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<br /> � . �
<br /> 76• 0036.9:U
<br /> � . � 2.1—WARRANTY UEED � � Fe�ton b Wolf Compmy,Lincoln,N�br. � �
<br /> � He1yn E. Roney, also known as Helen E. Roney and as Helen Roney, an
<br /> � un�emarried widow, SalC Lake City, Utah, and Ralph Edmund Cox, also known as 1
<br /> Ralph E. Cox and as R. Edmund Cox and as Edmund Cox, and Helen N. Cox, his �
<br /> `Wife� San Diego, California , Lerein cnlled the grantor w4ether one or more,
<br /> � '
<br /> s . iu consideration of Fifty-One Thousand `Ifao Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($51,200.00) '
<br /> rrecoived from grnntee, does graut, bnrgain, sell, can�ey and confirm uuto JgCk L. Hadenfeldt Snd
<br /> Karen K. Hadenfeldt, husband and wife, Cairo, Nebraska,
<br /> `; herein cailed the grrmtee whether one or tnore, tl�c Fnllou�ing described real property in
<br /> f .............Hall ............................ County, NeLrtisku:
<br /> ........
<br /> + A11 of our undivided interest in and to
<br /> the Southeast Quarter (SE'�) of Section Twenty-
<br /> three (23), Township Twelve (12), Range Twelve
<br /> a (12), West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br /> ,,}
<br /> - r
<br /> subject to the 1976 taxes, easements, if any, and subject to lease
<br /> expiring March 1, 1977. .-�' ________�-.----------'
<br /> .�},,,�li A�P� JUL ? 1976
<br /> G`'y
<br /> ��
<br /> �"� $ � ,GS ev�
<br /> ,� � To Lave and to hold tl�e nUoee dc�criLed premises togethcr with all tenements, hereditamente
<br /> j j and appurtenances thereto Uelonging unto the grantee ci7,d to gruntee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grnntor does hereUy coti•ennnt with tlie grantee nnd with gruntec's fieirs nnd ussigne
<br /> that griintor ie Inwfully seised of said pretcises; thut they are free froin encumUrance � eXCePt as
<br /> above stated;
<br /> tLat gruntor Las good right and lawful authurity to convey the same; and thut grnntor warrents and will
<br /> defend tlie titie to snid premi5ea ngainst the lawfiil elnuns of nll pereons whomsoever.
<br /> Duted June .=1 v-�� 19 76.
<br /> -, �
<br /> ' ' �y �`''u �..�...............
<br /> .................................................................................... ................. -�[?�.�..:....�.............. .
<br /> fdelyn E. Rone�+
<br /> � , � ; / /'
<br /> .. �., .........................................................:.......................... ...!. �:.�Ft C....!.!':y c:l,::^.:`......::�..U:...�
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<br /> (�a7.�iti'�cl'mun� GFox
<br /> , �
<br /> .- �
<br /> { i /
<br /> :
<br /> v� � .................................................................................... ........./.�:-4::4.ti��tr.:......f%......``�4:r............................
<br /> Helen N. Cox
<br /> > ..........................................:......................:.................. ....................................................................................
<br /> UTAH
<br /> S.rAT�or��?��couucy ot......Sa.�,�...]��ls.�...........................:
<br /> ' I3efore me, a notur�� public qunlified fnr said enuutt�, personullp came Helyn E. Roney,
<br /> - also known as Helen E. Roney and as He1en Roney, an unremarried widow,
<br /> of Salt Laice City, Utah,
<br /> ..^v,�..�1..
<br /> N
<br /> Ikno�cn to me to Ue th�identical perdop or persons�ti•ho siqned the foregoiug instntment ui�d ackno«�ledged I �
<br /> tlte eaecution thereof,lo•$G hie,Her?i�t)ieir cohmtnry net and deed. �
<br /> . �����n �
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<br />�` «'itnese fify han�''and nuturia�'sgal on .................�xiI1.E........,�7 ..�.,........., 19...7.fi... „
<br /> , J l�S�..`�'`'CP.....�..1:.�...._.
<br /> J(lIJ.. _ .................. �....... ....�/ct.�CeN A'otnry Public.
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