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<br />� �.::::. �
<br /> MORTGAGE—Savi¢g� aad Laan Form—{Diiect Credit Plm) 255•2 (Speclall �Vv, �
<br /> ,�...`.�._.,.�.�,. ` ( � MORTGAGE
<br /> ; ��. o��i�i�� �aa No
<br /> �;
<br /> THIS INDENTUt1E,mado ihi I 5'F �+ay oL �U I y --- .19?6 by and between
<br /> � �
<br /> '" WILLIAM C. FISCHER AND SHIRLEY L. f"ISCHER, husband and wifo, each in his and her own
<br /> :�
<br /> fs'�,' 3 ri ht and as spouse of the other
<br /> � . o�_ Ha I I County.Nehrmka,an moriqaqor S and Home Fedeial 6avinge and Loaa Aaeodalion ot Grand Ielaad,
<br /> „� a corporaUo¢orgaaized and ezfellng under the lawe ot Nebraeka w116 ite prindpal oll[ce and place of buelueee at Grwd Ieland,Nebraeka,
<br /> �� m modgagee; S
<br /> +i WJYN£SSETH: That aaid morigaqor S lo: and ia cvnnidecation ol ihe eum ol t .
<br /> °} THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NO/100 ------------------ nouQ�e �5 33,600.00 �, S
<br /> , �
<br /> i
<br /> � the recefpt o! which te hera6y acknowledged, do_by thaee prasonte mongo9e aad warrant untol�nadlmotlgageo, ite eucceawre and
<br /> ' asetgm, forever,ail!he followi¢g dnecribed:eal eetate, aituated in tho county ot
<br /> � and State ot Nebiaeka,to-wiL•
<br /> �z
<br /> �:�;
<br /> ,,
<br /> ?�
<br /> -.'� �'
<br /> � s�
<br /> :�
<br /> ; �
<br /> ' � ��
<br /> ` � �
<br /> � �
<br /> X S Togolher with all healing lighling, and ph,mbinq equipment and flzwvoe,includinq etokere and burnera,acreens,awninga,etorm windowe
<br /> � j, and doors,a¢d wlndow ehades or blinda,used on or in connection with eaid propo�ly,whelher tha eame are now located on eaid p:opeety
<br /> �£ or ho�eafter placed thuieoa. f<
<br /> ; � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TF[E SAME,together wilh all and eingular tha tenomontn,haxeditamenls and appurtenaacee thereuato belnng• � .
<br /> � � ing,or in vaywiae apportaining,lorever,and warmnl Ihe t[tle to the eame. Said mo�tgagor=horeby covenan�with said moctgagea ,
<br /> lhat t 1�e�_ are Q{{}�e del[very 6ereo1,lhe lawful owner 5 0(lho preatisee abova conveyed and doacribed,and df2 f
<br /> t
<br /> r
<br /> S seized ol a good and indoleaai6le eetate ol inhorilante iheroin.lree and clear ol all encumbmacee,and ihat tho Y wi11 war�ml and $ �
<br /> j delond ihe liqe the[eto lorever aqaiml iha claiw and demands ol all persone whomsoevor.
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, md thta Inahumeu� ia oxeculed aad detive�ed to aocure the payment of tho aum ol � �
<br /> # TH I RTY-THREE THOUSAND S I X HUNDRED AfJD fJ0/I 00 -----------------�ouave (s 33,600.00 �
<br /> # wflh intereat the�oon,logother wi�h auch c6argee wd advancoe an may be duo and payable to said morlgageo unde� the torme and
<br /> conditiona o! lhe promieaocy note o! even date herewith and eecured hereby.e:ecuted by naid mortgago�S to eaSd morigagee,payabla .
<br /> j ae ezpreceed in said nole,and lo aecu�e tho pedormance ol all the locros and conditiom conlained thecein. The terme of eaid aote aro �
<br /> � he�eby{ncorpo�ated herein by lhls rele�ence. .
<br /> lt ie the inlen6oa and agreemant of the padies heroto that ihia morlgaqe ehall avo eecura aay luturo advancen mado lo eaid � � � �
<br /> mo�tgagor S by eaid mortgagee, and any and all indebtednem 1n additlon to tk�o amounl above elalod whlch eaid morigagoro,oi any . � � �
<br /> - ol them,may owo to eaid moctgagee,howevet evidenced whel6er by note,book accounl or otherwiee. Thie morlgage ehall remala ia lull ,
<br /> lorce and eltect belwoeo the pattiea heralo and Iheir heiie, pe�eonal �epreeenla6vee, nucceneoie and msigna, untll all amounta cecured .
<br /> heceunder,Including luturo advancee,are paid fa 1u11 with(ntereet �
<br /> � Tho mo�lgagor S heceby aeafqn__lo aaid mortgagee all renle md income arieinq at any and all tlmae l�om eaid pioperiy aad �
<br /> hareby authoiixe eaid mo�tgagae o� tle agent,at ils option. upon delaul6 to take charge ol sald property and collect all renle and Income �
<br /> $j Iherol�om and apply lhe aamo lo the paymenl ol intereet,prindpal,ineuranca premlutue,taioe,maoesmanls, repai�e or improvemente aocee-
<br /> �j eary to keep sa�d properly In tenantabla condltlon,or to other chargoe oc paymenle piovided!or he�ela or in the note horoby eecured. ihie
<br /> �j rent aeelgnmem ehall continue in torce unlil lha unpaid balanco o! aaid nole in lully pai3 Tho taktog oi poeaeseion 6oceunder ehall N no .
<br /> ; mannar p�avont or retatd eaid roo�tgagee in tha mllection of wid nume 6y loceclosura or olherwieo.
<br /> #� Tho faffwe a( lhe mo�lgagee to aeeeit any ot fte righta 6eceunder at any Umo nhall nol be constrund ae a walver ol itn right lo aexA .
<br /> $$$ tha wma nt any laler time,aad b tnaist upon md enlomo etiicl compliance wilh all the terme aad provteione of said noto �d ol lliln
<br /> :
<br /> � mort9age.
<br /> It eaid mortqa9or S ehall caux lo bo peid to�ald mo�igagae the entiro amount due il hereunder,md undor tha torms and provtalon�
<br /> of eaid note hereby secutad tnduding fulwe advmcea,and anyeztaudons or ronewale thereol In accordance wiih tho terme �d provialoas
<br /> �Itheraol,and i1 eaid mo�igagor S_ �hall comyly wilb all!ho y�ovWo¢e o!eafd aole and ol thla morlgage,�Lon lhese preeonb ehall be roid:
<br /> olhe�wiw�o remain In lull force and elloct,and satd modga9eo ahall be enU�led to llie poesewion ol all o!aaid propody.and may,at Ita
<br /> �� option,daclare the whole ol wid ao�e md all Indebledneu repre�entad Ihemby to be Immedlately due and payablo,and may loreclone thi�
<br /> mo��gage or taka aay oihet legal acUon to pmlat II� :Ight, and!mm lhe date ol�uch delault ail Items o! indobtedneu eecuced bareby .,.,�...� �p� ;
<br />� ehall draw inlereet at 9%per amum. hpprateemenl wNved. C� '
<br /> ; ! M +�
<br /> $S 7hie mo�lqage ahall be bindlnq upon aad�hall enuie lo ths b�nellt ol the hefn,ezecuton,adminut�alor�,�ueca�eore md aeeiqn�o! �
<br /> L �j the�eepectivs parlie�heroto. � ?F
<br /> IN VJI7NFS3 WHEREOF. sa1 Moriqaqoi �a Ve heieunlo wt the i r hQyd�_the day and year Itret above +'q;�
<br /> � ( ��. :
<br /> i wrltl n. �(� , ` . ,'�� � ; � � 1' �
<br /> s �� `tJ�,�.�Q,yy�� � ` _� ��yf / 1---);�/./(11�1../� �'
<br /> l'�i-fl iem �.�ischer Slii le L. f i�'cher ,.
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<br />