.. . .. . . , � . � � ..w 4k.�'
<br />��.�.�.(�"��l�ww , . . . ^� � .' .
<br /> 6
<br /> r
<br /> MOAfGAGE�aWng� and Loan Form—(Dtracl Cwdit Plan) 255�2 (6pedaq
<br /> ...............�...�.....�,.......�........................�.....................�.......+�................� ...,.,.......».,...�. ....-.�,..,..,.......,.^:...........,`^�`^o...«.... � � �
<br /> �'�, ,j� O�riG22 MORTGAGE
<br /> .{
<br /> Loaa No � . . � . � �.
<br /> } TF{IS INDENTUIiG, made thle I`-'1� aoy ot J u I Y ..19_I_�_.by and Mtwe�u � .
<br /> l
<br /> ;y; DAVID G. DAL[S AND ANN G. DALES, husband :3nd wife. e,�ch in his and h r �wn ri�t �nd
<br /> � 3 as spouse of tha other, � � �
<br /> S {F$ a�_ Na I I County,Nebrmka,a�motlqagor�wd Homo Fodaml Saringe and Loan Auoelatloa ol Grand Idand,
<br /> �; + a eolpomtloa organlaod and exLttng undor tha law�ol Nebraaka�v1th It�prindpal olticu and plarn at buelnosa at Gcand Lland,Nebmnka, - �
<br /> fm mortg¢qee:
<br /> i� � WITNESSETH: That eald mortgagor�!o[ aud!n comlderatlon ol tho eum of
<br /> ? T'��IENTY–TWO Tfi0U5AND THREE HUPJDRED AND NO/100----------------------�,ouar, �a-�2,300.00 ,
<br /> :uY '
<br /> ` ihe rocelpl of which!a haeaby aeknowledged,do_by theee prceenl� mortgage and warranl unto eald moctgaqoa. H� eueceuon md $j$j$j �
<br /> Y �
<br /> . aulgw, lorover,all lLe lollowing do,cribod roal oetato,dtuatod in !he county ol_ �-{��� �. �
<br /> ' and State ol Nabra�ka,lo•w4:
<br /> r
<br /> s � �
<br /> t:
<br /> �.c:s . �. . . . �
<br /> ;�
<br /> £�
<br /> `>� £ LOT FIVL (5) AIJU �HE SOUIIi[RLY 0'dl= IIALf- (s;;) OF L01' 'fHRL-:E (3), IN
<br /> :4
<br /> �.�
<br /> :�-�
<br /> ;:"i
<br /> r+
<br /> 6
<br /> � �3 Together with all haaling, Ilghtlnq, and plumbWq oqulpmant md fixturoe.Including stokon and bucnece,sc�eo¢�,awning�,atorm window� { �� �
<br /> _� > and doora,and wiodow ehadee or blindn,ueed on or In caanectlon wit6 sald propo��y,whothe�the eama aw now tocaled on�ald properly F . �
<br /> �:f or hocualle:placod thoreon. j � ��
<br /> t
<br /> ����? TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Tt[E SADiE,togetlier wlth all and eingular�ho lenomenla,heroditamanv and appurlenmcc�thorounlo belonq• �
<br /> .
<br /> ���;� ing,ot!n anywleo appoqaining,Ivrevor,and warrant Ihe tltle lo tho evmv. Said mo�iqagor `=hareby rnvenml—with sald mortgagea �
<br /> ILat t he_� ���' at the delivary he�aot,tho lawlul ownar.=o(�he pcemlaoe abovo conveyed and de�cribed,and �����- ' .
<br /> T
<br /> -� sel:ud ol a qood and Indaloaei6le eatato ol inhodtaacv theroln,irce and dear ol all ancumbrance�,and 16a1�ho_�_wllt wartant and
<br /> detond the tlqe thereto lorcvor aqa[nat�ho clalmn and dnmande ol all poerone whomwever.
<br /> ` PAOVID£D ALWAYS, and Ihis Inatmment ls osecu�ed and dollve�ed lo eocu�e tha paymaot ol tho eum of � � . � �
<br /> 11'J[idTY–T1'�0 THOUSAND 1HR(:[ FIUNDR[D AIJD IJO/I00----------- ---- _�,:iOU.UO
<br /> � ----- _—�uar, �s�� �,
<br /> wllh interoet Iha�oon, logother wiih euch cha�gee and advancae m may ba duo and payablo lo eaid morlgageo wdor Ihe terme and � �
<br /> ���''� mndi�one of tho p�omlawry nola o! even dalv Lurewith and eecutad heroby,execvted by wtd mortgagor=to enid morlgaqee,payable � �
<br /> F'''+ 3 ae a:pieeeed In wid nolo,and lo�ecwe Iho pedo�manca o!all tha torm� and madlllon� contained lhuroln. The tormi ol edd noto a�o - � . � � .
<br /> t kereby Incnrporaled ha�ain by Ihle raluronrn. ��
<br /> S
<br /> It fe tho inlenlion and agcoomanl of the pa��ios ha�oto lhat thle morlgage ehall deo �xuro any lulwo advancee madu to eaid .
<br /> mo�tgaqoc 5 by eald mo�tgagev, and any and all Indobtedno�e !n addlllon to tho amounl abure slaled whlch eald mo[tgago�e,o� any �
<br /> ol lhem, may owo to�aid mo�tgageo,howvvee ovidencad whelher by note,boolc account o[otherwiee. Thla morlgage ehall romaln in!ull �.
<br /> - lorce and ellecl balweon Iho partirs horoto and�hoir hein,peuonal mpreeenlaUvee, suceeeson and aaetgne, uotll all amounU �acurod �
<br /> heraunder,includinq lutuca advancee.are puld In lull wlth Intem��.
<br /> '.':�l Tha mo�lqaqor=hoioby aealpi`_lo aald wortqagao al! ronb and (ncome adatnq at auy and all Ilmo�I�om eaid pcopeAy aad t �
<br /> hereby authod:e wid modgageo or 11�agenl,al �le optlon, upon dolaul6 lo tako chargo ol eald pmperty and collecl all ronb a�d Income �S .
<br /> themlrom and apply lhe aamo la Ihe payment ol Inlocae4 pdndpat,Inmmnce pmmlum�,taxos,auo�emeub, ropaln or improvemonl�aece�• .
<br /> eary to keep wfd propo�ly tu lenanlnble rnndlUan,or to olher charqoe ot poymenb provlded lor hereln or In iho nole 6ernby�ecurod. Thl�
<br /> - rent aealgnmon!ehall conllnue In lorce unW lhe unpald balance ol eald nole b lully pa{d Yho taklnq of po�eeulou ho�ounder�hall!n no �
<br /> m¢nnor p�aveot or relard�ald moctqayea ln the mllec4on o( wid aum/by brecloeun or olhenvbe.
<br />> ;;t
<br /> ' Tho tatlure ol tho morlgoqoe lo a�aed aoy ol Ils riqhb haraund�r at any Hme shall pot be comlzued a�a�valver o!Ib clqhl lo mae�t
<br /> ff lho�ame at any laler timo,and to ind�t upon and enlotw sldq mmpllance wilh all Ihe lerm� and provleion� ol �ald nole and ol �hls �
<br /> $ mortqaqe.
<br /> II sald morlgagor 5 ehall cauw to Ix pald lo�ald motlqaqee Ihs emlro amount due It Lereuoder,and under 16e�orm�and providao�
<br /> of tald notc horeby wcumd Wcluding Iwure advancee,and any extenAon�oc iene�vab lhereol in attro�dance with tho 1erm�aod p�ovidons
<br /> Ihereol,and 11 said mortgagor 5 ahall mmply wl�h all Ihs provldon�ol�ald¢ote aad ol Ihi�mo�tqaps,Iden Ihees pre�eab�hall be rold;
<br /> o16erMt�e lo ramaia ln lull lorcu and elloc6 and said morlgaqee ehall be anli�led!o Ihe poue��lon ol all ol�ald pcope�ty,and may,al lu �
<br /> � f oppon,declure�he w6ole ol sald oole and oll lndabledneu ropre�sated Ihece6y lo be Immedlataly due and payable,and may lo�eclws IhL 4e�
<br /> tt morlgaqe or take any ot6or legal aclion lo proloci!b riqhl, and !rom�he Jal�ol�uch delaull all Item�ot Indobladneu �ecuted 6ereby �
<br /> - �} �hall draw Interost al 9%por annum. Appratsamant walved .. . :�.. 3,'`��.
<br /> f N �a'
<br /> f$ Thi� mortgaqe �hall be bindlnq upon aad �Lall�nu�e lo tL� b�¢slll ol lha hdn,eutulon,adminLlmbu,�um�wn aud walQn�d � �
<br /> j S$ tho ro�p�ctiv�parltes hamlo. � � . � ' r�.
<br /> � �
<br /> F iN WI7NFS9 WHEREOP, w1d MotlqaqaT�a�� herounro �sl_-thC I I' handS_Ihs day and year llul above �"� .,�.9:
<br /> wrltlon. T"'
<br /> (�I 1 �
<br /> '�� . I', lj I (. .`� ` . M_
<br /> � 2
<br /> _ '""'__ L��nrl-� ._.��;--1-______"_�
<br /> rt�
<br /> __ _._ _- ��1��.� ` ` - ---
<br /> ,
<br /> -- -,,�;���,. �_�� E�:: -- ---
<br /> .� ��`.. .�......,�...w....���.w.�.K..._w...�......v......�.......w.....�.........................w �
<br />