4 "'"�.�
<br /> � � �
<br /> MORTGACE—SaWng� and Loan Farm—(DI[eet Crodlt Plan) 255•2 (6pedaD . .
<br /> ,...�.,.,.,... ,.�».,.,........�`..«..�-.....• : .. - .
<br /> (
<br /> ; � �b.. , , ,. MORTGs4�E
<br /> O��i�� 1
<br /> ��No
<br /> �' 7H13 iNDENTUAE, made thle I St ,�ay o� ��I Y .191C2,by and between � .
<br /> ,�
<br /> 3
<br /> a
<br /> " Hall
<br /> �E o�_ County,Neb:aeka,aa mortqagor_.and Home Federal Savinge and Loan Auocla�on of Grand Ie]and,
<br /> -?�� a corpomtlon organisad and existing under the laws of Nebrmka wllb 1le prin�pal otltce aad place o!bunlaeea at Grand[el�d,Nebraaka.
<br /> 'T m mortgagee; . �
<br />. :i
<br /> �� WITNESSETEi: That eald mongagor_. lor and in conaideration ol the eum of t. . �..��
<br /> ' FORTY-THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/I00 --------------" na��aj, �g 43,800.00 � ;
<br /> j:
<br /> the receipt ot whlch fe huceby acknowladqed,do_6Y lhoee preeante mortgage and wmrant un�o eatd mortgagee, ile euccaeaore and . ..
<br /> ��� Hall
<br /> :;i neeignx,forever,all Iho lollowing dancribed real eatale,attualed In the county ot_ �
<br /> ry• and State of Nebraeka,tawit: .
<br /> 5 �
<br /> ;�
<br /> ��
<br /> ;�i � � ��
<br /> r;
<br /> �t
<br /> P �
<br /> t
<br /> tj Togathcr with all hoating. llgh6ng, mid pli+mb[nq equipmant and li:luree,including etokerc aad bumere,eaeoae,awnlnqe.elorxn windowe
<br /> TF and doo�s,and window ehadea or bltnde,uaed on or in ccanection wilh eaid pcoparty,whether the eama are now Ixated on aaid propery
<br /> '� �S or hoxeafter placed ILereon. . � ..
<br /> TO HAVE AND YO HOLD 7HE SAME,together with all and nlnqulai lho tenomenta,horeditamente and appurtena¢cen theieunto belong• . .. �
<br /> Ing,or ln anywiee apportain3ag,lorever,and warrant the title lo the eame. Said mortgagor—hereby covenanL-with ea[d mortgaqea � �
<br /> �ho�I t���jX I 5 at the delivary hereof,the lawlul owner—ot tho pcemieee above coaveyod and dascribed,and I 5 $ .
<br /> fj set:ed ol a qood and indefeaaiblo estate of inherilance therein, free and ticar ol all encumbrancee,and tha[���S—wilt wairant�d $ � � � �
<br /> $� delond ihrr title the�eto forever againet tho dalme and demandn of all po�soae whomaoever.
<br /> j PAOVIDED ALWAYS. and th[s inal:ume¢t is oxocuted aad delive�ed to wcure the payment ot tho eum of , .
<br /> j� FORTY THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NOl100 - --nollara (s 43.9��-�� �,
<br /> t with intereat�hereon, togother wilh such charges and advanrne as may be duo md payablo to smd mortgagee under the Iezms aad
<br /> T coaditlona of the promisaory aote o! even dato herewilh aad aecu�od heraby,ezeculed by eaid modgagor—to aaid mo:lgagoe,payable
<br /> � ae ozpresaed in eaid nota,md to exure the peclormance ot all tho tormn and conditioaa conlained thoroin. The lerma of eaid note aro . .
<br /> t he�eby incorpomted hecein by thle refo�eaca.
<br /> F
<br /> It la the Intentioa and aqreement of Ihe parties herelo that thie mortgaga ahall aleo eocure any tutura advancee made �o eaid ..
<br /> moelgagor_by nald morigagee, and any and al] indoblednene ia addltion to the amount above elated which eaid mortgagors,ot any �
<br /> ol them,may awo to said mortgagee,however evidencod whe�her by no�o,book accouat or otherwlse. Thie modgaga eLall iomai¢in full .
<br /> forco and ettoa between the parties hereto and thoin c�ice, parsoaal rep�esenta6vee, eucceeao�e and mntqaa, until alt amouata aecuced � . . .
<br /> hereunder,induding tuture advancee,are pmd in lull with inloiest.
<br /> The mortgagor_hocoby aaeig�_to eoid mortgageo all:eate and income arieinq at any and all timee lmm eaid pioperty mid �
<br /> � heceby aulhodze aaid mortgaqea or i�a agent.at fts option, upoa dolault,to take charSa of aaid propeAy and mllect all rente aad Sncome �
<br /> Iheretrom and apply the eamv lo the payment ot SNoront,pdaripal,Sneuranw premiume,tazee,aenosemoale, repaita or improvomenu necae•
<br /> � ea�y to keep eaid pcoparty in lenanlable conditlon,oc lo ather chaiqne or paymenle provided!or herefn or in tho nole horeby eecured 71ile
<br /> $ rent aseiqnmeat ehall contlnue Ls fo�co uatil the unpaid balance d enid note is lutly paid. Tho tahoq ol poseeasion hareunder ehail fa no
<br /> $' manno:prevent or relacd eaid moctgagee (n tha eoltectioa ot eatd numn by lorecloeuxe or ot6ervriso.
<br /> 5 f
<br /> i Tha lailure of the morigagea to aeaert any ot lle righte hareunder at any timo ehall nat be conetrued as a waiver ot ite rlqht to aeeert �
<br /> $tt tLe eame at any later time,and to tnntet upoa and enforco eKict mmpUance wtt6 ail tha tarme and pxovielonn ot said no�o aad ot thls
<br /> j� mortgage.
<br /> fII eald modgagor—ebell cwx!o be pa3d to ea7d mortqagee the entira amount due tt hereunder,and under the tocros and provldon�
<br /> $� 01 eald nofe hoceby eecuiad,Includinq tuluce advmcea,and aay eriamioae or �enewals thereol ia accordance with tho leims aad p�ovWoni
<br /> S thereo4 and�ll wid moctgagor_ehall comply wi�h all Ihe providone of eaid nota and of tlile mortqaqe,then lheee prewn�s ehalt be void;
<br /> �, o�herwiea-lo iemain ta!uU lorce and otloat aad eaid mo�lgagee ehall be ea�itled to the ponseaelon ot all ot edd property,and may,at ite
<br /> S� oplion,declare Ihe w6ole ol said aote aad all tndebtednee�repceseatod theraby to be tmmedlately due aad payablo,and may foreclosa thb _ �
<br /> mongage o� take any other lagal actlon !o prolect 1V rig6q and lrom t6e date ol auch defoult all items ot indebtednese sewrad harebY �'�,
<br /> Sehal!dtaw intereet at 9,9J(pi[%aanum. Appraisement wvivad. ' � �
<br /> � # Thie morigage ehall ba binding upon aad thall eauie lo the beneHl ot the hetr�,ezecuton,adminietmlore,�ucceewn md aeaiq¢s d N
<br /> Iho raepective pmtiea hereto. � � 11G
<br /> L IN W(1'NFS3 WtiEttEOF, aaid Moriqagor _h�_ herounto �et hand_-tho day and ycar tlnt above �
<br /> `� W,���00. � . " � j.
<br /> , tdARSAY NTERPRISES INC. ___ "`
<br /> — � �
<br /> By' "l" ---
<br /> ......�,..,...�......-..�
<br /> 6�.� � � J
<br />