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<br /> _ �
<br /> 1 �
<br /> r ,� 76-_ r�.o��_s_�t�. _ -:_. _, ; :
<br /> l� 52•A—REAL£STATF hIORTGAGE—(With 7ax Clause) (Revlsed 7962) 'll�c HuRmnn Cen�rd 8uppty goux,I.in�nln�NaGr. i ��
<br /> ---:i ---- -"-� "-» -
<br /> ���.-'_'--'.� � —
<br /> KNOPI ALL MtiN BY TIISSE PRL'SL"NTS; Thot Paul R. Stenka and Wanda M. Stenka, his wife ��
<br /> ii
<br /> of 1312 N. Seal, Grand ieland, Nebraska 68801
<br /> o( N811 County,and Stale of Nebraska ,in consider¢lion of the sum of
<br /> ' ,i Nineteen Thoueand Two Hundred Sixty-foar nnd 74/L00-----------------------------DOLLaRs ;;
<br /> � ' in hnnd pnid,do hereby SELL 1nd CONVI:Y unto MILBS HOMEfi� INC. OF NEARASKA
<br /> ii 4500 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55412
<br /> !� of I.anCaster Counly,State o[ Nebisek8 thn foliowing described premiaes eitueted ',
<br /> �� in H3I1 County,nnd State uf Nebraska .�-�t� 'i
<br /> ; �i ;; �
<br /> �`, �� Luta One (1), nnd ltao (2) in B1ock Six (6) of GeorRe Loan's Suhdivisi.on of the South
<br /> ''� �i Part of the West One Half (W�) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'�) of Section Ten (10),
<br /> . � i� Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P,M., in Ilnll Co�inty,
<br /> ; ;,. Nebraska.
<br /> � � ��
<br /> ;' Sub�ect to easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> i ii
<br /> � i� OPEN END FEATURE: In addition to this mortFa�e standin�! as securisy for the perfocmance f,;
<br /> �I the provisiona hAre?bE and the payment of the note, this mortRnge shall also stand as secu i,ty
<br /> Y �'', for any and all future advancea made by the holder of eaid note to the MortgqRor, in uny
<br /> jl amount so that the total principal herein doea not exceed $3k,000.00 and the holder of th�� ;
<br /> note and A[orCgagee herein ie hereby �iven authori•ty to make any such additional advances oi
<br /> � the Mortgagor, herein upon request of the Mortga�or, or either of them, and such addition 1:
<br /> S � advances ahall be secnred as the oripinal obligation herein evidenced by tlie note. Such � '�
<br /> ` �! limitatdon upon Che total amount of principal shall not be considered as limitinR the
<br /> � ;j amount secured hereby when advanced to protect and preserve the security intended to be
<br /> � ;� gioen by this morC�age. � � �
<br /> � i;j ��, 1'he intcntion Leing to convcy hereby an ubsolute title in fec simple,including �ill tlie ri6hts of humestend und dowee � -
<br /> �( 1'O HAVf:AND TO HOLI) the Premises ubove described, with ull the nppurtenances thereunto belonging,unto the enid � �
<br /> � mortgngce(s) nnd lo his,Ler ur lhcir heirw und nasibn� (orever, provided alwnys, und these prc�ecnta ure upon the es�cess I � . �
<br /> '�! condilion that i[the nuid inurlgagor(s),his,her ur lheir heics, executurs, ndministrntors ur nssigns ahnll pay or cause to be � .
<br /> s , �'
<br /> ii puid tu lhe said mortgngee(s),his,her ar t}�eir heirs,execulors, adininistr�tozs or assigns,Lhe principnl sum oE$19,264.�4 � �
<br /> ' pnYablc xs fultows,to wit . � �
<br /> t �` Principal sum of $19,264.74 shall be paid Uy payin� interest only in monthly installmenta
<br /> of $117.63 per month commencin� on September 1, 1976 and cont3nnin� on the lst day of eac� �i
<br /> � ' and every month thereafter except that on the 2nd day oE June, 1979, a final payment �
<br /> � ;; consiett�gnof the entize principal b�lance together with any unpaid interest shull be
<br /> � ' due in`:full. I '
<br /> 3
<br /> � �
<br /> � � I� ,i
<br /> � 1 witl�inlerest accordinF to the tenor mid eIIect ot the mortt;1Kurs wrilten promis5ory notu bcarinil even date witl�theae presente � - �
<br /> {
<br /> und shall P�)'flll tnxes und assessincnts Icvicd upon said real estutc,and all other��xes,levies nnd ussessment,v levicd upon lhis , .
<br /> murlguge or tI1C 71UIE'.�N'}IICII this mortgage ia given to securq Ix(orc qic sumc becomes dulinquent,und keep thc buitdings on .. �
<br /> ' Said premisca insured for the smn of S 19,264.74 , loss,it uny,payublu to tl�e snid mortgagee,then these presente � .� �
<br /> lo be void,othenvi�e to bc and remuin in full force. �. .. . . ...
<br /> I'C IF FUR'I'IiL•'R AGRCEU (i) '1'hat i!the snid morlgugur sh.ill fail to pay euch tazes or prceure aucl�inaurmce,the �� . . �
<br /> said mor�gagee may puy such taxes and procure such insurunce; and lhe sum eo ndvmiccvl, with interest et 8 3/4 pei � .. -
<br /> cenl,sliall be repaid by snid morLgagur,�nd this morfgage uhnll stand us security fur the annm. (2)That u Lailu�e to p¢y uny ' -�
<br /> ��� of snid money, either principnl ur interest, when lhe sume becomes due, or t� (nilure to comply with uny oE the foregou�g .
<br /> agreements,sl�all c:mse the whc,le sum o(moncy herein secured to becurne due nnd collectible at o q ut the optian of tlie _ �
<br /> murigagc.. � : �
<br /> Signed this 25th dny of .June , 197� -'� � . � � �.:
<br /> � ;! ,.� /,�.c�� � G/ i �
<br /> ,
<br /> . , , In prese»cc ot . .(�.�.. .... . .. . . .......� ................... .../.................... , .
<br /> �j ul R. t
<br /> � . ...�J
<br /> ....... ....... ............... .................. ..._.... . .... `��..�................. ...;.......... ..._................._
<br /> ; ; I. ��.���
<br /> t „ ............................................................................................................. �_Idanda...y.;...Stenlca.................................................................
<br /> i� !
<br /> J : �I STATE OF........�Z L��.�.-�.....................................� CountY uL.......t�:��c���� . i i
<br /> .... ......................
<br /> Betore me, a notary public qunlified for said cvunty, personnlly cnme i �
<br /> Paul R. Stenka and Nanda "S. Stenka, his wife �����'�dMM►
<br /> known to me to be the idenlicat peraon or persons w�ho eigncYl lhe foreguing instrument��,�g��Q�Te�u�n �
<br /> �; -: :�� theteo[to be his,her or thcir voluntary uct nnd dced. , m�' i �. �.
<br /> � �7
<br /> �. �i'itnees my Lund nnd nott�nal seal on..._�:��....... ^�•�-��v....................... .. 19 1... ... .
<br /> • /'� D i
<br /> �� My comm�ssion axPires:...�.�..�rB._z.9- ............. 1g......... L ./..,��. ...r..@:."..-c���...........Notnry Public. I A� . �.',.
<br /> ....... ...... .. ...... .;.
<br /> rr-
<br /> � j1 i .'� ,�� N , ..
<br /> ; '' STA1'E OF...................-.........._................................... �ntemd un numcrical indez mmd IIled for mcord � y
<br /> � ;� ' }S9� in thr Regiater of Dceds Office ot said County tho I I a �;
<br /> iCounty .............................................._.....................
<br /> i a
<br /> ..............,......dny oL........................ ............. . 19..._....., nt...........................o'clock nnd.............................minutes......................bt.� j �
<br /> � , .
<br /> '� nnd reconled in Book..........................................ot.......................................at PeKe............................................. ; i� .::. .
<br /> ! 1>rafted by; MILES HOMES, INC. OF NEBRASKA ..,......Reg. o[ Deeds I '
<br /> ` ,' 4500 Lyndale Avenue North ................................................_..............
<br /> ' Minneapolis, Minnesota 55412 � '
<br /> - Uy..........................................................................................DeFuly i
<br />� �
<br /> _.. . ._ ... . .
<br /> l �._:�::, I .-_ . . .. . . . . ... . . . . � �- � : �.7
<br />