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<br /> '� �
<br />' STATL OF NI�.BItASKA, Comit�� ol' ....................................................:
<br /> I�'iled for rer.m•d on ................................. 1J........ut............................ o'cl��ck ........................ ni.
<br /> und recorded in tlie llecci Itecord ................................. Puga .............................
<br /> � .................................................................................... I3y ...............................................,..........................................
<br /> ltegieter of lleeds I)eput}• Itegister of' llceds �
<br /> � �6, �(}�3699
<br /> Donald J. Reilmann and Sherry A. Reilmann, Husband and Wife
<br /> ,Lerein called tLe grnntor�vhPthrr_nne.u�mora,--
<br /> in considcration of $36,900.00 5TAMP TAX
<br /> rcceived from gruvtces, does grnnt, bnrgnin, sell coneey nnd confirm unto JUL G 1976
<br /> Larry D. Homolka and Beverly J. Homolka ��f� ,,•28Y '�^
<br /> 3ii, i
<br /> ns joint t.enants with right of surrivorship, :ind not as tenants in common,-tl�e#ollowing-deacribed real
<br /> " property in ....................Hall................................ County,ATcUrnskn: TATEMENT A7TACHFS.
<br /> Lot Two (?_) in Block Two (2) in Westerhoff's Second Subdivision,
<br /> Ueing a resubdivision of the South 1{alf of Blocks Three (3) and
<br /> Four (b), and the North Half of Blocks Five (5) and Six (6) ,
<br /> Westerlioff's I'irst Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, tlall
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br /> To l�ave and to hold the abo��c descriL•ed premises to�ether «�ith ❑11 tenements, Lcreditamenta
<br /> aucl uj.purtennnees tLereto belongiog unto the Frnntees and to their nssigus, or to the l�eire and assigus
<br /> of tlie survivor of tl�em forc�•er.
<br /> And grantor does LereUy covenunt ���ith the grnntees und �cifh their assigns nnd �vith the heire
<br /> and assigns of tLe surciror of them tliat grantor is Inwfull���cised of said premises;that they nre free from
<br /> encumbrance except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> ;� t.hut grantor hae good right and lawful authorit�� to cunee}� thc �;uue; �md th.tt grantor trnrrants und tsill
<br /> defend the title to snid premises against the 1xwLu1 clitims of ull pet:5ons tirLouisoc�•ec.
<br /> It is Uic intcutiun uf all partics hereto thnt in tlie e�•ent of the denth of citLer of tl�c qrantees,
<br /> x �hc entire fec IiL(e to this r�nl pruprrl}• �hnll eent in �he yur�•i��in�; gr�mtee.
<br /> Da d ���.,4I ,Z 19�L�
<br /> � ':....f�.�!6.�.�,5':�....(�....��S,1�a.lt.,.� ....................................................................................
<br /> ,. .x.��� (/ ....I�.:........... ............ ..... ..... ....................................................................................
<br /> STATE OI�' ................S1�b.z'.tl.slit.t....................., County of ............Iial.l.....................................:
<br /> I3efore me,n notnry puLlic quulificd for said countr, persounlly c:une
<br /> Donald J. fieilmann and Sherry A. Reilmann, each in hi� nnd
<br /> ner own right und a, spouse of each other
<br /> known to me to Ue tlic identical person or persuns�ctio signed tlie foregoiug instrument and neknowledged , �" i
<br /> tl ' i thereof to be Lis,hcr or their eoluntnry act nnd dced. � N a..`
<br /> �w. STpI- � ''�
<br /> � ( r�'4,�NE q`�f�ss y himd and notariul se«I on � 9�'-� � "1!..., 19...T�..... ,
<br /> r,�-..-., .�:...............�, � , :
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<br /> � � -� ��' �
<br /> NOTARY ...�:;.�.,,/�/,!.�:iC:�..:::L t.'/i ....... I�Totnry Public
<br /> � COMMtsS10N e '� / -) �
<br />�., • '�
<br />,, � ����9� .lIy comntission expires..........::.�::::.�..J.....�...j...... .,1`J..T../........
<br /> f J'!''G�r;9 1eq•'y'� /
<br /> G f9Jr�:'M 1+±' �Q`?� ap�,�rocrd b}� \rlrrn�l:a Statc linr:�,c��ciuliou t•�i�n a ivoit w..u�w��.N���.
<br /> OF NEB
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