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<br />, , :�
<br />�_
<br />� � ���
<br /> � %6- :003Fi�4 � �
<br /> '1'I�� ��a,�cor Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> formerly lrnown as, and being one and the same Church as, Trinity
<br /> Methodist Church of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, a religious
<br /> �� �+ oi»•pm:itimi orRnuired and existiuq tutder nud Ly virU�c oY ihr, la�vs of ihc St+�te of NBbTe9k9�
<br /> �
<br /> � (�38,500.00)
<br /> �lreaei�•ed fi•otu �rimtn,c, do��s qru��t, Lnrguin, sell, con��e}• and confirm nnto
<br /> +;
<br /> �a Gary R. Strehle and Yvonne D. Strehle, husband and wife,
<br /> kt
<br /> �i; ,i�iint tenanis �vit.li right ol surci��m•ship, aud not us tenanis iu cmumon, tlie fullon�iug �leseribed re��l
<br /> � properf�� iii ...................�.�.�....................................... Cumit��, :�rUruskn:
<br /> 'i:
<br /> ;? I,ot Seven (7), in Block Six (6), in Piorris
<br /> Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> ,r Nebraska.
<br /> � � I�ECiRASf<N DOCUMENTARY �
<br /> - STAMP TAX
<br /> � ,;,�C�� A�P�� J U L 1 1976
<br /> ,� E
<br /> t ps � .�.s QY J���.
<br /> -,
<br /> � 7'o hace an�l tn hol�l th�• abuer ilesci•ibed ��reuiiscs to�ether �ritli till tenr.wculti, Lereditumeuts .md
<br /> a��purlen;uices ih��retu Lelun;;inG uuto the {�r�inrnes and to Uicir a�signs, m• to tlic (�eirs.md ussigns of the �
<br /> tim•��i�ror of thew fm•ecer.
<br /> Au�l t•r,wtor fur itseif an�l its successors does hereb�• cucr_uaut �+'ith the gr;mtces and �cith ttteir �
<br /> �; .
<br /> ,i;�tii�ns .unJ ���itli tlic licirs and assi�ns of tLc survi���,r of ih��m that �raiitm• i, la�cfully se�sed o1' said
<br /> pr!•iuises; ihai tLc}' �u'i• free from euctunUrnnce except any easements 8rid TB9'tP1C�lOI13 � � � � ��
<br /> of record;
<br /> iha6 �;rau(or has qnud ri�ht a�id l�i�cful authority tn eo�isey t4e same; anii tLut Rrmitor n�arr.uits and �
<br /> �rill 3efeud the fit]e to sni�l prrm��es aguiust the I+ncl'ul claiins of �ill pe�suu,, tchomsnoti�er. � � �
<br /> It is tlie intention uf iill piirtics hereto ilitit iu thc c�'erit oP tLe dcath uf either of thc �;r;intces, � �
<br /> the enlire Yce simple title to thc rral estatu Fhall cest in the surci�•in�„ �rantce. �
<br /> Tri �ritne,s �vhcreof, grnntor hss Lerewdn c�aused it,cnrporutc seal to Lr,afl'i�ed�u�d these presetits �
<br /> ;�;:�,��a 1,�� ;�, i������s������i, and its Secretery.
<br /> D;�ted June ,?S, �`•�76. TRINITY UNITED riETHODIST CHiJRCH OF
<br /> ,
<br /> /; ,
<br /> � By.,..�.l�,� `��-7(I : �r'e"s'i�"e'ri�'_
<br /> _ . _�� »ci � �
<br /> . .., i �/_�,/� �
<br /> � �s� .,. ...�x'.`.:... ......... ..... y
<br /> • . :.�. . .,..�.,. ... ...... ,�Secre�arxx
<br /> ' ..`.:.............I�J�.'iHH.ASKA..................... Cuuut,r• uf
<br />� �; s'r:�'rl; t�t� . ..............Ha�.l..................................:
<br />� � Before me. �i notar}• public qualil'i��d 1'ur snid �•ouut�•, prraonully uamu GBylOTd D. Apf01� � � �
<br /> Preaident, and F. William Hotz, Secretary, of the Board of Directors
<br /> of Trinity United Aiethodist Church o£ Grand Island,2lebraska,��
<br /> formerly Irnawn as, and being one and the same Church as, `Prinity
<br /> P4ethodist Church of Grand Island, Piebraska, a religious ..;,! ,,- ; ,
<br /> and Secre,tary x� cori,or.�t�o,�, . °
<br /> l:nu�ru to �nc tu Lc thn Pre;id�� t iii� identicul prrso�S��liu si�ued tl�e Fore�oin�;instriwieut, and acicno�c. N ''
<br /> t`���� �
<br /> lud�r,tl ihe executiou tLereof to ie n volmitiir�� a�.t aml �Icc�i ati tiuch offiee�.md the cnlunt�u�y aul nnd
<br /> � deed of suid corporution nnd that its corporate sr.ul n us tLereto uffised by iis uutliority. "�
<br /> �
<br /> 1i'itness my h�ud mid i�oturinl senl on ..............J.1.iI��.................�....�r.................., ]9....�6.r..... ; ;
<br />� —� �.v � { ,�t:N�:� �� k
<br /> ��•��Y ...............".........�`.'.`T..'�J."::...'� ..............(i.r.... Notxr�� Public.
<br />: �tah�tY •
<br />.: - MrMD M.rNN�.�R. � -,-.
<br /> .. Nr Coeri�N�n En�n� ,:i%�'t�.-»�T�._ ., -,�
<br />� hly� cmnmission expires..................................._�...-....... l:i..:..!....
<br /> D�c�mMr 77.1977
<br /> � J
<br /> 1
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<br />