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<br /> . tE4AFNt P��GN� NEI3RA5S<Tn�OCT XCNI"ARY
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<br /> J U L %% 1976
<br /> � D E G D �5".�L�O //,
<br /> , $ BY vt�'�
<br /> THIS DEED mude this �� day of ti�tiuL , 1976, by and be�ween
<br /> ,f The Omaha National Banlc, Omaha, Nebra a, Administrator �aith Che
<br /> Will Annexed of the Last jJill and Testament of Dorothy C. Cox,
<br /> Deceased, late o£ Ha11 County, State of Nebraska, ParCy of the rirst
<br /> Part, and Ronald G. Hargens and Laura J. Hargens, husUand and �vife,
<br /> Parties of the Second Part:
<br /> ``' WITNESSGTH:
<br /> That the Party of the First ParL-, being the duly appointed,
<br /> qualified, and acting Administrator with the Will Annexed of Dorothy
<br /> C. Cox, Deceased, under her Last Wil1 and TesCament which is of
<br /> ' ; record in the County CourL of Hall County, NeUraska, by virtue of
<br /> the power and authority granted Lo it under such Will and in con-
<br /> - sideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND SIX t[UNDRED
<br /> AND NO/100 �OLLARS ($129,600.00), to il- paid by the Parties of the
<br /> Second Part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by
<br /> these presents grant, bargain, se11, remise, release, convey, and
<br /> confirm unto Ronald G. Hargens and Laura J. Hargens, husUand and
<br /> wife, and to their heirs and assigns forever, all of the follocaing
<br /> described real estate situate in the County of Hall, State of
<br /> � Nebraska, to-wit: �
<br /> The Southwest Quarter (SW�) of Section Twenty-six (26),
<br /> Township Ttaelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12), West of
<br /> the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br /> together wiCh a11 and singular Lhe tenements, hereditaments, and
<br /> appurtenances thereunto belonging and in any wise appertaining
<br /> thereto and also a11 of the estate, right, title, interest, property,
<br /> possession, claim and demand �ahatsoever which the said Dorothy C.
<br /> ` i Cox had in her lifetime and at the time of her death and which the
<br /> said Party of the First Part has, by virtue of the Last Wi11 and
<br /> Testament of Dorothy C. Cox, or othenaise, of, in or to the above
<br /> granted premises and every part and parcel thereoL together with
<br /> the appurtenances, subject to lease expiring March 1, 1977, and
<br /> subject to 1976 real estaLe taxes and easements, if any.
<br /> TO HAVE AND 'TO HOLD the said premises with the hereditaments
<br /> ` and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Parties of the
<br /> Second Part and to their heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And The Omaha National liank, Omaha, NeUraslca, for itselP, its
<br /> successors and assigns, does covenant, promise, and agree to and
<br /> �oith the Parties of rhe Second Part that it is Lawfully the Admin-
<br /> islrator with the Will Annexed of the Last Wi11 and Testament of
<br /> Dorothy C. Cox, Deceased, and that as such iL- is lawfully seized
<br /> of said premises, L-hat said premises are free from encumbrance and
<br /> that it has the power to convey as aforesaid and it has acted in
<br /> making this conveyance in pursuance of the authority granted in and i
<br /> by such Last Wi11 and Testament, and it has not made, done, or suffered
<br /> any act, matter or thing whatsoever as Administrator �aith the Will .- I
<br /> Annexed whereby the above granted premises or any part thereof will, -���'�'
<br /> sha11, or may be impeached, charged, or encumbered in any manner N �'`"'
<br /> Iwhatsoever. �
<br /> � .
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