� .;w,� �
<br /> ' 1 �
<br /> ;- _-.7(�.=_n��3 6 5.5:- � -:_ . . : .,.. - -_ __-.. ,: _ _, , � .. ,,,
<br /> �
<br /> �, 53•A—REAL ESTA7E MORTGAGE—Wlth Tux Clauae(flevlsed 1962) � 77�c HuQman Geneml Supply Huuw,I.inmin,Nebr. � � �
<br /> ; Husband and Wife �
<br /> k ��i . (Mortgngor g ) . .
<br /> 7�� of -� Hall - County,and State oE Nebraska ,in considerntion of the sum of I
<br /> � � Thirty Thousand and No/100---------------------------------------- vor.Lni�e
<br /> ; ��. in hand peid,do�hcreby SELL und CONVGY unto The Overland National Bank of Grand Island � .
<br /> ,,
<br /> i
<br /> �; , � (Mortgageo )
<br /> � i � oj.� Hal l County,nnd State u[ Nebraska the[ollowing dexriUed pretnisea
<br /> ; � aituuled in Hall County, nnd $tatc ot Nebraska to-w;t:
<br /> f
<br /> � : Lota lll and 112 in Hawthorne Place, located on part of the NW4 of
<br /> : Section 22, Township 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in City
<br /> + � of'Grand Island, Aall County, Nebraska
<br /> ;�_ � �� �
<br /> A ''
<br /> 1
<br /> j
<br /> �
<br /> 5
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> C
<br /> ? The intention being to comey hereby mi nUsolute tiUe in tee simple including all thc rights of homeatend fu�d dowee
<br /> TO HAVE AND 1'Cjtl�pI�������utB�e de�cribed, with all the nppurtenencea thereuntn belonging Unto the
<br /> � said morlgagee and to Meire MnJ-assigns,forever, provided ahvays, und these presents arc ❑pon the express
<br /> cunditiun thnt if the ntoresuisl�qrt�L{��S���T heirs, ezecutors, ndministrators or uusigns shnll pay or cause to be
<br /> paid to the said mort,ogee , lu3+rq�ewcutorc,.a�mixiekatersor t�signs,the sum of
<br /> �Thirty Thousand Hri<I NO�ZOO----------------------------Dollare,Payableasfollows,to-wit:
<br /> Z . � _.Dollars.w�-i{u� caay-ot�- -v1A-
<br /> ..� �� _-Dx41ai�.n�4w- elai'wF- -v18- -� . � .
<br /> il
<br /> -�h�l�ar�crn-{ke- d��of�- --.-py_
<br /> ; -�Fh�F�:tra-ondMe- eHty-oF- --.-19-- � � ..
<br /> : �" --DnR�x.rcmd{w- d++�'-oF- --.-19-- ��''� ._..�- . . .... ..
<br /> ; ' wilh interest lhereon ut ].0.� per cent per annum,payable aemmFiy all according to the lenor nnd eIIect ot � . � . .
<br /> e certain promissory notc of seid Larry E. Royle dRd CCC1118 RO}�10
<br /> f �bcaring even date wilh these presents,and shall paY n�� t�xes and assesements levied upon suid renl es�ate,nnd all other tnxes, � �
<br /> r : �levies and assessmenls levied upun this mwlguge or the nole which this mortgage is given tu secure,befom the same becomes .
<br /> - delinquent,and keep thc Luildings on said premisrs insurecl for the e�um o[S loss, if uny, payable to � � ,
<br /> the said murtgagee, lhen these presenls to be void, otherwise to be nnd remnin in tull force. -
<br /> 1T IS FURTHER AGREGD (t) 'That if the uaid mortgngor shutl fail to puy such taxes ur procure such insurance, the I �. �
<br /> soid mortgagee mey pay such taxes ru�d procvre such insurnnce;nnd the eum so advanced,with urterest at per cent -
<br /> shell bc paid by suid mortgagur,nnd this murlguge shall stund av scrourity for the same. (2)That a[niluce lo pny uny of said
<br /> money,either principal or intemet when lhe sume becomee due,or a fnilure to cumpiy with any of the(oregoing ugreements, : � .
<br /> shnll cause the whole sum uf money herein secured to bewme due und collectible ut once ul the option of the mortqageo. I
<br /> , �,. � Siqnid this ZS�Ctl daY of June , ls.�6 . _ � � . �� . � �'
<br /> ; //�� .E �- �•� . . �
<br /> � ; In presenceo( L�.'��'"��/1 ."�....................._...................
<br /> ' (�C `,` . �� �� �
<br /> Ce�z�i_a`xko��'.. ...... ........................................... � '.
<br /> `J
<br /> I A'CE OF............ o�t� ublic ualified tor saici��count �LL Ycume Larry E. Royle and Cecilia Ro�l
<br /> EBRA$.KfR... y oc._.
<br /> ���$� �Y P 9 Y. Personall �
<br /> My '�O�qar �ko I
<br /> knownhp�Z��tic�person or persone who eigned the foreguing instrument nnd acknowlcdged the ezecuGon
<br /> ��.' thereo[to 8 e7 tury act wid deed.
<br /> , �: 7 .
<br /> � .Witneas my hnnd�notvayr��al seal o�...... . ......June...25............... .. .....,19....�6.. i
<br /> ......�..l.
<br /> � My commisvion e:pirea:.........„���'2S '�� ��/r> .71?!.li/'�.................Notary Public. i.
<br /> . '
<br /> , ................................� 19. .. .. ...............................��:!'.. ...................
<br /> ' ., t,,
<br /> � � .
<br /> 3TATE OF.....................................................................1 Fntered on numerical inde: und Gled tor reconl N k.
<br /> - County .............__....................................................... �521. in the Register o[Deeds OI&rn ot eaid County the i I � ;
<br /> ........................day ot..................._...........................� 19............� nt................................oclock nnd.............................minutes......................A4., ! , (� !''[
<br /> ` I and recorded in Book.........................................oL......................................at page.............._............................ f �
<br /> I ..................................................................................Reg. of Dced9 I :
<br /> y i i
<br /> 1 ,
<br /> By..........................................................................................Deputy i
<br /> e. I ' .
<br />' � . _ .. . . _ . .. . . . �
<br /> __._ ._..._. .._. ... . ._.__. ...._.. .. . .. . . . .
<br /> _ . I .. . . . . . . . . _ . �
<br />