� �
<br /> ( �`", i
<br /> . ' .. ..i,tr�'�
<br /> � � �
<br /> � REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE For� F�� zoe (Rev. 2-76) `
<br /> i
<br /> ��.�i,'fJTi) (�-- _�^ .--'_____.._�_.__—_.—____.__.v.._-----------��__.�..
<br /> r�te June 28. 1976
<br /> i;
<br /> � ii Ronald G. Har�ens and Laura J. Hargens, husband and wife
<br /> j; - � . Mortgagors, � .
<br /> i ot 1{all county, Nebraska , in consiaeratlon of
<br /> � '•� the�fldvance ot the princlpal sum reclted.in the nete herelnafter descrlbed,receip6of v+hlch Ss acY.nowledged, heraDy .
<br /> '�� mortgage and convey to . � ���
<br /> i !�, THE FEUERAL LAND BANK OF 01AANA, a Corporation,
<br /> � j of Omaha, Douglas Caunty, Nebraska, whose address
<br /> is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br /> ''� Mortgagee (subJect ca oll, Kaa, and mineral rlcyhts or+ned Dy parties other thnn Mortgagors; exlstln6 easements of . �
<br /> s �'. record; resecvations In llnited States nnd Stete pntents;anC the rights oi the pu�lic Sn all hlghways),thefollowing- � �
<br /> �
<br /> ;� descrlbed real estate ln Hall couney, Nebraska .
<br /> ; SEC. TWP. R�.
<br /> `; SW� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 12N 12 W6thP.M. I ;
<br /> �'.
<br /> '
<br /> �
<br /> + '
<br /> � '
<br /> ;
<br /> : �
<br /> ; � ;
<br /> con!�i!n:nv 160 ar�-es, more nr• lrs:, t,oget,her wlth all of the rip,'�L, tltle, and lnt?rest , � .
<br /> (ra�,v onnedorher?aftrr nr,qufre:l)ot the �nrc�;aeors ln said pro ercy, IncludSnE all hulldings, lmprovement;,flxtures, . �
<br /> ! � or nppu^tena.nces �her�^nn c�r hereatcer• plzr,ed thereon; ill h�tcr Irrlgat:fun, aiid Aralnaqe riehts; the tenements, . �
<br /> heredlt:u^.enc:;, :iui appur!crx�nres ttiereto �+.id ttro r�=ncs. l::sues, rro�-, and Urotlts arislnFt trom ssld lends: and (St
<br /> .� � Lhe ;1ortF.3f;oi'n' riv,l�ts iu the pvhllr Co�a��1n ai�e rrqulre�; b;� Hnrcc�irr�e for securlty purpases) all leases, pernStr, � ��
<br />� I ileenses,orPrlvlleles, uppui•ter.nnt o ncn�.;�purcmi�nt Co c•ild morcc�:qed premises,nor+or here�ifter Sssued, excended, �
<br /> , 1 or reneweA co [t:e Mort�t�ar� by the �n1� d . aees cr etu� _tncr. 1n nhlch she uDove deceribed yroperty Ss locatetl or
<br /> 1 �my depurtment, hureau, or np,ency C�i ��
<br /> ;7�1s mortt;ac;e Ss V7'.'�n Lo ;er.w•e n pr�-d.�tory r�ulc ot even d��te hcrerrlth, et.ecurr.d by Hortgngors to Hm�LP,3F,ee, 1n
<br /> ( the princlp�il ::um ot�� MINDRFD TWFNTY_FTVF THOIISAND ONE HIJNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - -p��LLnRS, -
<br /> payRLlc +tilth Intrrest •ia�•ordlnq c� W:o [et;+is o1' ::1�� noce, 4he tlnsl ,��Yrient bc:rF; ^�ie nnd f�<<Yziblo on the flrst day
<br /> ��� J2nuaYy� 2005 nit: renv�=y�ince :•h:t11 ue vo1c1 uput� the p�:yrmnL oC �aid promi:aury note.
<br /> �:' I ;his mortgage Ss subJect co th^_ Fr'ovlsicns v! 'PHE FARM CREUIT ACT and �il n��Cs ;u�enAntory thereof or supplementul . � � �
<br /> thereto. Yhe yroceeds of the lnar� serprc•d het•eL+y svill be u,ed for !he purposes �peclfied in the Hort6�6urs� npp11- , �
<br /> catlon Lor sald loan end auth�irl'�ed �y sald Act. � - �
<br /> 7'he N,ort�egors, and cach of them, hereUy�anr�ran6 r.h��c Ch^y �re tee o�++ners of tt�e mor�tqa,c,?Q real Property; Lhat �hey � � �
<br /> wlll defend the title againsc all clalrsncs w;wm�oNver, ar:d thet �u1d Property Ss tree Srom all encunbrances; that
<br /> they w111 keep ull Lhe Srproee^:ents, f:xwres, and appnrter.azices occupleC and in c',00d r•epnSr v:d permlt no acts of �
<br /> � v+aste; and they v,lll rellnqulsh a1'_ riF.hts ot hr,meste�d !n snld premfses,andcovenant nnd aqree rlth the Gorcgagee, . �
<br /> as fo11�++s: � �
<br /> :'. i (1) That they v+111 pcy �+tien due a.l r,exee, llens, !�:tla,.^..ents, or ac�essments whSch mriy be lav,fully assessed arr,ainst ��
<br /> " rU� property hereln mert�,ac,e�. � .
<br /> � (2) ;hat Chey �++111 lnsure �d keep insured bulldlnFs or othe: Sr:Dr�ve*encs ❑c�, on or whlch r,ay hereui[er be plsced � .� �
<br /> en sald premSses to the sstlstnctlon o! Lhe P:ortv,�gee,sur.h!r.surence pulicy shsll b� er.dorsed w;th e mortgage clavse �
<br /> � v�lth tt�e losa thereunder to bc pa,u�le tn Che t"artg�igee. ArW su^:e received m:� �n used co pay for reronatructlon I ,
<br /> of the G?stroyed Inprovements; or, it no! so ap;lled, may, ac th� o,:lon ot the N.or6Ea�ee, Oe :ipplled ln payment ot
<br /> ' arp� SnCebtednesa, nstured or ur.csture:;, secureC by ch1: r:orLg�qs.
<br /> f31 io pny a11 rents, fees, er ch�sr,,es nav;due er Lo become du� unC=r Ghe terns of er,�� 1ee;e, Permlt, llcense, or � �
<br /> �� prlvileEe on tne publle donaln �,vhSch ts eDPurtenent cr nn:.a,Pu:tenant lo ct�e nio*•egaqed premises, whlch has been
<br /> � Sssued,extended,or rerewnd by che Unt[e7 5tacrs or [he s[ace in vn.�ich �he above-described propercy :s locr�tel: and �
<br /> � to Gertorm and obs?rve ever; act, snvensnt, cordictor., ana ::tlC�la!!on n?ceesary 6o k^_ep each of the some Sn F.00d � ��.�. .
<br /> standing; and to Lske ave�y r.ecessary �tup Cc secure tl;e relssue, r^ner+al, or exL?nsion af eRrh ot the same; and Lo
<br /> a,slgn, walve, Fledge, or endo[�sr, to tt�e N.orcctaKee e-ic•h !ease, pe:mlt, ISr,Ntt<E, or Lrivlle�,e if 11ortPjBors� rlF.tits �
<br /> ln Public domnln are requlrea by HertgsFe� for aecurity PL",ases. r„{
<br /> + � *.�+� secur7t c^ the llen af lts mort- ' �
<br /> (a) 7'hat 1r.�the event the M^rtquqee ls n p��rcy Co ^_�iy 1 eipat.on af`�ct1n� y �' ��} '
<br /> �� P.A"t�', SncludSng nny SUSt Uy tht' LorCc::�ee to torer,lo:sr, thl:.PiOi'Lgsqe Oi'ntly �lllt Stt wh1CTt Che MOttg3gEB may Ue ❑3rti0d � �N
<br /> n par•Ly defend�nt !n +,hich lt Ss oGll�vted to protact lts rlf;hts or llsn, 1ne1uGlnF, canderenxtlen und bankruptcy ( � �
<br /> � . prcceealnRs, the MercFa�ee nay lncur ex{.•enses Fm0 ❑dvance p2y^eat for• sbstract tees, nttorney tces (excepc to the I �� �
<br /> ��. E er.tent�Drnhlblte� Ay lav+), co�ts, exGen�?�, antl cther r!larges. �,
<br /> (51 7Ti�t in [h� eveut Che Mor�R::Rors t^.11 tn �s, v�hFr. clue any Cuz?c, I!en +i g�en!:;, or assess��nts, or f311 to � r`
<br /> i melnt�.:In lrsara;us as ti^relrbe:orc ;�rp�ri deA, �r fn11 Cs C3'� 'ents, l��es, o cti. Fre u:;der t,*.r Cerms of any lease, ( � �
<br /> .. � pet�lt, lir.ense, ;r P'Ivilege: or Ho;[gagce 1:; r^�.1'�irPtl !n lncur exPe�^e.^. for bstrnct fees, attcrney :ces. �nsta, ...
<br /> rrpense�,Jid oth�r r.t.arges Ln cc,n^�clo�v;lth llt.lgacicn. I^ort;;.sp,^_r m.ry ;a•:ke :;uch payrenc ur,rovlde such Snaurnnce, �
<br /> � : � or L:cur s.ich cbl�gutlon, 3�- Lhe amounla peld c�i_r-Co hall �eccmP a p,�c � tle lndefiteMess sec�rod h^re�y due � � -
<br />,. . . � �ir.d{��ayaUle .m::etlla;r.ly. .ttd :�I�all hr�..^ :nt�r_..t ..cr, �h 7at= of �:;m��nL it �... .-it? of Cen P°rcent U"r r.nuua�. ;
<br />� �. i
<br />_ � i ` �
<br />