� r;,wu.. I
<br /> �� 2.1—WARRAN7Y D6ED F.Im�6 Wolf Company,Lin<oin,N.6r. � �
<br /> 7(r �0?F49
<br /> KNO�;' ALL MEN I3Y THESr". PRESEIITS� Tiiat r.re� (h+en G. Benson and idina P. Eenson� husbtind
<br /> and wifeq Patrick J. Sweeney and Pamela E. Sweeney, husband and wiie; Lat�irence E.
<br /> Huwaldt� Jr.� and Ann Huwaldt� husbend and r�ife, as tenants in common�
<br /> � , hr.rein culled tLu grnntor whether one or more, I
<br /> � in caneideration of Ten Thousand and 00/100------------------(510,000.00)--➢OLLARS
<br /> � received from grantee, does graut, bargain, sell, conve} eud confirm unto
<br /> Idorman A. Buck and I3etty J, Buck, husband and wife; and Delhert ll. Theasmeyer
<br /> ; and I,ois A, Theasmeyer� husband and wife, as tenants in common,
<br /> ' herein called the grantee whether one or more, th��fullowing described real property iv
<br /> '. ......................k;&�7......................................... County, Nebraeha:
<br /> ,';
<br /> I,OTS FIVE (.�i) AiJD SIX (6), BLOCY FIV� (5), GLADSTOIdE
<br /> _ t
<br /> STA�iP TAX
<br /> 3Z PS�id��t�� A��NVN�:.
<br /> J U L � 1976
<br /> ; � / G�d gy� '
<br /> To hnve and Zo Lold the above descriLed premises to�ether n�ith all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> ± nud uppurtenances thereto belonging unto the grautee nnd to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grnntor doea hereby coveuant with the grantee and with gruntee's heirs and ussigne
<br /> that grantor is Intivfully seised of said premises; thnt they are free from encumUrunce except f'or
<br /> easc�ents and restrictions of record,
<br /> � that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the snme; and thut grantor wurrante and will
<br /> defend the title to snid premises against tne ln�vful claiws of nll pereons whomsoever.
<br /> � ; Dated Jur.e 2�1� 197b
<br /> -
<br /> �: �..�...�..�� � . �wu..._c�
<br /> .............. . .................... .......... ...... ....................................�..................... ..,... . .
<br /> -�.,.�"..��
<br /> Gwen U, r3enson Lawrence E. tluwaldt� Jr, l�
<br /> , ' . ,9 // ,�.,�/'
<br /> .�� �� . �� .f.r taCai:.�. .. . ....�..�..:�r.`�.��....... .........t,�.'.'r.'',�'.C......C:.::'..'-..�.��F:f:=:����....... �
<br /> Iiin r. ns n , Ann Hur:aldt
<br /> -
<br /> , ' .............. ....... ...... :."......-'-'..::...".::`�.-,.. ......... ....................................................................................
<br /> ; : �—^�Patric . Sweenevv�
<br /> e ..� QlI...W...^..1.('.kA......Z.••......`S�yCh.BPiY•i0.-.4:�................ ....................................................................................
<br /> Pamela a. Sweene� Q
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA6KA,County of............�.��7.....................................:
<br /> Before me, u notary public qunlified for said county, personall}• camc
<br /> Qwen G. Eenson and iJina F. Eenson, nushand and rrife; Patric!�: J. Swe�ney and
<br /> Pamela E. Sl�reeney, husband and wife; Lai�:rence P. ::ur;aldt� Jr., and knn Huwaldt,
<br /> husband and wife�
<br /> ..l � ; .
<br /> known to me to be the identicul person or peraon��eho signed the foregoing instrument. nnd acknowledged r e
<br /> the eaecution thereof to be hie,her or tueir volunt }• uet and decd. N
<br /> IWitnesa my Lnnd and notnrinl seal on ..�. tT.....:.I:.:� -�.::..�.,:.....y�...., ]9,�C.�:. � ��
<br /> r'_., / �, �
<br /> � � GENER�I NOTARY•Slate of Nebf. ... ...f:h::`.':,I.%;fl.aG:.�/.�/�'r�.-T l �� L.•.• NotBry Public.
<br /> ' 1t�1 RAYfdOND A.BAKER � � � , � .. .
<br /> � . ....
<br /> 2' e���ASyComm.E�p.SePt.29.1979 y ommission ea pires �� �.� 7 ��
<br /> .r.. ,i.�....... ................ 19.,�••�
<br />.ti� � � �
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<br /> �
<br />