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<br /> 7b• d03681
<br /> �IRST
<br /> �� I FORM NO.5371flev.3•74) —" -- . . . . .
<br /> Loan Number_��8o_______L _____188_
<br /> Urencn TYVe
<br /> - r 7`HIS MORTGAGE, made and ezecuted this ....�_........duy of................til.�/.�)...........................A.D..19...76....,between
<br /> i Gary J..Nelson and Jackie M....Nelson,...husband..and..wife_,...e.�ch...i.�...�is,..@n.d...h�X'_.o41Il..............._...
<br /> ; individual right and as spouse of the other, �ointly and severally _...,,...
<br /> ; ot .......Grand._Island....... .. .......County of .. ..Ha7�.. .. . ...... Stnle ot............1`IQbTaSk&................. hereinetter re[erred
<br /> to ae the Mortgagor,and R1RST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND I.OAN ASSOCIATION Or LINCOLN, Nebraska, itx successore
<br /> and nssigns,hereinefter re[erred to ns MortguRee,
<br /> WITNESSGTH: Th¢t 8ie said Morlgngor,tur und in consideration ot lhe aum of , ��
<br /> , ,; TWEIJ'CY,EIGHT.THOiJSAND,NINE..HtJl1DRED.,AND..N0�100–r..r.----.---.--r.-n--- .(3��.r9QQ•OQ ._.............) Dotlnrs,
<br /> pnid by said Mortgegee, does hereby sell and convey untu rIR5T rEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OP
<br /> 1.INCOLN, Nebroska, as Mortgn�ee, ils successors and assigns, the followinK descrihed Rrnl Estate,situated in the County of
<br /> . ....................................Hal.l............................. Sca�e o[ ........�Tehr.aska..............................................__..., to•wii:
<br /> Lot Eleven (11) in Block Five (5), in Bel Air Addition
<br /> to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> 4 '
<br /> 3
<br /> i: "
<br /> �
<br /> f '.
<br /> TO 1{AVG AND TO IIOLD the afxn�e described premises for the uses herein set(urlh llnd lu secure pedormnnce of thr
<br /> � oblignliuns cuntnincd herein,logether with ell buildings,impruvemenls, fixtures nnd uPi>urlenanccs .md ull e�uemenis lhereunto
<br /> � txlonging, and il iv mutually covennnted and agreed by unJ between lhr purties hereto lhat nll plumbing, gus, cleclric nnd
<br /> - mechnnic+�l Iixtures. uppli¢nces, eyuipment, mnchinery nnri uppnratus,lioor crnerings,slorm windows nnd aercens,nnd s�ch other
<br /> � goods nnd chattcls xnd pereonal property as urc ever furnished by�s landlord in Ictting or opereting nn unfurniehed building,eimi-
<br /> Inr lo the une now or herentler on snid premises,which are or sh��ll be uttached to nnid building in any mt�nner wlmiscever, an�
<br /> - and shnll be deemed lo bc fislures mid un ncttssion lo lhc fm��hold and u part o[thc reulty as lxlwcen(hc purtiix hereto,iheir
<br /> � heira execulorw.ndministrotors,successors nr acvignv,and a�l persons clniming by, through or undrr them. and ehnll br d��rm��d
<br /> � tu FK a�wrtion uf the security[or lhe inde6�t�dnc4ti herrin tnenlioned and lu br covrred by Ihis morl�;n�;r.
<br /> . . .z.� �,Y,,.;��
<br /> � YROVIDL''D AT,WAYS, and ihese pn�ven�s nrr i�xocutod and drlivrrrd upon ihi� Colluwinti rnnditians. a�;nrmoM. and " .N�r�= .
<br /> � � obligations nf thr Murtgtigurv.lo.wil: . � .
<br /> '1'he MnrtFngor ny;rees tu ptiy to thc btortRngee.or urder, the Principal sum ��r . .TW�NTY–EIGHT THOiJSAND NIPIE �� , "
<br /> r..
<br /> H[IIVARFA..,ANA..SIO/].40------ ---- ------ ----- -------------��28,9Q0.��___ _ 1 Dullur�. {� :
<br />� perynble us provided in:�nule�•zeculed und dcliecred coneurrrnily herew�ilh. thr �innl pnymrnl uf principnl. if nut sonn��r Pr�id. .. . �
<br />;,: on thi._...15t......._...._._dav uL .._... `TLLl'3f.. . .___ _._ ,�' ?_005 .
<br />�
<br />_ � Caol�lchl 1965 b�Flr�l feder�l Savin6�+�d�oen AefaNallon el Llnroln.Llncoln,Nr6rasYe �
<br /> 9� �
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