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<br />' ..w'sta
<br />� �. . - �
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<br />� STAT� OP NEBRASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Piled for rocord on ................................. 19........ut..............,............. o'clock ..........,............. hI.
<br /> ond recorded in tli� Deud Record ................................. Puge .............................
<br /> ,' .................................................................................... 13y ....................................................................,............,........
<br /> • ( Itegieter of Deedr l)eputy Regieter of Deeda �
<br /> T�x R. Hasver �ad Beverlr J. Nerv�y, hueband end xife aach in hie end d�r own riRht
<br /> ' �pd �Y spou�e of eAch othes ,heroin eaLed tho gruntor whether mio or moia,
<br /> in coneideration of q'gN THOUSAND PIVB NUNDRHD AND NO/100the ($10�500.00) DOLLARS
<br /> ; received from grantees, doen grnnt, barguiu, aall con�•ey and coufirm unto
<br /> Tiuothy E. &nck and Sherilyn Enck� hu�band aRd wife and ?erry J. Enck end Jantt K. Enck,
<br /> husband �nd wif�
<br /> ns joint tenante with right of eurvivors6ip, and not as tennnts iu emnmmi, the follotsing dcecribed real
<br /> proporty in H�'I' ................ County,NcUraekn:
<br /> ...............................................
<br /> :TATFMFNt p�A�(.N`�, . �.
<br /> : `: A r�ctangular trect of ground in the Northveeterlq corner of
<br /> `' :.____________-------�---"_
<br /> � NEBRASSTA M P TAXE�TARY �I1� County,`Nebr�ska,�ituving,e NorthsrlycErontageiof 66�feet
<br /> on John Street a deptn of One Hundred Thirty Two Feet (132'),
<br /> ��� G 1g76 a,id bounded on the Westerly side by Adams Street; and being
<br /> what would be Lot Four (4), in said Block Eleven (11), Wnere
<br /> it subdivided into Lots in the same manner as the full dlocks
<br /> � � ,�BY `J�=--- in'said addition that are suvdivided into eight Lots
<br /> To hiive nnd to hold the above descriL•ed prmnises tugetlier witli all tevements, hercditamentx
<br /> and nppurtennnces Lhcreto belonging unto the grnntces and to their assigne, or to tlie l�eirs ¢ud ansiRnis
<br /> of the survivor of tl�em fore�•cr.
<br /> And grnntor dacs hercUy covennnt «�ith tLc grnntees i�nd �vitli tLoir nssigne nnd with ttic heiry
<br /> and aesigns of the surviror of them thnt gruntor ie la«•Fully scised ot snid premisce;thut they nre frce from
<br /> enenmbrnnce except for ee�eeent• and restrictione of record
<br /> LLut grantor hna good rigl�t and In�aful autBority to com•cy lhe ��uue; and Uiat gruntor �varrnufs aud �sill
<br /> defend tl�e title to snid pi•emises ag.tiust t,he lawful ctuims of�ill prrsuns ul�omsocccr.
<br /> �� ' It is the iutention oP all pnrties hereto tliut in the evciit of the dentL of cithe�iGf t c gruntcr.n,
<br /> ihc entire fee title to tLis rc+il properh� �liall �•i�ht in Ihc sur��i�ing g ntcc.
<br /> /' �� �
<br /> �, ( �Eed , 19 — ,
<br /> . � :� i, / -
<br /> ........... ..���..../../.....././��. � .... . ,/.L.........�:G..�k� .............
<br /> , . . . . . • ... :
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<br /> ' �� Tex A Harv y
<br /> � �. l'— ..,�^.G.(dc � , ...` .i��..�r..',!.a
<br /> ..�. ..�/ .. ..Beverly J. nte�r._ �
<br /> : ' ............................ . ..... .............. ................ ....
<br /> ..
<br /> , : �L=G.o.�i<----� � .
<br /> / �� . � . . ..
<br /> /
<br /> STATEOF��............................................. Coun�y uf/, ..R........................................._.......:
<br /> _—r
<br /> Before �ue,n notury puUlic qualified for suid couuly, peraonttlly enme Tea R. Hervey and
<br /> Beverly J. Hsrvey� huaband and wife�each in hie and her orm right end ao apouse of
<br /> each other
<br /> known to me to be the identicalrpersoa or pereonH�vhu sigucd tlie furegoing instrument nnd ❑cki�o�vledFed '`i� ..+,..,�.'
<br /> the caecution tl�ereoi to Ue t�is;L�r or_LGeir volu�itary ucl nnd dced. � ,�
<br /> Witness my htu�d aud notnrial eeal on ...................... t.4.5�4..............�.,..,..............., 19...���..... J � ,
<br /> . � /� /� � h
<br /> , ,
<br /> .�,:nY./.'.t4r�S!..�.... /...��.l..x�u..r.c;.:r:�................... Nottiry Pnblic � �
<br />� Diy cotnmivsion eapires.....::�jit::i::.........f.:.l................. 19..../..;ti...... ,
<br /> Form �12 'l'o be iipproved hy \eLrnvKu Rtatr liar:.ls5oriidiun Fdwn 4 Wolf W..Lncdn,N�4r.
<br /> � J
<br />'�
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