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<br /> n�oRTcncr _ --- —_
<br /> --- ntoit�c�cr�onN no._L 22•Z27 --
<br /> 6NOWALLMGNUYTIIIiSiiPRLSIiNTS:7h�t David R. Alwood and Cynthia A. Alwood, each in his and I
<br /> her o�vn right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � A1urlgagor,whetlier one ur murc,in cunsiderutiun at the sum of
<br /> Thirty-nine Thousand Two Hundred dlld NO��OO-----------------"""""--'--'�'—'----DOLLARS
<br /> lu�ned tu said nwrtgagur by 7'he F.quitable Uuilding a»d Loan Associatim�u(Crand Island,Nebraska,�tortgugee,upun shares ot stock of
<br /> said ASSOClAT10N,Certific�te No.L 22 r22� ,do hereby gmnl,concey and morlguge w�tu the suid ASSOCIATION the Ibllowing
<br /> Jescribed�eal es�ale,situaled in Ilall Coanty,Nabraska:
<br /> 4 I
<br /> d '
<br /> �ogether wi�h all the �eneme�us,hrreditaments and appurtenances diercumo brlunging.including altached fluur coverings,all winduw xreens.
<br /> winJow shades,blinds,SIOII➢WIIIIIUN'S.JR'111IIF5,IlCilllll�.�If l'UI1t�lUUp111�;�Jill�E)IlII11I11I1�801I\YBICf C(�IlINI1lCill�I1S BCCCSSO(ICS Illl'(l'10.�)I1I17�15�5L0V¢S�
<br /> fL'�IIFI'f81t/f5�8111I Ulllf[�I%IIIfC$BII(I�yU1�I71CIll I10K'OI IICfC��[rI AtlllCI1C(I lU UI IISPII 111 1:111111C1'llUll N'11I1 Sel(I fCBI rSl'JIC. -.
<br /> F�III�whereas tl�e 5:111�IllOfIF�FOf I18S:1�'!fl'lI BfItI lIUCSIICfI`b}'�FfCC lll�l I�ll'I11U11};:1�;OI ��18���Il�WI���1�\'JII l:1CC5 AI1lI eSSCS5fi1CI115 ItVICII OI .
<br /> assessed upon saiJ prcmisrs and upun this morigage and thc bund sccwed th�rebe�cfurc thc same shall becume delinyuenC to(umisli appwvcd �
<br /> insurance upun d�c buildings un mid p�emis��s Situatcd in the sum ol'S 39�QQQ.QQ p�y:�ble to said ASSOCIA"110N and to delirer lo s�id
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policics for said insurance:and nu�tu cununit or permi�uny waste on or:�bout said premises �
<br /> In case uC default in the per(urmance uf any o(the temu and cunditiuns of diis murtgage or the buud secumd hereby,the nwrigagee shall, .
<br /> � un dc�uanJ,be enti�led ro inuneJiate possessiun uf the uwrtgaged premiscs and itie nwngagun c�re6y �ssigns, trans(ca and sets uver m ihe
<br /> . mortgagee all thc rents,�evenues xnd in�ome tu 6e derived[rom ihe mortgaged pmmises during such time as the nwrtguge indebtadness shall rcmain
<br /> . unpaiJ:and�he mur�gagce shall havc dic pnwer to appoint auy agein ur agents it may Jesi�. (or the purpuse ul rcpairing saiJ premises and mnting
<br /> ihe s�me and cullec�ing d�e rents,«venues and incume,and it may pay uut o(said iucome all e�penses uf repairing said premises and neassary
<br /> Cumntissiun5 and expenus incu�red in reuting and managin�,the same and uf collec�ing iencals therefrom;the Ualunce rem�ining,if any,ro be
<br /> �pplied�oward thr JischarEc oC s�id murtgage indeb�edness:these rights of the rnurlg�gee muy be exercised at any time during lhe exisleuce ot such
<br /> f� � default,irrespective uf:my tcmporary waiver uf the same.
<br /> ; -�� These Presunts,huwever,are upun the Cundition,That if ihc said�lurigagu�SI18II IBF)�)'SJIII IUUII UIl UI�l'IUfC the matu�ily ol SJIII SI78Il'S�)•
<br /> payment:pay nwnthly to said ASSOCIATION u(tht�mn specilied in Ihe Bund securcJ heieby as in�ercst and principal on said loan,on or belore
<br /> � �hc T\Vl'ill12lI11I]\'U�l'JL'II BfIII CYCf)'IINI1fIt.l10GI ti811�IU;11115 IUII}'rJIII�I)8)'�II l:l\l'S:111(I eSSCSSiIII`I715IrYIClI3bJl(15(SllIII vIl'i1115C5�tl(I OIl 1I11S:VOIl6:l�l'
<br /> i. �� anJ�he Bund securcd Uiereby,bcti�re dclinyuency:lurnish appioved insurancc upun thc buildings thcreun in the smn of S39,ZO�.�Q payahle
<br /> % � �o said ASSOCIATION:repay tu said ASS(K'IATIO\upun denwnd all money by i�p:iid fur such taxes,ussessments;md insurance witli inlerest at
<br /> - thc III:IXIIOIIIII Il`4JI f�lC'Illl'IBOII�fUill ll:lll'U�(1:1\'II1C111.III UI N'IIICII!�IUfI�,J�O[IIZ(CItV'�Ff@CS lU(le\;�)tf1111L OU WdSIC OI15�ItI�1fC1111S1'S;ICCO��II(ICUfi1FtIY
<br /> . with all the agrcemenis and cunJitions uf Il�e n�,�,d r��s 39 2g0 (�(� �his Jay given bp�he said�lo�tgagur tu said ASSOCIAT'ION,and comply
<br /> � e�i�h all the iey�:i�emems u(the Cunstilmion and 85'�Laws uPs:�i AJSOC'IATIO!�:then ihese pcexn�s shall become null and coid,od�en��is'e they
<br /> � shall remain in (u0 force and may bc(ureclosed��the up�iun uf the vid ASSOCIA7lON afiei lailurc (or three montlis to make uny of said
<br /> - p:q'mcnts ur bc�hrec monihs in arrears in ntaking saiJ nwulhly p�ymcnls,ur tu kccp and l'OIO�I�'W1�VI IIIC BbRCI11CI115�Ill�CUI1lIlIlU111 0�S811I IIUf1lI:
<br /> � and 1lorlgagur agrces w ha�'c a receiver:ippoinled(urthH'ith in sudi finedus'ute pmcecdings.
<br /> i If there is any changc in ownc�ship u(Ihc re�l rslalc morlFagcd herein,by salc ur othenvisc,then thc entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> Sl'CUfCII SI18II.8l lllt'UvllUll UI TIIC l:yuitable lluilding and Luan Associatiun uf Grand Island,Nebraska.becmne immeJiately due and payable witf�out
<br /> furiher notice.�nJ the amuunt remaining duc undci s�id bund,and any utlier bund Ibr any additiunal advances ntade thereunder.shall,(rom the
<br /> s. datc uf l'XCltltil'OI S811I0�111011.I)C8f IIIII'fl`)l'JI IIIC f➢0%IIIIIIIII Il`(;8I 1811'.;IOII 1I115 IIIDf1�;e�;l•IIIJV llll'fl bC�OfCCIOSCtI l0 S�hS�}'IIIC 3I7100II1 IIUt Ofl S81d
<br /> E b011(I.BIIII�fl)'Ullll'f I)l)I1lI�UI�lIlI1I111I1�I elI\"dfICCS.l��;l'Illl'f N'11I1:III SUf715�):IIII IlY S:IIII TIIC I'.(�UI[�hIC BUII(Ilflb�flll L��il ASSUCId�IUII U�Gf➢I1lI ISI8171I.
<br /> q Ncbrask�for insurancc,I:ICC5ll111I:ISSL'SSllll'lll$,�Il(I 8bSlfel'l117�;l'Cll'1I511111 l'Illlf�;l'S,\1'illl II1lCft'Sl thereon, frum date U� P8}'�11CIll �l I�IC f113\II11U111
<br /> � �C6��(8ll'.
<br /> � :1s pruvideJ in�he Hund secured hereby.while this morlEuge rem�ins in el7ect the murtgagee may hercal'ter advance additional sums to the
<br /> fO�ICCfS U�S811I I�UI1lI,lllClf:ISS160S Uf SUCI'l'SSOfS 111 IOII'IBSI,\4I11CI7 Sl11I75 SI18II�1l'K9lIll0(I1C Sl'L'llfilY O�(IlIS filUll68�'C IIIP S�fI1C 85 II1C Ellflll5 OII�If1�II)'
<br /> . ucwed therchy,the tntal amuunt uf principal debt not to exceeJ al any�ime the uriginsl amount of ihis mortgage.
<br /> t�����a,�� � t a y��r �y ,�.n.,�'� 76
<br /> � ����� �� ' �
<br /> David k. Alwood Cyntfr�a . Alwoo
<br /> �
<br /> STnTE OF NEBRASKA.( 19 ]( ,before me,
<br /> ss. Onthis �St Jayof July
<br /> COUNTY OF fIALL J -.� _,c.r '
<br /> the undersigned,u Notary Public in unJ Cor said Cuunty,personally came y -
<br /> David R. Alwood and Cynthia A. Alwood, each in his and her own right and as spouse.�f each N '�•"
<br /> I other, ��hO are Peaona y known ro > '
<br /> tx
<br /> mc tu be Uu idenliwl perwn g witusc name s are offiscd lo the above instrument as mortK�6��S �°� they scve�ully y
<br /> r. '
<br /> acknowledged the said mstrument to be tI181 P vuluntary act and dced. i� � {ry� '
<br /> d and Not�rial Scal the dale afurcsaid. ( /� � �
<br /> I ¢ G!!CF f �J�F . ..,:�r.� ` .' .
<br /> � ".�ivCommissionpa ius
<br /> .G-=.
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