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<br /> n�oaTcnce
<br /> n�oiil�cnc.��onN No. L 22,186
<br /> , I KNOWALLMC:N81'THCSGPREiSBNTS:That Jack R. Turner and Lorina L. Turner, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other, n��<<Faxo�,whetheroneormore,inwnsideratiunof[hesumof
<br /> Ten Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 -------------------------------------------- �o��^Rs
<br /> - IueneJ to said mor�gagor by The Equitable Building and Lu�n Association u(Grand Island,Neb��ska,Afortgagee,upon �02 shares uf stock of �
<br /> suid ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22 �R( ,do hereby grant,mnvey and mortgage unro qie said ASSOCIATION t}te following . � .
<br /> described real esla�e,situated in Hall Caunty,'he1>mska:
<br /> r .
<br /> ' together with all the tenements,hereditaments and appu�tenances thereuntu helonging,induding ettached fluor co��erings,all window screens, �
<br /> � window shades,blinds,sturm�vindwcs,awniu@s,heating,air wnditionin@,and plurnbing and x'�ter eyuipment and acceswries theceto,pumps,stova,
<br /> refrigeraturs,and odier fixtures and eyuipment now ur here�Iter attaclied to or used in connection witli sxid real estate. � .
<br /> � And whereas the s�id murtgagor has agrced and does hcrcby agree ihat the murtgagor shall and will pay all taxes and�ssessments levied or �.
<br /> assessed upon suiJ premixs and upon this tnurtgagr and the bond secured thereby be�ore the same shall become delinquent;tu fumish apprured
<br /> � insurance upun the buildings un s:sid premises situated in the sum o(S �O�2��.�0 pa>'abla tu s�id ASSOCIATtON and to deliver to said
<br /> - ASSOCIATfOI�the policies(or said insurance:and not to cummit or permit any w�sie un or abuut said premises .
<br /> In case o(default in tl-,�pcin,�mance o(�ny o(the tenns and condiiions of this mong:+ge or Um bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immcdiate possession ol We mortgaged premisec and thc murtg�gor hercby assigns, transCers and sets over tu the .
<br /> � mortgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be deri��ed from the mort�ged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness sliall remxin � .
<br /> unpaid:and thc murtgagee sh�ll havc the puwer to appoint anr agent ur agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br /> � the s:�me and cullectin�:the rents,revenues and income,and ii may pay out o(said income all eapenses of repairing said premises and necessary �
<br /> � co�mnissions�nd expenses incurred in�enting and managing die samr�nd uf wllacting rentals therefrom;the balance remaining,if xny,ro 6e
<br /> � applied toward ihe discharge of said monEage indebtedness;ihese rights ul the murtgagee may be exercised at sny time durin,the existence uf such
<br /> � defxult,irrespective o('any temporary wai�'er of the same.
<br /> � "lhrse Przscnts,howcvcr,are upon the Cunditiun.Th�t if thc s�id 1lortgagor shall�epay said loan on or be(ore the matueity of said shares b},
<br /> � p�yment:pa}•monthly to said ASSOCL\TION uf�he sum zpecified in the Dund secureJ hereby�s interest and principal un said loan,un or beCore
<br /> §� ' fI1C TWC11112IFI 1I81'0�l`fCll 8I7(�CVffY IIIUOlI1.IlI1tII lJI�I I0:111 IS�IIII}'�811I:OJ)'llII IeY.I'S 8111I:IS5C5)II1CIlIS I2YIBlI��'BIfBI 911(�PIC11115G5 flOII Ull II115 StUfl�'8�'0
<br /> q � und the Bund secured thereby,beCure delinyucncy:furnish approved insur�nce upun ihr buildings thereon in the sum uf 5 ���2��.�� p�}'�ble
<br /> >: ' to s�id ASSOCIATIO'�;repa}•io s�id ASSOCIATIOti upun demand all mone}'by it paid fur such taxes,assessments and insur�nce with interest at .
<br /> � ihc maximurn legal r��c ihereun lium date o(p�)'mm�t�II u(�+•hich�fortgagur hrrcby agrecs w pay:permit nu w:�ste on said premises;keep and comply �
<br /> with�II die agreements und mnditiuns ut the[tund for S�O�2G0 00 this Jay gi�en by the said�lortgagur tu said ASSOCIATIO�,and cumply
<br /> " with all the requiremenls o(the Cunstitution and Iiy-Laws ut said ASSOCIATIO�;�hen these prcsents shall become null and vuid,otherw•ise thcy
<br /> sl��ll remain in full furce and m�y be Ibreclosed at the uption u(the s�id ASSOCIATION �(ter (ailute lor thrce mmidu to maAe�ny oC said
<br /> p�yments ur br three months in arre�rs in inaking saiJ munthly paymen�s,or tu keep and comply w•ith die agreements and cunditians of said l3und:
<br /> i �� and�tortgagor agrees tu have a�ecriecr appuinted forthu'ilh in such foredusum ptoceedings.
<br /> If ihere is any change in ownc�ship uf the«;�1 estaie mortgaged hercin,by sale ur oiherw�ise,then the entire rem:fining indebcedness heceby
<br /> � ucured shall,at thr uptiun uf'1'he Gyuitable Building and Loan Aswciation uf Grand IslanJ,Nebraska,becume immediately due a�d payable without
<br /> {urther notice,and the amuunl �emaininE du�under saiJ bund,and anp o�her bund fur any additiunal adv�ances made thercunder,shall,Crum the
<br /> date uf exercise o(said uptiun,bear iNerest a�the maximum legal rate,:�nd�his nwng�ge may then be lureclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> � bond,and any odrcr bond fur additimial ad�;�nces,iogether with all sums paid by said"�he 8yuilaUle Building and Luan Associatiun uf Grxnd Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,tascs and asscssments,and abslracting cxtension ch;uges,witli interest the.rcon, (rom date uf paymcnt at the maximum
<br /> '�, legalrale.
<br /> i As pruvided in the Bund secured hereby,while this murtgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereaflec advance additiunsl sums to the
<br /> maken u(said�ond,thcir�ssigns or successurs in in�eres�,whicl�sums shall be within the s�curity of this murtgage the same as Ihe(unds originnlly
<br /> secured ihrreby,the total amount uf principal debi nut to excecd at anp time ihc original amount o(this murigage.
<br /> o��ea�t,�� /17th� a�y�r June ,�.n..i<�76
<br /> /C .% �i/.-CLZ� , /
<br /> Ja R. Turner
<br /> Lorina L. Turner
<br /> sTATe oF N[:�Rnsx,�,( 17th June
<br /> ss. On this day of 19 )6 ,befure me,
<br /> COUNTY OF FfALL j _:,I
<br /> the undersigned,a Notarq Pubtic in and for said County,perwnally came . �';;��� ��
<br /> Jack R. Turner and Lorina L. Turner, each in his and her own right and as spouse o� each cv ',:1
<br /> other, "hO are personal y known to �
<br /> I '"`t"'r severally
<br /> me w be the idenuwl per,�alr5 L U;��11�C�1�me S dPe aftixed to the abuve instrament as murtgagor S and the�r ,d,
<br />_ acknowledged the saicliiti5tt�rt3eM'tabe,,�„�7�.p volunt�ry act and dend. �` .
<br /> �C``. � �' �
<br /> �ljfibES$'iny f�andahdl.'ot Seal the da�e afuresaid. ^ .
<br /> r� �/, /�
<br />?� ���onimission expires.�� 7 1�7 4 ��J ��"��-l�LYJ
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