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<br /> 11 is furlher ngrecd ihtd in case .m}' swl is Legun tu foreduse tl�is murtgage, lhe I��lortgngr.c, rts r�•prcvenlatrves or �a�,signs, . . . .
<br /> � simll ut once Uc enliUed In fhe possesyion of said premiseti, xnd iq�on npPlic.�lion �herefor. lLi• court m « hich euch aclion xhr�ll . .
<br /> � be brouglit or any judge o[ such cnurt, eilhcr in term lime or vncalion, is horeb5' authoriud tn eippoint i� reccivar to (nke p�eew- � . � .
<br /> , ' � aion o[ said premises. or io collect th�� rents ll�ereGum, and tu dn und perforni such olher aets .iti may he rrK7uircd by llie ordar . . . . . .
<br /> nf lhe court � making the uppuinlment; anel said Mnrtgugor hereby H�aives eny nolice nf tiuch npplicatinn, nnJ eon4c�nfx to lhe ap•
<br /> pointment of a receiver upon the production of tlus mnr'rgngc. withnut ulhrr evidrnrn. . . .
<br /> � The 1�9ortgagce sliull be suhroguted lo i�ll u[ the righis, Privileges. priorities. nnd equities of any IienhulJer whose liem m�y : . � � . . � . .
<br /> liavc lu•en dischorRed fmm t6e prareds of lhis lonn, or by ❑ny tund�; Lereby pnid ar turni:�hed by lho lforlgngee , . � � . �
<br /> IT IS �XPRESSI.Y AGREED that i[ the Dlurtgngor xhnli seU, wnvey nr aliem�tr, naid property, or anY pnrt llirreof, � . � . � �
<br /> or urty interest therein, or shall he divest�d of his title or t+ny iuterext therein in :inY mumier or way, whether vniunh.irily or � �
<br /> involuntnrily, without written cunscnt of the A-1urtgagce being first ht�d and obtuined, r4ortgagce sh.�ll huve the right, �d i4v option, �. � . .
<br /> to declare any indebtedness or oblig:dio�w secur�Yl hertrb}•, irrespectivi� of lhe nmturity drite apecified in :my notr rvidencing the
<br /> . . ' snme, immcdiately due nnd poyuble witiwut notice, nnd said deht shnll thereupon become ��b=olute. If lhe ownrnhip oF the mor6 � . � � . . .
<br /> gnSed property becomes vestc�l in a pecson ot6er thnn thc D7urtga�or, tlie n9ortg:+gec mny. without notirc lo the. hiortgngar, denl , . . . . .
<br /> with such successor or succesaors in interest �vith reference. lo this mortgage und lhe debl hereby secured as with thc 2rfortguKor. � �
<br /> ' and may forbenr to sue or miiy extend time (or the payment of H�e debt hemby secumd withoul di�chmK�ng or in any wny affec•ting � . :
<br /> � the lin6ility of the originnl 14ortgngor hereunder or u��on the drbt �rrured. � . � . �
<br /> ' In U�is instrumenl lLe singular includrs the plurnl und Ihc maeculine includes Ihe (eminine and the netder and this in- �. . �_
<br /> � strument ehnll be hinding upnn the �mdi�rsi�ned, his hrin, p�°rsonet repu�srninlives, xuccrvsote �md :issi�;nc . � � �
<br /> d< � ��' � � � -
<br /> � � �� � ] N 141'tNGSS WHERIiOF. wc havc hrrcunto sel our hnndx and seal. thr dny nnd 7e.v fir.,t abovr writt�n. � � ..
<br /> � In thr presence ot: . � � �
<br /> ; __. �-�
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<br /> j 9TA1'E OP NEBRASKA
<br /> ; � s,. �
<br /> � S Ha�,7. . ....... .... _Cuunty,
<br /> _..
<br /> ` On this .... �AL.CI.... _ day of _ _ .�. V.�.y._ . _ .. _ . . � 19. ..76 Ix�forc me, i.hc undersigmKl� ¢ Notnry Public. in nnd tor tinid I . � ..
<br /> Cuunty, personally cmnc... .... r�er H . Hans and Evelyn J . Hans , husband and wife
<br /> , _ _ .. . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _._ ._ __.... . _ _. .
<br /> personnlly known to tne to Ixu thc ident�cal persons whose namcs are at�ixtKl to tLc idx�ve imd (orr„oing mstniment, � mortgogo�, � �
<br /> z. � ;md each acknowlc�iged suid inxtmment lo be his ur her eolunlan• act nnd de�YL ' . � .
<br /> ' �� 1�Vitnexs my hand nnd nut�riat scal at .. .. .. ,Urand IolaIld � N2bT8Sit0 . �. � � � �
<br /> _...._._ __ _. ... _ _ __ . . .... . .. . . .. ... ...._. ,
<br /> ; the . . . � ' ett. / � � . .
<br /> Dern�rd L English ' ,��
<br /> i GENERAL NOTARIAL , � � � �
<br /> � � �aEAL �..�.a.. o. _._.. �.. \ . . ......._ . .
<br /> BTATE OF NEBRASKA /� Notnry I'ublia � .
<br /> COMW9910N C%vIREY
<br /> �t>• comm i41prfK@Q��'1919 .. ... . . . _ _ _ _ _
<br /> � STATE OF. . . . . . _ . _ . . _ _ . . .. _ _ .. . _ .. . . .. .. .. . ... . . _
<br /> �� � ss.
<br /> (",ountv . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . . .. -
<br /> Gntered on numerical index :md (iled for record in the Rekister of Deeds Ofiice ot said County the
<br /> _ . . . . . . .day ot. . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ . _ , 19 . . . . . . . . , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o'clock nnd . . . . . . _ . _ minutes . ._. . . . . .M..
<br /> 1 and recorded in Fiook . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ._ _ ot \tort�a�es at pa�e . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . _ , as Instrument No.. . . . . . .. _ ... _ ... �
<br /> ' .�. :
<br /> •,;. ,
<br /> _ _ . . _ . _ _. _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. ...
<br /> . ; } : .
<br /> R��,. nf Deeds N i=.` .
<br /> l � .:
<br /> Ap. . . .. _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . _ . _ _ ._. . . . . . _ . DeputY ,5g
<br /> n -r :.
<br /> � \9hen recorded to he retumed to the � � �
<br /> t� ,
<br />� I' [ ItS'1' I� EllEHAI, SA1` INGS :� Nll LOAN ASSUCtA'I'lON OF LINCOI,N
<br /> t� �, 1 ? 3:� . �.� .. c�� .i.,.`i �. � ;Si05 Pd�;,Iic :it.
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