
<br /> c� / L�l�-f�u _ /� �i;c�, i , , I �f�i
<br /> ,�. >� -
<br /> , Larry � Homolka Qeverly J. mo a
<br /> STATG OF NGDRASkA, ss. On this 2nd ��Y°� �U�,Y �Q�6 ,betore me,
<br /> COUNTY OP tIALL� �.�
<br /> � the undersigned,a Notary Public in and lor said Cuunty,perwnally came _ '?��.� '
<br /> Larry D.�Homolka and Beverly J. Homolka, each in his and her own right and as spouse of N ;`;�;
<br /> e ���10 are personallyknownm
<br /> ��,7��°,�iL�� �
<br /> ( �1p b�i�WF;�47E?��+�un S whose name s are a(fixed to the abuve instrument as mortgagor5 and they severally �
<br /> ackA'tVyWedged�lhe nid in�trumrnt to be thei r voluntary act and derd. � `
<br />�'� �,� r I \VI�CNGS9 my t�and and Notarial Scal ihc datc aCoresaid. ` (�j �
<br /> . �fy.Commission ezpires �� 1
<br />�' ' �+ 1 ��, I���` � ;�L`
<br /> J t?� � �Nutary Public
<br />� /...� .J
<br /> '��'.�a�
<br /> v�. F� , �,.,•
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