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<br /> MOR7GAGE—Savinqs and Loan Focm—(Direct Crodlt Plmi 255•2 (Special)
<br /> � � , MORTGAGE
<br /> 76, 00<i695
<br /> Loan No
<br /> � I TtiIS INDENI'UAE.made 161e 301'fl day o( �Ufl�' .19 7C� by and balwaeu 1 .
<br /> JAMES A. FIA�CO ANU CAROLYN J. FIACCO, husband and wife, each in his and her own riqht f
<br /> 3 and as spouse of the other —
<br /> oL Ha I I County.Nebraaka,m motlgagmS.and Home Fedaml Savinq�and Loan Aenoclotioo ol Gtand Ieland, - �
<br /> a corpo�atlon organi:od and ezfellnq under !be lawe ol Nebraeka with ft�pcindpal otlice and piace ot businoea at Grand Iel�d.Nabmeka,
<br /> � m mortqaqee:
<br /> � W[TN6SSETH: That eatd mortgagor$ tor aad ln eoaside:atiou o!tLe eum of_
<br /> � E�GHT ThIOU$fUJD FOUR HUNDRED AND IJO/100----------------------------nollare (5 �.�00.00 �,
<br /> ' the racelpt of wt�tch le herebp aclmowledged, do_by thoea preeenU moriqaqe aad warvant unto said morigageo, itn �uceemon aad
<br /> . - �(qne,lorevar,all tho tollowing desMhed:eat eelate, dtuated 1n the rnunty ol Ha I I
<br /> �: a¢d State o1 NebraeYw lowih
<br /> :
<br /> , $
<br /> �
<br /> t
<br /> 1
<br /> 7ogelher with all heating. Itghting, and plumbtnq equipment aad itzturoa.Includlag�token aad burnen,aaeea�,awnlnqe,etorm window�
<br /> w
<br /> ±3 and doora,aod wfadow ehadee or blinda,used on or tn oonnectton wllh eatd propeity,whethv the samo aro now located on eafd property
<br /> or ho�ealter placed thereon. � �
<br /> i;
<br /> TO HAV£AND TO HOLD 7fiE SAME, together wlth all and eingular the tenomeats,heradltamente and appuxtenaneee the�ounlo beloag•
<br /> % � (ng,or!n anywiee appo�taining,forever,and warcant tho litla b the same. Said mo:tqagor=ho[eby covenanL_with said modgagea
<br /> � �hQ�_�a� are o��hc deliveey hereol,the lawful owner 5 ot tho pvemlece above rnnveyed and deeccibnd,and 3fP
<br /> r
<br /> - eeked ot a good and Indeleaaiblo eetata o!(nhoritmce thereia lree and dear of all oncumbr�cee,and t6at�o�wlll waRant�d
<br /> a
<br /> defaad the tltle therelo loievor agaSnst the daima and dammda o!a1!poreone whomsoevea �
<br /> PROViDED ALWAYS, and thia lnetrument In e:ecuted and dellvored to eecuxe the papmeat o!tho aum ot � .
<br /> �' EIGHT THOUSAIJD FOUR HUNDRED AfJD NO/100-------------------------roU�e ts8,n00.00 t,
<br /> ' � wSlh intereet Iheieon,togethe�with euch chacgee and advancae aa may be duo and payablo to eatd morlqageo uader the tarm� aad
<br /> f wndiqon� ot the promieeory no!e ol evon date herowith and sanuod hereby,e:ecuted by eafd mo�tqago�=lo eafd mo�tgagoo,payable
<br /> t' � j m o:presead in sald note,and to eecuie�he parformance of all the terme and coadttloas contained Weratn. T6e tezms ol eaid note aro
<br /> y � i heieby inmrpowtad hecetn by thte�eterence.
<br /> f
<br /> �� � 1t te the Intenqoa and agmement ot the pactioe horelo that lhle mortqage shall aleo eacuro any luture advancee made lo sa3d
<br /> r � moitgagor 5 by eNd mortqa9eo,and any aad all indobtednom In addltio¢to tho amount above etated which eald mortgagon, or aay
<br /> . ol thom, may owo to naid mo:tgagoe,however evldencod wLelhoc by aole,book accoun!or olherwiee. Thte mortgage�hall iomain in lull
<br /> � lorca and o1feM betwoon the paitiea heroto and Ihei[ ketre, pereoml iepiesentativnn, ■ucceewn and aeelgne, untll all amounls �acured
<br /> herounder,lacludtng lutwe advancee,are paid in lull with tnleraet.
<br /> i
<br /> Tho moriqagoiS�_horeby asNgn_to aold mortgagee all rante aud Income ariatnq at any and all tlme�I:om eald pcopeRy aad
<br /> � hereby autho�ice eafd mortgagoe or ib agent,at ils optlon, upon dotaul6 lo take charge ol aaid propaAy�d colloct all ien4 and�nwmo
<br /> . therolrom and apply tha aame to�he payment ot lntorest,pdncipal,Saeuranee pmmfums,taze�,a�saeaments, repaice or ImprovomenV necw•
<br /> sary to keep eaid p�opo�ly In tenantabla coudition,or to othor charqe�or paymeuU provtded lor hareln oc In the eolo hareby�ecured. 7W�
<br /> � � ronl aeelgnmenl�6a1!wntlnue!n torce until the uapald bnlanee o! �aid nole la fullp paid Tho taklnq o!poeeeeelon horeunder ehall!n no
<br /> �. mannar prevant or retard eaid morigagee in the rnllocHon o(eaid suma by toreeloeuie or olhendse.
<br /> � � 1Lo lallure ol tho moclqagee�:fo auert aay of IU dghle 6eieunder at m�tlme ehall nat be coa�truod a�a w�alver ot ft�right to aexA
<br /> �. �ttt lhe same at any latez time,and to tmtet upo¢aad entorce�trlct mmpllanea ivith aU tho lecme and pravielom ol eald nole aad ot thls
<br /> � mortgage.
<br /> I! �ald morlqago�5 ehall cause lo be paid to said mortgagee Ihe entire amouat due 1t rereunder,md under tho tormi and provLton�
<br /> � ol said note hereby secutad iacludinq lulure advmcee,and any estenelons or renewal� Iheraot in acco�dance with �he term� aad p�ovldoni
<br /> thareof,m�d U eaid movlqaqor 5_ �hall wmplp�vith all Ihe pwvistone ol sald note aad ot t6L morlgaqe,lhan thew prese¢U ehalt be rold;
<br /> othecwVe to cemain In lull loree aad el(oc4 and sald morlgaqee eLall be enllllad to Ihe poa�e�sloa at all ot wid properly,and mey,at Il�
<br /> optlon,declare the whole ol wid note and alI Indebtedneu repre�sated Ihereby to bs lmmedlalaly due and payable.and may loreclose Ihf�
<br /> $� mortgaqe or lake any olhac legal acllon to p:oloct It�dq6L and lrom the dat�ol�uch dataull ali i�emi o! Indobtedneu wcu�ed hareby ` �
<br /> 1 �hatl drmv Interoal nl 9%pei annwn. Apprafsement aaived
<br /> >� r:
<br /> Thie mortqag� �halLbe binding u aad �6a11 anut� to ihs benetlt ot Ihe hdn,azacuton,ndmid��aton.�uccsuon md aesiqa�d N
<br /> I the re�pxliv�parUey/he�el0, �
<br /> � ��IN 7tiES.9 rinr.AEOF, mtqaqozs�a Ve hazaunto �et the i r han�_ths day and year Il�et abovs J
<br /> S� `.wr1Us� I / . ` �
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